LPF Reviews 3

I still like Pork & Beans. The song, not the dish. :D


(BTW you can all bash me now but I don't really get Radiohead)

Did you not read it properly? Pork & Beans is one of the songs I like.

Also I didn't say everyone SHOULD enjoy radiohead, I said everyone should appriciate that they are easily one of the most important
bands of our generation.
I do agree that they are (or were) the most important band in the new millenium, but the only album I really enjoyed by Radiohead was The Bends (mind you the only other ones I've heard were In Rainbows and OK Computer).
I do agree that they are (or were) the most important band in the new millenium, but the only album I really enjoyed by Radiohead was The Bends (mind you the only other ones I've heard were In Rainbows and OK Computer).

They still are, ever since their decision to release an album online for free without a label more and more bands have been doing so. Ok Computer is full of some of the most inspiring songs ever, In Rainbows is very pretty, Amnesiac and Kid A are experimental glitchy electonica with devestating effect. They stilll a band of great relevance and still are one of most important bands around right now, I can't think of many more active bands that would be considerd more important.
hahahahhh what an own...shiiiii


and yes, bands was what I meant.
which is funny, a lot of bands started repeating their early style, resulting in pure crap >.>
I took a listen at the REM "greatest" hits album...well it's bad.
half of the songs sounds exactly the same...they even recycled The end of the world as we know it into Bad Day

Bloc Party
Flux (Japanease Remix Edition)

Anyone remember the pinacle of mainstream british rock with the release of 'Silent Alarm' which
had some of the most intriqute guitar hits of the naughties? Yea? It was pretty good wasn't it? Then
came the neon political 'A Weekend In The City' which was good but was a bit of a let down, then
they released a single by the name of 'Flux' which was quite frankly a very poor example of a dancey
electronic act & at the time I saw it as nothing more than a money grabbing gimmick hoping to jump
onto the success of a Nu-Rave scene and to jump onto the Japanease market... this has been
furtherd by a re-release of 'A Weekend In The City' with Flux thrown in on the end... NME Presents
Flux Remixes and now this... a remix album with 3 Flux remixes and 9 remixes of songs from
'A Weekend In A City'............ hmmm okay.


It's no real secret that I disliked the song a lot, and to be put ahead of me 3 versions of this
song it makes me cringe, but maybe they are alright.... well nah they are just passable floor
fillers really & as for the other remixes? None of them improve on the original and all smack of
mediocre cliche remixes... add a beat and digitalise the voice or strip down the song and add
a beat.... HOOOOORAY! Oh ffs. Bloc Party/Record Label, please stop milking them/yourself for
all your worth, it's getting a bit embarrasing now... below mediocre release here that is essential
for fans of 'Flux' people who didnt like the whole BLOC PARTY GO ELECTRO idea... wait for the
next album which is meant to ditch the whole Electro sound.

:D :)

The first thing I noticed when I looked at the article was the Coldplay-esque font in the album cover (not really like the Coldplay font, but it looks like it to me).
I don't really like the kind of electronica in 'Flux' but it's sort of OK.

Sigur Ros
Med Sud I Eyrum Vid Spilum Endalaust

Sigur Ros are one of the most iconic bands of our generation with over 25million plays on last.fm
they are one of the big boys punching around in the music scene whilst not being mainstream. They
are one of the bands that true music fans will adopt, they aren't a product but more or less just
universaly loved. Sigur Ros specialise in the type of slow brooding music with lavish melodic though
different vocal deliverys and a sound which makes you feel as if your on a completely different
world without being too alien. Having said that I thought their last release was pretty average
and whole heartedly dissapointing from a band that made the beautifuly dark and mysterious
Ágætis Byrjun and (). I didn't know what to expect from Med Sud I Eyrum Vid Spilum Endalaust
and I hadn't heard any previous releases or singles from it before I decided to check it out... I
just thought that it just HAS to be listend to. Med Sud I Eyrum Vid Spilum Endalaust pretty much
immediatly suprises with 2nd track ' Inn