LPF Sessions 3!


New member
that would be cool

oh and stillman, if jeezy is able to clean up the sound quality on my band's song I'm resubmitting a new file, just so you know



New member
nah cause you said "it's linkin park" so I wasn't sure whether you understood the concept of this whole thing lol

but alright cool



New member
any uodates? or a tracklist so far even? I'm sure a few of us wanna know whats the g so far...

not even a comfirmation pm? lol



New member
any uodates? or a tracklist so far even? I'm sure a few of us wanna know whats the g so far...
not even a comfirmation pm? lol
idk tracks aren't due till June 1st,plust no tracklist until final decisions on what gets on the cd



New member
well, stillmn had told me, that he was going to wait until the due date, then send out ALL tracks in one pack to voters, then we will have a playlist, maybe 1-2 weeks later

lol what do you mean...seriously I don't understand
I was just saying that you said it should be on the front page, and then it was done? so "fribs will be done?" get it? i dunno if i had made myself clear or not lol

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