LPF's "Official Lonely Hearts Club"


All The Streetlights
Feb 21, 2006
This thread is for everyone who is unhappily in love....and also for everyone that has a broken heart.

Everyone with a "lonely heart" is welcome in here....:)

Join the club
hi, Im sygy

im putting an ad in here, havnt been in a PROPER relanshonship for over a year now.

i like animals and long walks on the beach. Ermm..im looking for anyone who shares my passion for soya products and making fun of people bad hair stlyes. ermm. im looking for anything, preferebly a human being, male, fairly tall which darkish hair. but ill settle for anything really..not too fussy!

sorry had to do that!! LOL
Ummm...well...it's gonna be a year from my last relationship which I ended cuz I got tired and bored...gosh, how stupid was I! Since then my life is shitty when it comes to love...
I fell in love with a guy who nicely said that he doesn't feel that kinda connection between us but we're firends now and it's all good...we go along very good...he's a good guy...:)
Then I fell in love with his friend...after our little making outs and stuff...and that's like more than 6 months ago...I'm still ****in in love with him! And I'm so confused about him...again...after a long while when nothing was going on actually...whatever...

I'm not really in a mood to explain anything else...so, that's it for now...

And Jeez...great idea!^^
About 3 months since my Long Distance Relationship ended which lasted nearly 1 year, which is quite surprising lol.

But I just hate being single :( I really dunno why it bothers me so much not to be with a girl but It just does, I know they can be annoying sometimes haha but It's apart of life so meh... But seems like no girl likes me in this town, Probably because there is so many stupid rumors going around the town about me, and whenever I do ask a girl out, they usually get their brother to pick a fight with me, Seriously how freakin LAME! is that... They result in violence.

SO I just decided I wouldn't find love in this town because of my bad reputation so when I'm old enough I'm gonna move down to Melbourne. :D But that's gonna be awhile yet :( So ahh well... Nothing I can really do about it.
I've been single for about six or seven months (I could ask my ex, her current relationship is as long as I've been single). I was with her for almost two years, and it hurt a lot when she broke up with me. I accepted her reasons, because she's human and can't help her feelings, but it still damn hurt. I've had random stupid crushes on a couple of people since then, all of whom are now coupled up (some of them even together, which is fun). I'm damn lonely. Three quarters of the posts on my LJ are about how lonely I am. I don't want to seem desparate, but I think I already have... I just want some company. I want to love someone and have them recriprocate it.

Well, enjoy the time you are single, the freedom is beautiful! I lost that in my relationship, she wouldn't let me watch Without a Paddle, the part where the two chicks are washing eachother! Pissed me off! Trust me, enjoy the freedom while you got it!
hi, Im sygy

im putting an ad in here, havnt been in a PROPER relanshonship for over a year now.

i like animals and long walks on the beach. Ermm..im looking for anyone who shares my passion for soya products and making fun of people bad hair stlyes. ermm. im looking for anything, preferebly a human being, male, fairly tall which darkish hair. but ill settle for anything really..not too fussy!

sorry had to do that!! LOL

lol...I actully meet almost all of those requirements
Guys, don't feel down! Honestly, you are the lucky ones!

If you don't like relationships, leave your partner dude. There were aspects about being with my girlfriend I disliked, but for the most part I was a hell of a lot happier in that relationship than out of it. Had it been up to me it wouldn't have ended. It is ****ing lonely being single, especially when everyone around you is together.
I'm single. But I like being single. :]

I don't belong here.

Well for all of you who are sad, here's my ultimate remedy to cure sadness: Ingest edibles or just go to sleep. Or you can slap a tree or something. It works for me.
It is ****ing lonely being single, especially when everyone around you is together.
Exactly! I can't stand the look on the happy-in-love-couples...:(

Well, yeah, you got tired of the relationship and all...but when you end it...you sometimes regret it...feels good at first...being single and free again...but...soon you become lonely...at least that's what happened to me...it just sucks all the way...

So, for ****'s sake, please DarknessLover, don't talk like this, okay? Be ****in happy you got a gf...;)
Just what I need.

I've just been crying over the most stupid of things. That my ex, from a bit ago, has a new girlfriend. I don't even like him anymore, it's stupid, he was a **** boyfriend, but he was my first, and it's just got me really down for some reason... hormones? lol.

And my other ex, who was really nice to me last night telling me how much I meant to him etc, has just completely blanked me.. bah.

And the guy who I've liked for ages won't even speak to me properly, and I really like him... ohhh woe is me.

I just wish that there was someone out there for me, and I think it could be him, but I think he knows I like him and he isn't doing anything about it and it makes me sad.

I just want someone who'll treat me right and be around when I need them, is that so bad? Theres only so much my friends can do, and tbh I just want something more.

Sorry loves I needed a rant.

I've never had a relationship. Funny thing is, i'm quite popular at school and have quite a few girls who are friends, but we're just friends, all the girls I end up talking to otherwise just arn't interested in anything.

17 years and not one girlfriend, even though all my friends around me are slowly starting to hook up leaving me behind, someone please explain why? I consider myself a nice enough guy. Evidently, nice guys finish last.