LPF's "Official Lonely Hearts Club"

Meh, still kicking it in the single life... *sigh*

You know what bugs me? My mum still now rings me and the first thing she always asks is, aside from 'how are you?' is 'So have you found a man yet?' AARGH!! Why the hell is my life reliant on me finding anyone else to complete me?! Damn this society sometimes...
Lolness. ^^
My Mum's asking the same question "have you found a Daniel replacement yet? what about that nice boy Ashton that keeps talking to you? what about Chris or Tom or Hamish? just don't give me grandkids that's all im asking!"
Then your mum isn't like mine - as the only girl, the only one in her thirties still single, and the only one without kids my mum is really chomping at the bit for me to settle down! She wouldn't care if I told her I was pregnant to a stranger tomorrow, she'd be thrilled for me! *shakes head and sighs*
Damn it.
*Is sitting in a corner eating chocolate and drinking bourbon watching the rest of the party mingle* (Not really, just for the sake of setting the scene in this lonely establishment - the clubhouse for instance. It's all about setting ;))


Wallflower? No. Wall-freakin-jungle? That's me. Wish I could interact with others without coming across so... inept. Socially inadequate. It's cute when you're young and naive but when you're old it's downright pathetic...

*sigh again*
Well. Aren't I the hypocrite?
...back to Daniel....that was BEFORE I found out that Ian liked me :(

Don't worry. We're all aliens of some sort. I just happen to be one that cannot stand to be outside a relationship. I'm an alien to single life. Meh. I find staring at (I have to say this for laughs) Brian Molko and Julius (i can't even ****ing spell his last name...Nevelinan...?) better than anything. You have Mikey and Rob. ^^
^ Have Mikey and Rob huh? Am sure Anna and... well Anna would have issues with that, but that's beside the point ;) Thanks anyway.

I find it interesting that in my circle of friends I am the only single one - by choice. I went out today with a good friend who is in a really crap relationship and has been for years. Her other half is basically a glorified housemate that pays half the rent as gets sex as a reward. He doesn't let her have any other friends (I work with her, he can't stop me there really) but everyone else around her has basically shut her out because of him or he has thrown such a hissy-fit no one wants to go there. I pity her but it's hard being on the outside looking in. I give her advice but opinions are like buttholes, as I keep saying, everyone has one, we don't all need to know about it. I know she knows the relationship sucks and logic doesn't enter into it, in matters of the heart and especially after 5 years with him she clings to what she's invested/wasted and not looking at what she'll lose on top of that if she stays with someone that treats her so poorly.

The other friend we went out with today is in a relationship too but she's older than both of us and has an wisdom and cynicism neither my other friend or I have (well, I do, but hers is far more from experience, I observe). It's funny when you get the three of us together talking about relationships.
The involved but not happy, the involved and pretty happy, and the uninvolved, each sort of wanting something that someone else has (ok, minus the poor relationship part). Just made me think was all... how some people are so desperate to avoid being alone they'll suffer everything and anything and end up miserable in the process... and people wonder why I'm so cynical when it comes to love?
Well idk if i should be here but, I am single, and i never had a gf. I did actaully like a girl, but she like my friend (I'll call him T), and another friend of minds likes her too (I'll call him S). So the girl i like (I'll call her A) likes T, but S likes her too. So S asks A out but she says no. So A still likes T but T alreay has someone. Oh and i told her one day how i truely felt about her and i apologized to her. So the only thing she said was that it's ok, and that she'll always have a place in her heart for me. SOOOOO yup. My love story i guess.
Dang thats a predicament right there dude. Hope everything come out right for ya, maybe go hang out with her alot while they dont know, its always fun being sneaky and she may develop feelings for you! That nice she said that though that youll always be in her heart:)

As usual im single, I dont really hate it, but I dont like it either. The girl I like cant see what seems to be in front of her, and I dont get it. So today I decided to quit talkin to her, even though shes one of my best friends, she leads me on too much and im hating it... wahh.
Dang thats a predicament right there dude. Hope everything come out right for ya, maybe go hang out with her alot while they dont know, its always fun being sneaky and she may develop feelings for you! That nice she said that though that youll always be in her heart:)

As usual im single, I dont really hate it, but I dont like it either. The girl I like cant see what seems to be in front of her, and I dont get it. So today I decided to quit talkin to her, even though shes one of my best friends, she leads me on too much and im hating it... wahh.

Hmm... what's wrong with poking her about it? Are you, like, waiting for HER to ask you about it, or what?
Hmm... what's wrong with poking her about it? Are you, like, waiting for HER to ask you about it, or what?

Hmm I just got tired of it haha, if she ends up liking me then so be it. For now though im just like ahhh, cause i do love her alot but somehow im not her type, but she calls me her best friend..so soemthing has to be in common..which is alot