lpp's journal

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4everLP_Shinoda said:
Plz think it as much time as u want,I know u will do the right thing(not to cut yourserlf again)

i still need time snowy k
k i dunno if its the site or my com. but 1 of thems actin gay rite now and wont lemme reply. soooo in ur journal bout cuttin i need u too post my reply. give me credit tho.

i used to cut but it really didnt do n e thing 4 me. i stopped tho cuz ppl made a big deal outta it and they wanted me to get help and i didnt need it and then i got sent to a horrible place! its like the lyrics to lying from you xplain my life. i wanna b pushed aside let me take back my life i'd rather be all alone n e where on my own. those xact words. leave me alone and butt outta my life! ne wayz my cut marks r still fadin but u can barely c them n e more. it took about a month and a half for them to almost completely dissappear. so lpp plz stop cuttin. i kno y u did it cuz it was the same way 4 me. but its NOT WORTH IT!!!!

plz type it xactly like that. but make sure every1 knos i said it!
cutting only makes things worse.
when ur scars have healed u look back on em and then u start to think why u cut urself in the first place. then all the **** comes back and makes u more sad.

take it from me. been there and done that.
woodyloveslinkin said:
cutting only makes things worse.
when ur scars have healed u look back on em and then u start to think why u cut urself in the first place. then all the **** comes back and makes u more sad.

take it from me. been there and done that.

hmm i have told many ppl i would think about it
woodyloveslinkin said:
actually its kinda worse then drugs. well drugs and cutting r sorta related cos they usually come out of being stressed out.

or holding back your emotions.

or what has happend in your childhood.

or having two of your best friend abandon u.

or being abused (which was never me)
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