lpp's journal

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I wouldn't get between sniper and majin......so I guess talking to you was a waste for me? *cries* You can't say people hate you, look at your journal. It has like the second most replies and you JUST GOT HERE!!! YOu know how good this is? As soon as yousendit starts going faster, I'm going to PM you something. I hope it cheers you up. Probably won't but it's the though that counts.
I want to heal
I want to feel
What I thought was never real
I want to let go of the pain I've held so long
[Erase all the pain 'til it's gone]
I want to heal
I want to feel
Like I'm close to something real
I want to find something i've wanted all along
Somewhere I belong
this is the last thing i'm gonna post
lpp said:
I want to heal
I want to feel
What I thought was never real
I want to let go of the pain I've held so long
[Erase all the pain 'til it's gone]
I want to heal
I want to feel
Like I'm close to something real
I want to find something i've wanted all along
Somewhere I belong
this is the last thing i'm gonna post

lpp im sorry but im a go pschitzo on you here!!! stop being a lil drama queen suck it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ImTheOneThatFalls said:
lpp im sorry but im a go pschitzo on you here!!! stop being a lil drama queen suck it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My words exacly...

If you leave dont expect me sniper or anyone else come after you
I Just came from Viking's journal and found you going off about me there. While I'm not one for getting confrontational, I'll repeat to you here what I said in response in his journal, and that I'm sorry if by merely mentioning your name I offended you (How, I don't know) but had you read that entry IN IT'S CONTEXT you'd have seen it wasn't an insult/flaming. I was expressing my concern for you and what you do, which, by the way, is no secret. You just yesterday wrote a poem about it and asked me to review it, did you not? I've said to you before, while I don't agree with what you do, and it's certainly not my place to stop you, I was concerned for you and that I could relate in part to what you do, having done it myself. By having expressed this I thought I was sharing a rapport with someone who's obviously angry enough not only with herself but the rest of the world if she needs to call ppl names to feel vindicated for someone else showing a modicum of sympathy or concern for her. If I pissed you off, I'm sorry, that was never my intention. But I'd appreciate it in future if you have something to say to me then say it to me, and at least be consistent in your criticisms. If you can chat with everyone else and write poems and carry on about cutting yourself why get pissed when someone mentions it? If you didn't want us knowing you wouldn't go on about it. Having said that, if you still feel vilified, come over to my journal and talk to me there. And I'd appreciate it if you kept the name calling to a minimum. You're allowed an opinion but try and keep it civil. We're all supposed to be mature adults here, or near-enough, anyway.
Again, sorry for causing you obvious distress, it was never my intention. If you're still baying for blood or have any further issues, please post it in my journal. Thanks for your time. :)
LPP, you should tell us if you're cutting, you should also tell your family or someone you can share it with. I started by sharing my problems with the people of LPF, and now everything is in order. I feel happy, you should be able to be happy too. If you're American, which I expect, I can't really talk about the things that bother you in daily life. The US is so totally different from the rest of the world, and so is where I live. What I can relate to is if you experience anger, sadness, depression and things like that, I know how it feels. Listen to soul music (soul strengthening music that is), eat soul food, do some soul searching and hope for the best. And share your worries with good people. I'm guessing you're not very old, probably a teenager. No person, certainly not a teenager should bare the weight of the world on their shoulders. When I feel down, I lay down and sleep. Sleep is good, it's refreshing, energizing and insomnia or lack of sleep is one of the main causes of stress, worries and anger and more things like that. Doctors have realized that now and instead of perscribing some pills they tell people to go home and sleep. Sleep rids you of your worries also, for some time at least. If that won't work, seek some professional help.
hey ppls of lpf

i'm back.....and SNIPER was right he said i would cut last night and i did.

but i'm back.
4everLP_Shinoda said:
Nice to have u back with us,and I´m not gonna say anything about what u said.

well thnk u snowy

well today seems to be going smoothly......i have been on the computer since i woke up i haven't cut myself yet........umm i haven't not written anything yet out of poems.....i have had no exciting moments yet and still kinda bored..
o0SugaxNxSpice0o said:
Welcome back :)


but yes.........i still miss my best friendi alwayz think about her...
still thinking if she is mad at me or hates me......

ugh its killing me............

ok but i still miss ellie she knows me to well besides SNIPER

but still i miss her.....i think about everyday.........thinking is she still mad or does she hate me.....things..

stupidsoul1 said:
try talking it over with her

i'm srry ss1 i hope i don't sound like a bitch

but she won't answer the phone nor reply to her emails
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