LP's Last Album?


New member
Hopefully they won't break up, if their contract says that they have to make 3 more albums or they'll get sued then they don't really have a choice do they :p


New member
Maybe so, but they might get even at Warner and make an album that really sucks...or just experiment the **** out of the albums and then they'd suck...it's a possibility.


New member
Most likely they'll make some LPU's if all else fails. Shinoda's busy with his hip-hop heads right now and their probably gonna make a sophomore album; I've got my hands on the Rising Tied, (from a legit establishment, chill..) and they have a bunch of songs they didn't put on the album. Some songs include 100 Degrees, Bloc Party, etc. They've appeared on Green Lantern's mixtape but they'll probably seek more mainstream release regardless of Jay-Z's input.

Also, i heard Chester's doing his own thing right now, so until those vocalists come back to their band, and oh yes, Mr. Hahn from his movie, there probably won't be another album until then.



New member
chester i love you...so much LINKIN PARK please launching album you're it's great.... we will rock you guys i'll always support to you.....


New member
Yes.....yes I crave it tho I have'nt heard it Ireally want it
So do I! i cant wait till the next album... it ****** me off cause ive been waiting too long

:::sits on chair and waits some more:::

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