Lpu 4.0 Cd


New member
LP Underground 4.0

Hi, i'm looking for a CD-Image of the entire CD. (.iso or sth. like that)

So, maybe someone can offer me a complete CD-Image of the LPU 4.0?

I would also trade for it! Check out my tradelist: http://www.chesterchaz.de

Please contact me (ICQ, MSN or Mail (max-kalks@gmx.de)) :thumbsup:

-= Chesterchaz =-



New member
coz i m making online song player of cc and anonymous lp tracks

cc has 13 songs 6 Real and other 7 live ..well thknx both of u...cheeers



New member
Hey chesterchaz I didnt know you came here! Awesome! Thanks so much for the tracks!

EDIT : Is there any MP3 versions? Because it says I dont have the right program to play them. Since they are ".rar".

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