[LPU Chat With B.B.B.]

Yeah I was actually waiting for that to happen lol
and its just in time since my membership is running out soon
but honestly idk if I'll get on bc I'd have to get on at like 3am -.- and dunno if thats worth it... *shrugs*
rofl my membership expired like.... 3 days ago, bummer there i could have flamed him and left lpu with a bang :D
well hopefully its better than the rob that, cause that chat was like a bot chat...
I just renewed the other day. I'm leaving for Paris tonight so I can't ****ing make it but oh well I have lots of friends so I'll have someone represent me.

The two questions I'm debating about:

1. Brad thanks for adding A Place For My Head back to the setlist after all the pestering we've done as fans. The setlists are great. Do you plan or have you thought about adding old songs to the setlist that you've never played live, such as Carousel (which you rehearsed in 2001), Part Of Me, possibly No Roads Left, or even something like Fuse?

2. Something about Plaster, but I think I'll save that until I meet LP in person at a M&G and tell them about it there lol.

I'm praying to ****ing God I get a M&G for Nashville, omg. I'm so worried I won't. /fanboy moment.
I just renewed the other day. I'm leaving for Paris tonight so I can't ****ing make it but oh well I have lots of friends so I'll have someone represent me.

The two questions I'm debating about:

1. Brad thanks for adding A Place For My Head back to the setlist after all the pestering we've done as fans. The setlists are great. Do you plan or have you thought about adding old songs to the setlist that you've never played live, such as Carousel (which you rehearsed in 2001), Part Of Me, possibly No Roads Left, or even something like Fuse?

2. Something about Plaster, but I think I'll save that until I meet LP in person at a M&G and tell them about it there lol.

I'm praying to ****ing God I get a M&G for Nashville, omg. I'm so worried I won't. /fanboy moment.
would be ****ing sad if you dont get one, unlucky for you they dont give it to the people with street cred but rather to the 2008 newbies :\
I just renewed the other day. I'm leaving for Paris tonight so I can't ****ing make it but oh well I have lots of friends so I'll have someone represent me.

The two questions I'm debating about:

1. Brad thanks for adding A Place For My Head back to the setlist after all the pestering we've done as fans. The setlists are great. Do you plan or have you thought about adding old songs to the setlist that you've never played live, such as Carousel (which you rehearsed in 2001), Part Of Me, possibly No Roads Left, or even something like Fuse?

2. Something about Plaster, but I think I'll save that until I meet LP in person at a M&G and tell them about it there lol.

I'm praying to ****ing God I get a M&G for Nashville, omg. I'm so worried I won't. /fanboy moment.

Be sure to tell the band member more about the band than he knows. Maybe you should put that "/fanboy moment" at the end of all of your posts. :p
Be sure to tell the band member more about the band than he knows. Maybe you should put that "/fanboy moment" at the end of all of your posts. :p

yeah lmao i could just see someone say blah blah "fanboy moment" and the guys all look at each other like WTF?!

but someone NEEDS to tell him to cut his ****ing hair
Ehhh nothing is really happening...Hes not givin any cool answers
So far they dont look to play And One Carousel or any really old ones..

Viet1982 says to (18:09): Hey Brad if you werent in the music industry what would you be doing today? <3 from NOLA!
bigbadbrad says to (18:12): Probably something in the music industry.
vnycius says to WesleyBR (18:09): hey Brad, what's up?! So, tell me, what have you been listening to? Right now what are your favorite bands? And do you like any Brazilian music? Bands, songs? I know Hahn enjoys capoeira, and all you guys like sepultura... but, anything else?
bigbadbrad says to (18:11): I don't have one favorite album in particular, but I really like OK Computer , Bob Marley's "Legend", "The Joshua Tree" and Weezer's "Blue Album."
bigbadbrad says to (18:13): Right now, I like Editors, The National, and Death Cab for Cutie.

Westi says to (18:12): Brad! what was your favourite show on the UK tour and why?
bigbadbrad says to (18:14): I really enjoyed all our shows in the UK, but I particularly liked The O2 because I had heard a lot about it.
wesleyhahn says to WesleyBR (18:13): Brad, do you think about working again with some old-school songs, maybe some never played live before, like Part of me, Carousel... or maybe even 'revive' some old ones like High Voltage and And One? If you do, can we wait for it soon? Lots of fans love
bigbadbrad says to (18:16): Wow, that's really old school. I can't promise any of those, but we have brought some oldies - but goodies - back into the sets.
wanju says to (18:13): What do you like to do during touring?
bigbadbrad says to (18:16): Play great shows, work out, and get a lot of rest.
yourlilgoddess says to (18:17): BRAD! Where do you get the inspiration to write music and the energy to perform night after night? -- Your 1st make a wish kid, Chelsey....see you in 10 days!!! =)
bigbadbrad says to (18:19): I love making music, particularly writing new songs, so that's always been fun for me. And playing shows is a great opportunity to showcase the music that we create.
Yukiru says to (18:17): Hey brad hope ure fine n not too tired, my question is which of ur guitars is ur fav and would u if u had the time, show a fan who asked for it how to play some cool riffs etc and possibly give one of ur guitars away(to a fan)?
bigbadbrad says to (18:20): Probably my red PRS. And your best bet for riffs is YouTube or your local guitar teacher.
YUNA says to BumbleBee (18:18): Hi Brad ! First of all, i'd like to thank you for coming in Montreal again !!! and my question is : I'd like to know what is the Best Halloween costume you've ever worn, if any?"
bigbadbrad says to (18:21): One year I dressed as Christian Slater from the major motion picture, "Hard Rain."
_Zer0_ says to DarthYak (18:18): hey brad do you guys think you will ever re-visit some of your old xero songs? (besides rhinestone)
Aditya_the_warrior_within says to XxbrokenangelxX (18:21): hey Brad ! Aditya here , from India. well in your albums viz hybrid theory and meteora it was nu metal, rap rock and alternative rock mainly ..while minutse to midnight had a wider range of genres and styles :) so can you give a small hint on your next
bigbadbrad says to (18:22): I'll have a better idea after we write it.
Arti_Bennoda says to (18:21): Sup, Big Bad! I was wondering, what was your most embarrassing moment with the band?
ARTES says to (18:22): Hi Brad. Lots of fans always ask when will you come to their country. Can you explain once and for all who picks the countries you go to on tour and what affects your choise? Does that include the amount of LPU members or albums sold in that country?
alex_rubiano says to (18:23): what's the most outrageous interaction you've ever encountered w/ a fan (the human kind, not the device) hehe btw ur the most amzing guitarist the world's ever seen--- not to be a suck up, haha
bigbadbrad says to (18:25): It's compliments like that that keep me coming back to the LPU chat.
Anstice says to (18:24): Hi Brad! My name is Jade Jewell. I really like music and to sing and would like to pursue a career in the music industry. I was wondering what advice you could give me to put myself out there to be noticed by someone in the music eye. Love your music!
bigbadbrad says to (18:25): Work hard on your craft. And find some like-minded musicians with whom to collaborate.
AundreaJ says to bigbadbrad (18:25): Where does your inspiration to play come from?
bec says to bigbadbrad (18:25): Hi Brad, I was at all the UK shows - so good! I noticed Mike made a lot of mistakes and we wondered if he was punished for this? if so, how?
BrandonLP24 says to (18:25): Hey Brad, since 2008 stated it seems like you guys like to remix some of your songs live adding various extended outros and intros, what made you guys start that? its awesome by the way! Oh see you guys at Rupp in 12 Days!
bigbadbrad says to (18:26): Not having enough music.
bennington89 says to (18:25): Hi Brad! the concert in omaha last night was AMAZING! so now my question...are you working on any side projects of any kind?
bigbadbrad says to (18:27): I'm developing a non-verbal spoken word project.
bourdongirl says to cesarlp (18:26): hi brad, so much love from Peru :D, what's the big difference in the tour experience so far after the MTM was released in comparison to the previous tours and which new countries would you like to visit on the next southamerican tour? - you rock man!!!,
bigbadbrad says to (18:28): A lot more songs to choose from, which enables us to perform unique sets of music each night.
Blak_Rabbit says to (18:26): Hey Brad, If the band were to have ideas for another album, would you guys record in a similar work space again or go back to a studio setting like NRG?
bigbadbrad says to (18:29): Working in a non-traditional studio environment really helped us to push our musical boundaries creatively.
Chemist999 says to (18:27): Hello Brad, hope you?ll be having a great time tonight. We?ve heard that Chester?s Dead By Sunrise is finished by now and just as you acted as a ?supervisor? on Mike?s Fort Minor, have you or any other bandmember done something similar with Chester?s DBS?
bigbadbrad says to (18:30): I currently endorse the D-Sonic pickup by DiMarzio, and I'm also putting out my own amp emulator... stay tuned.
Ch3mN3rd says to (18:27): ok brad i just gotta know. What is the deal with your headphones! I know you always give a goofy answer(which i am kind of expecting) . Also on a more serious note, what kind of headphones do you use to listen to music?
Chaps_LP says to (18:27): hi brad-i would like to know when you'll realease new dvd concert?Great job with M2M(still sounds LP) and looking forward to new one-say hi to other guys
Callili says to (18:28): Could you imagine life without the band?
bernabrook says to (18:28): what is your biggest professional disappointment?
ChesterzMuse says to (18:28): Which song, off of any album, are you most proud of?
bigbadbrad says to (18:32): Maybe "Bleed It Out," 'cause it's dope.
Coraisan_Dragon says to (18:28): Yo Brad, wat sup dude, I was just wondering who is your favourite guitarist, also what do you think of Tom Morello from RATM??
ChesterzMuse says to (18:30): would you feel creeped out if someone wanted to tattoo your name?
drummer_lodz says to (18:31): Hi BBB. Which of LP's song you don't like (or it's hard) to play? Peace from Poland :)
Demeteora says to EChup (18:32): This is a rather odd question but: how do you imagine yourself in 15 years? What will be the same and what will be different?
deanowardust says to (18:32): on the minutes to midnight dvd there is a songs that strings are being recorded for which hasn't been released yet. want to tell us what got all that way but then scrapped?
Doggie24690 says to (18:32): Hey Brad, I was wondering if there was any significance of how many tracks you guys put on an album. Is it label related or just a comfortable number for you and the guys?
bigbadbrad says to (18:35): Yes. For each album, we always choose the perfect number of tracks. Also, if you add up all the tracks on all our albums and divide that number by 5, you will have a much smaller number.
bigbadbrad says to (18:33): Hilary Clinton.
[Note: not sure which question this answer is for, bernabrook maybe?]
Dreamy_Violence says to (18:33): hi brad, here's gloria.. I really love to hear you playing guitar!so, my question is: what kind of advice would you give to a person who would say to you, he/she wants to change something in his/her life, but doesn't have the courage to do it.
DemonCarnotaur says to bigbadbrad (18:33): Hey Brad, as you guys have done new intros and outros are there any plans to add new songs that we havent heard before to the sets? (As done with Qwerty)
Energy says to FisicoUk (18:33): Hey Brad. Thanks for the amazing show at the O2 in London. Will we ever get to hear a final version of the track Grecian, the one we hear on the MTM-DVD? Also what's your favourite fish from the south pacific? thanks stay cool. Keep the hair fluffy! -E
bigbadbrad says to (18:33): Last 3 questions, please.
Ewelina16 says to (18:34): hi Brad!! your ebow effect in 'No More Sorrow' is just great. Thank you so much for your support for Pearl Jam in Poland. That was so wonderful!!! but you're so often in Germany, will you come back to Poland? It's not so far away from Germany.
Emy0404 says to (18:34): hey brad,i know youve known mike since 7th grade,like is it wierd seeing his face since 7th grade to now as adults?
bigbadbrad says to (18:36): Yes, yes, yes.
FisicoUk says to (18:36): You played "Wish" by Nine Inch Nails at a couple of LP Gigs, including at Project Revolution. Do you think this was a success, and would you like to see it played more often, as it proved to be huge in the UK... We screamed for it at the 02 gig!!!!!!
FrenchChazy says to bigbadbrad (18:36): Hello, Brad! Have you read the french LPusers' fan book? I've given it to Chester at the Paris' M&G :) If not, plesae read it. We did this with our heart:p kisses We love you!
Fracture says to (18:36): what is your favorite part of performing live?
Geki says to bigbadbrad (18:37): Hey Brad! I was just wondering if any b-sides are going to be released from the minutes to midnight album, I'd love to hear them!
bigbadbrad says to (18:38): That's a great question. We shouldn't rule it out. As I predicted, this was another display of awesomeness that has come to be known as the LPU Chat. For those of you whose questions I did not get to, do the following:
bigbadbrad says to (18:39): Translate my answers to the previous questions into a European language, ask yourself a question, and if you don't speak that language, ask somebody who does. Much respect, BBB.

Gabi says to (18:40): At first I have to say that I'm so happy because today is my birthday and it's so cool that I can chat with you today. And my question is: do you have any pleasant memory of concert in Poland in June 2007?
Gem says to (18:40): do you guys have any rituals AFTER a performance?
*** (18:40):bigbadbrad lost connection, left the room
JonandBT says to (18:40): Oh he's gone.
BrandonLP24 says to (18:25): Hey Brad, since 2008 stated it seems like you guys like to remix some of your songs live adding various extended outros and intros, what made you guys start that? its awesome by the way! Oh see you guys at Rupp in 12 Days!
bigbadbrad says to (18:26): Not having enough music.

Lol this one cracked me up

Some really good questions weren´t answered..too bad

Edit : Lol Brandon, didn´t even know it was your question XD