[LPU Chat With B.B.B.]


BrandonLP24 says to (18:25): Hey Brad, since 2008 stated it seems like you guys like to remix some of your songs live adding various extended outros and intros, what made you guys start that? its awesome by the way! Oh see you guys at Rupp in 12 Days!
bigbadbrad says to (18:26): Not having enough music.

Ha! I diddnt even see he answered my question, shweet! Small answer but hey :rolleyes:
well, i didn't really expect much from that chat, the last chats they did were pretty disappointing too, so... and seeing how he did it short before a show i'm not suprised he was pretty short cut too.
well... its was really just a case of answering some and leaving some, no real interaction and like always no mysteries were solved :>
damn how they always "miss" the important questions.