LPUnderground 6 CD Leaked!

Anferny said:
Hey guys! I know I'm new here and all, but I am indeed a Linkin Park fanatic, enthusiast! I was wondering if anybody can PM me the link or send me an email : krawling001@hotmail.com to the Announcement Service Public song. Thank you very much in advanced.

(Mind you I didn't join this forum just to acquire this track lol.)

if you were a fanatic, you would either a) buy the cd in a few days or b) already know where to find the track.

guys, we cant hand out links, if you want it, your gonna have to find it, its not that hard...
I would buy the album, if it were available in stores? I would join the LPU, but from what I remember you need a credit card and all these verifications in order to join. ( please correct me if I am wrong ) I'll visit the site later to acquire more information. I wouldn't be here asking if I could simple go into a music shop and purchase the underground CDs.
i like the PMA piano its so.... amazing damnit and the Announcement Service Public is so f'ing cool do you think this is kinda a hint of the music to come?
Probably, we can't say for sure, but personally I hope Announcement Service Public IS a hint for what's to come. From what I hear Announcement Service Public will be on the album, I'm not sure however, I think I got this bit of news from either wikipedia or LPAssociation.com forums. Plus, I also heard the track isn't fully completed, I could be wrong about all this though. Either way, 07' is going to be a great year. Linkin Park ( finally ), a plethora of movies I'm looking foreward to, graduation. Whoo!
surely there is someone else on LPF who is disapointed with this LPU release....
i mean, A.S.P rocks, the QWERTY demo is alright, but we already had that live QWERTY track, and good quality P.M.A and R.M.E (i admit they werent soundboard, but still). Nothing new...

I dont know, its been what, 4 years since Meteora, im disapointed we havent had anything decent for ages....