Lyrics to what you are listening to


New member
(Why yes I am lol)

Wollt ihr das Bett in Flammen sehen?

Lyrics ©1995 Rammstein.

Wollt ihr das Bett in Flammen sehen

wollt ihr in Haut und Haaren untergehen

ihr wollt doch auch den Dolch ins Laken stecken

ihr wollt doch auch das Blut vom Degen lecken


Ihr seht die Kreuze auf dem Kissen

Ihr meint euch darf die Unschuld küssen

Ihr glaubt zu töten wäre schwer

Doch wo kommen all die Toten her


*** ist ein Schlacht

Liebe ist Krieg

Wollt ihr das Bett in Flammen sehen

wollt ihr in Haut und Haaren untergehen

ihr wollt doch auch den Dolch ins Laken stecken

ihr wollt doch auch das Blut vom Degen lecken




Active Members
Hikaru Utada - Passion

wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen I

Omoidaseba haruka haruka

Mirai wa doko mademo kagayaiteta

Kirei na aozora no shita de

Bokura wa sukoshi dake obieteta

Natsukashii iro ni

Mado ga somaru

Mae wo muitereba mata aemasu ka

Mirai wa doko edemo tsudzuiterunda

Ookina kanban no shita de

Jidai no utsuroi wo miteitai na

Nido to aenu hito ni basho ni

Mado wo akeru

Omoidaseba haruka haruka

Mirai wa doko mademo kagayaiteta

Kirei na aozora no shita de

Bokura wa itsu mademo nemutteita

Zutto mae ni suki datta hito

Fuyu ni kodomo ga umareru sou da

Mukashi kara no kimari koto wo

Tama ni ukagaitaku naru yo

Zutto wasurerarenakatta no

Nengajou wa shashin tsuki kana

Watashitachi ni dekinakatta koto wo

Totemo natsukashiku omou yo

(All my fears and all our lies)

Aozora no shita...



New member

"The Only Difference Between Martyrdom And Suicide Is Press Coverage"

Sit tight, I'm gonna need you to keep time

Come on just snap, snap, snap your fingers for me

Good, good now we're making some progress

Come on just tap, tap, tap your toes to the beat

And I believe this may call for a proper introduction, and well

Don't you see, I'm the narrator, and this is just the prologue?

Swear to shake it up, if you swear to listen

Oh, we're still so young, desperate for attention

I aim to be your eyes, trophy boys, trophy wives

Swear to shake it up, and you swear to listen

Oh, we're still so young, desperate for attention

I aim to be your eyes, trophy boys, trophy wives

Applause, applause, no wait wait

Dear studio audience, I've an announcement to make:

It seems the artists these days are not who you think

So we'll pick back up on that on another page

And I believe this may call for a proper introduction, and well

Don't you see, I'm the narrator and this is just the prologue

Swear to shake it up, if you swear to listen

Oh, we're still so young, desperate for attention

I aim to be your eyes, trophy boys, trophy wives

Swear to shake it up, and you swear to listen

Oh, we're still so young, desperate for attention

I aim to be your eyes, trophy boys, trophy wives

Swear to shake it up, you swear to listen

Swear to shake it up, you swear to listen

Swear to shake it up, you swear to listen

Swear to shake it up, swear to shake it up

Swear to shake it up, if you swear to listen

Oh, we're still so young, desperate for attention

I aim to be your eyes, trophy boys, trophy wives

Swear to shake it up, if you swear to listen

Oh, we're still so young, desperate for attention

I aim to be your eyes



New member

Meine Sachen will ich pflegen

Den Rest in Schutt und Asche legen

Zerreißen zerschmeißen

Zerdrücken zerpflücken

Ich geh am Gartenzaun entlang

Wieder spür ich diesen Drang

Ich muss zerstören

Doch es darf nicht mir gehören

Ich muss zerstören

Doch es darf nicht mir gehören


Ich nehme eure Siebensachen

Werde sie zunichte machen

Zersägen zerlegen

Nicht fragen zerschlagen

Und jetzt die Königsdisziplin

Ein Köpfchen von der Puppe ziehen

Verletzen zerfetzen zersetzen


Doch es darf nicht mir gehören

Ich muss zerstören


Ich würde gern etwas zerstören

Doch es darf nicht mir gehören

Ich will ein guter Junge sein

Doch das Verlangen holt mich ein

Ich muss zerstören

Doch es darf nicht mir gehören


Zerreißen zerschmeißen

Zerdrücken zerpflücken

Zerhauen und klauen

Nicht fragen zerschlagen

Zerfetzen verletzen

Zerbrennen dann rennen

Zersägen zerlegen

Zerbrechen sich rächen

Er traf ein Mädchen, das war blind

Geteiltes Leid und gleichgesinnt

Sah einen Stern vom Himmel gehen

Und wünschte sich sie könnte sehn

Sie hat die Augen aufgemacht

Verließ ihn noch zur selben Nacht



New member
Totalimmortal - AFI lyrics

Hope unkown. Sometimes just waking is surreal

I walk right through the nameless ones.

I know that hope's unknown.

Sometimes the water feels so real.

As I walk through it fills my lungs, my ***, I'm drowning.

This day never seems to end.

This pain, never.

The rage I can not let go.

I hear them calling my name.

I feel them gnawing out holes through flawless souls.

So alone. Sometimes I swear that I can hear the taunting of the voiceless ones.

I fear that I alone fear those who finally ceased to feel that they're alone

inside this place.

I am the misplaced.

Now every face, it looks familiar...

then every face would melt away until...

now everyone, do you know, I know your deception?


Wasted Years

Year of the Spider

There's a game life plays

makes you think you're everything they ever said you were

Like to take some time

Clear away everything I've planned


Was it life I've betrayed

for the shape that I'm in

It's not hard to fail

it's not easy to win

did I drink too much

could I dissapear

and there's nothing that's left but wasted tears

There's nothing left but wasted years

If I could change my life

Be a simple kind of man try to do the best I can

if I could take the sides

I'd dreail every path I could

I'm about to die

won't you clear away from me give me strength to fly away


There's nothing left but wasted years [x3]

[Chorus x3]



New member
London calling-the clash

London calling to the faraway towns

Now war is declared, and battle come down

London calling to the underworld

Come out of the cupboard, you boys and girls

London calling, now don't look to us

Phoney Beatlemania has bitten the dust

London calling, see we ain't got no swing

'Cept for the ring of that truncheon thing

[Chorus 1:]

The ice age is coming, the sun's zooming in

Meltdown expected, the wheat is growing thin

Engines stop running, but I have no fear

'Cause London is drowning, and I live by the river

London calling to the imitation zone

Forget it, brother, you can go it alone

London calling to the zombies of death

Quit holding out, and draw another breath

London calling, and I don't wanna shout

But when we were talking, I saw you nodding out

London calling, see we ain't got no high

Except for that one with the yellowy eyes

[Chorus 2: (x2)]

The ice age is coming, the sun's zooming in

Engines stop running, the wheat is growing thin

A nuclear era, but I have no fear

'Cause London is drowning, and I live by the river

Now get this

London calling, yes, I was there, too

An' you know what they said? Well, some of it was true!

London calling at the top of the dial

After all this, won't you give me a smile?

London calling

I never felt so much alike [fading] alike alike alike



New member
Ich will (I want)

Lyrics ©2001 Rammstein.

Ich will

Ich will dass ihr mir vertraut

Ich will dass ihr mir glaubt

Ich will eure Blicke spüren

Ich will jeden Herzschlag kontrollieren

Ich will eure Stimmen hören

Ich will die Ruhe stören

Ich will dass ihr mich gut seht

Ich will dass ihr mich versteht

Ich will eure Phantasie

Ich will eure Energie

Ich will eure Hände sehen

Ich will in Beifall untergehen

Seht ihr mich?

Versteht ihr mich?

Fühlt ihr mich?

Hört ihr mich?

Könnt ihr mich hören?

Wir hören dich

Könnt ihr mich sehen?

Wir sehen dich

Könnt ihr mich fühlen?

Wir fühlen dich

Ich versteh euch nicht

Ich will

Wir wollen dass ihr uns vertraut

Wir wollen dass ihr uns alles glaubt

Wir wollen eure Hände sehen

Wir wollen in Beifall untergehen - ja

Könnt ihr mich hören?

Wir hören dich

Könnt ihr mich sehen?

Wir sehen dich

Könnt ihr mich fühlen?

Wir fühlen dich

Ich versteh euch nicht

Könnt ihr uns hören?

Wir hören euch

Könnt ihr uns sehen?

Wir sehen euch

Könnt ihr uns fühlen?

Wir fühlen euch

Wir verstehen euch nicht

Ich will



New member
"Young For Eternity" - The Subways

Thank *** for Dracula,

He sucked the **** out of me,

Now I can leave my work for nights,

And leave my days for sleeping

Young For Eternity

Young For Eternity

Thank *** for Dracula,

He sucked the **** out of me,

Now I can leave my work for nights,

And leave my days for sleeping

Young For Eternity

Young For Eternity

Young For Eternity



New member
Ахат(Ahat)-a Bulgarian rock band

Бавно ни залива морето

от сиви , тягосни дни

умът не слуша сърцето ,

а вечно смята и бди .

Падаме в калта , затъваме до шия в нея

виновни търсим , за да успеем

невинни в калта да заспим .

Хората сега са глупави стада ,

водещи борба за власт и за трева ,

стискайки зъби подават си ръка .

Не , аз не мога да спя сега .


Аз сам си избрах тази съдба

вечната черна овца .


Всяка глупост има си време

да стане малка правда дори ,

щом овчарят може да дреме ,

а стадото да точи зъби .

Злото ви поглъща с грозната си мъст ,

никой не посмя да чуе моя глас .

Не , аз не мога да съм като вас .


Аз сам си избрах тази съдба

вечната черна овца .


Сложил бях на карта сетния си час

никой не посмя да чуе моя глас .

Черен съм сега и в профил и в анфас .

Не , аз не мога да съм като вас !


Аз сам си избрах тази съдба

вечната черна овца .




New member
Laibach - Krvava Gruda - Plodna Zemlja

Sočna je zemlja v večerni goreči luči,

strast blaznih očetov nas do zadnjega muči.

Dali so nam oči, da v njih se pijanost pretaka,

dali so nam roke, grešne plodove mrake.

Ljubimo zemljo bolestno, kakor so oni ljubili,

ljubimo nijh sive glave, plodnost so nam podelili.


[English translate: ****** Ground - Fertile Land]

Rich is the earth in the burning evening light,

the passion of our mad fathers is tormenting us to the last.

They gave us eyes that drunkeness decants inside them,

they gave us hands - the sinful fruits of twilight

We love our land sorrowfully as they loved it

their grey heads we love, fertility they gave us.




New member
Reise, Reise

Lyrics ©2004 Rammstein.

Auch auf den Wellen wird gefochten

Wo Fisch und Fleisch zur See geflochten

Der eine sticht die Lanz' im Heer

Der andere wirft sie in das Meer


Reise, Reise Seemann Reise

Jeder tut's auf seine Weise

Der eine stößt den Speer zum Mann

Der andere zum Fische dann

Reise, Reise Seemann Reise

Und die Wellen weinen leise

In ihrem Blute steckt ein Speer

Bluten leise in das Meer

Die Lanze muss im Fleisch ertrinken

Fisch und Mann zur Tiefe sinken

Wo die schwarze Seele wohnt

ist kein Licht am Horizont


Reise, Reise Seemann Reise

Jeder tut's auf seine Weise

Der eine stößt den Speer zum Mann

Der andere zum Fische dann

Reise, Reise Seemann Reise

Und die Wellen weinen leise

In ihrem Blute steckt ein Speer

Bluten leise in das Meer

Reise, Reise Seemann Reise

Und die Wellen weinen leise

In ihrem Herzen steckt ein Speer

Bluten sich am Ufer leer



New member
Song: allt sem þú lest er lygi

band: Maus

album: í þessi sekúndubrot sem ég flýt.

heyrðu mig nú,

getur þetta verið satt?

að það sé innantóm trú að trúa öllu sem ég les?

ég hélt að jörðin væri kúla,

ég hélt að ást myndi aldrei fúna,

þar til ég las það undrandi að allt sem þú lest er lygi.

og nú stend ég á gati,

og lýsi yfir frati á skynsemi skólabóka,

allt sem þú lest er lygi.

bíddu nú við,

lýgur þá fréttablaðið af einskærum sið eða til hugsunaruppeldis?

ég trúði á alla vinsældarlista,

ég trúði á pönk og anarkista,

þar til ég las það undrandi að allt sem þú lest er lygi.

og það er borað í hausinn á mér,

ég fylltur lygatjöru með stórri tregt.

og það er borað í hausinn á mér,

ég tappa af til að skilja eitthvað.

en sjáðu nú til,

ég get fært mér þetta í vil,

til að mata þig af þeirri vitleysu sem ég vil.

ég hélt að jörðin væri kúla,

ég hélt að ást myndi aldrei fúna,

þar til ég las það undrandi að allt sem þú lest er lygi.

og það er borað í hausinn á mér,

ég fylltur lygatjöru með stórri tregt.

og það er borað í hausinn á mér,

ég tappa af til að skilja eitthvað.

en hausverkurinn sem fylgir...

er merkilegri en öll sannleikskorn...

hausverkurinn sem fylgir...

hreinn sannleikur...



New member
Korn - "A.D.I.D.A.S"

Honestly, somehow it always seems that I'm dreaming of

something I can never be

It dosen't bother me, 'cause I will always be that pimp I see

in all of my fantasies

I don't know your ******* name.

So what? Let's. . .

Screwin' may be the only way that I can truly be free

from my ****** up reality

so I dream and stroke it harder, 'cause its so fun to see my

face staring back at me

I don't know your ******* name.

So what? Let's ****.

All Day I Dream About ***

All Day I Dream About ******'



System of a Down


My **** is much bigger than yours,

My **** can walk right through the door

With a feeling so pure..

It's got you screaming back for more!

We're the cruel regulators smoking


Cool, in denial

We're the cruel regulators smoking


My **** stinks much better than yours,

My **** stinks right down through the floor.

With a feeling so pure,

It's got you coming back for more.

Cool, in denial

We're the cruel regulators smoking


Cool, in denial

We're the cruel regulators smoking


Cool, in denial

We're the cruel regulators smoking


Cool, in denial

We're the cruel regulators smoking


Can't you see that I love my ****?

Can't you see that you love my ****?

Can't you see that we love my ****?

We're the regulators that de-regulate

We're the animators that de-animate

We're the propagators of all genocide

Burning through the world's resources, then we turn and hide

Cool, in denial

We're the cruel regulators smoking


Cool, in denial

We're the cruel regulators smoking


We're the regulators that de-regulate

We're the animators that de-animate

Cool, in denial

We're the cruel regulators smoking


Cool, in denial

We're the cruel regulators smoking


My **** is much bigger than yours,

My **** can walk right through the door

With a feeling so pure..

It's got you screaming back for more!



New member
The Lost Souls - AFI

If you can't stand upon the water I will see you on the ocean floor.

When you blink do you only find the misery between the lines?

Then take my hand and walk with me.

Come to me, your sanctuary,

I'll gladly accept the gift that I've been granted.

If you feel fine, then give it just a little time.

I'm sure you'll contract my disease.

Look what you've done to me now,

You've made me perfect.

Look what you've done to me now.

If you can't stand upon the earth then I see you on the other side.

When you blink do you only find the misery weighs down your eyes?

Then take my hand and sleep with me.

Look what you've done to me now,

You've made me perfect.

Look what you've done to me now.

Take my hand, I'll be everything to you.

Take my hand, I'll take everything from you.

I will seep under your skin.

I will.

I will hold onto your heart.

I will.

Look what you've done to me now,

You've made me perfect.

Look what you've done to me now.

Look what you've done to me now,

You've made me perfect.

Look what you've done to me now.

What have you done?

What have you done?

What have you done?

What have you done?




New member
Another day is going by

I'm thinking about you all the time

But you're out there

And I'm here waiting

And I wrote this letter in my head

'Cuz so many thing were left unsaid

But now you're gone

And I can't think straight

This could be the one last chance

To make you understand

I'd do anything

Just to hold you in my arms

To try to make you laugh

Somehow I can't put you in the past

I'd do anything

Just to fall asleep with you

Will you remember me?

'Cuz I know

I won't forget you

Together we broke all the rules

Dreaming of dropping out of school

And leave this place

To never come back

So now maybe after all these years

If you miss me have no fear

I'll be here

I'll be waiting

This could be the one last chance to make you understand

And I just can't let you leave me once again

I close my eyes

And all I see is you

I close my eyes

I try to sleep

I can't forget you

Nanana (....)

And I'd do anything for you

I'd do anything

To fall asleep with you

I'd do anything

There's nothing I won't do

I'd do anything

To fall asleep with you

I'd do anything

'Cuz I know

I won't forget you



New member
CigaroSystem of a Down


those lyrics own so much :p

song: Svo hljótt

artist: Sigur Rós

album: Takk...

ég hallaði að

í ró

það stóð allt í stað

og þó

þú sást til mín

svo hljótt

þú sást til mín

svo hljótt

í tunglsljósinu

ég sé þig á grúfu

í tunglsljósinu

þú breytist í (brúðu?)


ég þakka þér

það sem þú gafst mér

ég þakka þér




New member
haha love this song xD

The Offspring - Beheaded

Mommy doesn't have a head any more

Keep it underneath my bed on the floor

Well thats alright though, thats OK

She never really used her head anyway

Daddy called me a silly BORE

Bet he wont say that any more

Cause the way his body is severed in two

His vocal cords are gonna be hard to use

Beheaded, watch you squirt like a garden hose

Beheaded, ****** mess all over my clothes

Watch my girlfriend come to the door

Chop off her head, she falls to the floor

Well watching my baby's jugular FLOW

Really makes my motor go

Wrap a towel round the ****** stump

Take my baby's body to the city dump

Then wipe the mess off the ****** axe

Scoope all the heads into my burlap sack

Beheaded, watch her squirt like a garden hose

Beheaded, ****** mess all over my clothes

All my collection, adorns my room on bamboo polls

Used to be a little, but a little got more and more

Now I'm craving yours

Night brings bad dreams, bad dreams and guillotines

Night brings bad dreams, bad dreams and guillotines

Off with her head

Off with her head

Off with her head

Off with her head

Off with her head

Off with her head

Find another victim for my machine

Put him in a home-made guillotine

Blade falls, gonna need a casket

Watch THE head plop in a wicker basket

Leave the house at a quarter to four

Come back with sixteen or more

Cause the more I want, the more I see

I got a funny feeling coming over me

Beheaded, watch you squirt like a garden hose

Beheaded, ****** mess all over my clothes



New member
song: Ný batterí

artist: Sigur Rós

album: Ágætis byrjun

Heftur með gaddavír

í kjaftinum sem blæðir mig

Læstur er lokaður

inn í búri

Dýr nakinn ber á mig

Og bankar upp á frelsari

Ótaminn setur í ný batterí

Og hleður á ný

Og hleður á ný

Og hleður á ný

Og hleður á ný

Við tætum tryllt af stað

Út í óvissuna þar

til að við rústum öllu og reisum aftur

Aftur á ný

Aftur á ný

Aftur á ný

Aftur á bak þar sem við ríðum

Aftur með gaddavír

Í kjaftinum sem rífur upp gamalt gróið sár

Er orðinn ryðguð sál

Rafmagnið búið

Mig langar að skera

Og rista sjálfan mig á hol

En þori það ekki

Frekar slekk ég á mér

Aleinn á ný

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