
I have nothing against that dude. (other than the fact that he's an asshole) I just tend to make the "got big balls then go **** yourself" comment everytime someone talks about how big their balls are. The first time I said it, there were some VERY interesting results.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
I have nothing against that dude. (other than the fact that he's an asshole) I just tend to make the "got big balls then go **** yourself" comment everytime someone talks about how big their balls are. The first time I said it, there were some VERY interesting results.

Yeah... you can't say that **** in prison. That's got an assraping or a forced salad toss written all over it.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
I have nothing against that dude. (other than the fact that he's an asshole) I just tend to make the "got big balls then go **** yourself" comment everytime someone talks about how big their balls are. The first time I said it, there were some VERY interesting results.

i was talking literally, sexually, and physically...

not metaphorically :D
RoyalOrleans said:
I don't love the *****, but the ***** loves me.

That's very dangerous!

I've found that the ***** when properly conditioned, can provide the same if not better satisfaction when the love component has been squashed at the onset.

Love is to sex, what indigestion is to eating...absolutely preventable and unworthy of experiencing.

Maddox, although a bit young, is very funny indeed but like all young people, a great many of his views on life will change with time.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
That's very dangerous!

I've found that the ***** when properly conditioned, can provide the same if not better satisfaction when the love component has been squashed at the onset.

Love is to sex, what indigestion is to eating...absolutely preventable and unworthy of experiencing.

Maddox, although a bit young, is very funny indeed but like all young people, a great many of his views on life will change with time.

Tell me more, Mr. Science!
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Yea George Ozounian (his real name) is a pretty funny guy. Too bad he's also a total asshole and every dipshit who constantly has their mouth firmly planted over his balls thinks that he invented the concept of ranting on the Internet and holds a right to it. Whenever I have people bitching at me for ripping him off whenever I post a rant anywhere, I just respond "Maddox who?"

Yea really. Every rant site gets declared a "copy". There are only a FEW who actually try to parody and mimic his site. The rest are doing their own thing. I bet if I started with my own rant site I'd get flood hate mail about how I am a Maddox rip-off.