Make over $800,000 in three months with only $8!



if you're like me, you've been looking for legitimate ways to make a lot of money in a short amount of time. 9 out of 10 so called "work from home" businesses are frauds and only the people at the top make any money. with the system i'm about to show you, EVERYONE WINS!

You are GUARANTEED to LEGALLY make over $800,000 in less than 3 months with under $10 invested! What work must be done to do this? Next to none. Simply find 15 other people who want to make that much money in that amount of time. Such an easy task to begin with, and even easier with any of the three methods i will soon provide you with. However, the following instructions must be followed EXACTLY otherwise NO ONE will not receive ANY money.


1. There is a list of six names and mailing addresses at the bottom of this message. Immediately send each person $1 and wrap it in a note saying, "Please add me to your mailing list" and list your mailing address. (This is very important because technically you're selling spots on your "mailing list" for $1. In order for someone to send you money, you must sell something to them. Therefore, you must create a file on your computer or in a physical folder and name it "mailing list." You don't have to do anything with the mailing list, but this is simply so our actions are completely legal as described in Title 18, section 1302 and 1341 of the U.S. Postal and Lottery laws. This is the entire investment! You figure six one dollar bills, six stamps, six envelopes along with small pieces of paper and a writing utensil won't run you any more than a few dollars)

2. Remove the name and address next to #1 on the list and move the other five up one position. (position #2 becomes #1, #3 becomes #2, etc.) Now place your name and mailing address in the #6 position.

3. You must get at least 15 people to follow these instructions as well. Otherwise $800,000 will not be obtained, but a lot of money will anyway.

I came up with three different ways to help you complete this task:

1) Copy and paste this entire message into at least 200 message forums all over the internet. Most message forums are free to post and a lot of them you can post as a "guest" without signing up. You can stop posting once you receive $15 in the mail rather quickly, but since it's so easy, get as many as you can!
2) If you would like to try your hand in sales, you can easily "make friends" and get locals involved in this program. I don't know about you, but I'll be friends with ANYONE who is going to make me over $800,000 and fast! Walk the malls, talk to employees and customers at your favorite stores and restaurants. Just avoid talking to too many people in the same spot, because someone might notice and accuse you of being a "schemer" when you're just trying to help everyone make their dreams come true.
3) If you REALLY want to maximize your results and have some extra cash, there are TONS of opt-in email addresses which can be purchased online for under $50. You can easily end up with a lot more than 15 people if you order enough email addresses and send this to all of them!

By now you're probably wondering how this system works. It's quite simple, actually. When you get at least 15 people to follow the instructions listed above, 15 people send you $1 in the mail. Those 15 people will each get at least 15 people to follow the instructions, and you receive $225 in the mail (15x15=$225). Those 225 people will each get at least 15 people to follow the instructions, and 3375 people will send you $1 in the mail (225x15=$3375). Those 3375 people will each get at least 15 people to follow the instructions, and 50,675 will send you $1 (3375x15=$50,675). Those 50,675 people will each get at least 15 people to follow the instructions, and 759,385 people will send you $1 (50,675x15=$759,385). At that point, your name and address drop off the list, but by now, you have already received $813,615 cash!

The best part about this whole thing other than the fact that EVERYBODY WINS, is that once you complete the instructions, you have already received 150% of your investment back! Remember, it only takes about $10 to do this. In other words, there is absolutely NO RISK! Worst case scenario, you make $5 for doing next to nothing! Most of us have dropped $10 or more in our lifetime on lottery tickets and received NOTHING. This is an opportunity that GUARANTEES cash flow and is NOT a gamble.

Here are a few reasons a person might give for not trying this program:


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Admit it...this is where you heard of it right?
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That is the DUMBEST IDEA EVER!!! Do you really expect people to be dumb enough to go through with that!? (well I suppose on this site, you never know :rolleyes: )one word= SPAM
Well I don't know about $800,000 in three months, but you probably could get it if you try really hard.

Now get to work!

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