Man Believed 'A' On Hat Stood For Antichrist, Killed Retired Officer


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Aug 8, 2005

Man Believed 'A' On Hat Stood For Antichrist, Killed Retired Officer

POSTED: 3:08 pm EDT October 21, 2005
UPDATED: 3:26 pm EDT October 21, 2005

PENSACOLA, Fla. -- A man with a history of mental illness said he fatally shot a retired police officer because he believed the "A" on the victim's cap signified he was the Antichrist.

Ryan Thomas Green has been convicted of murder and of attempting to murder a second man and robbery with a firearm.

Friday, jurors were hearing more testimony for a recommendation whether Green should be sentenced to death or life without parole.

Those are the only two options for the first-degree murder of retired Pensacola police Sgt. James Hallman, who was shot while he was taking a walk.

The jury has rejected the defense's argument that Green should be found innocent by reason of insanity.

Green testified that he had set out to take his own life but that a talking bull, religious signs, colors and symbols influenced him to shoot Hallman and housepainter Christopher Phipps. He remains confined to a wheelchair.

Green's trial was delayed more than a year after he was declared mentally incompetent.

Copyright 2005 by The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Unfortunately there is no way at this point and time to do a background check that includes all mental health commitments...therefore if a real wacko can hold it together long enough to go down and buy a gun, he can, assuming he has no criminal record...