Man shot by armed police on Tube

OH phreak,that picture's so damn scary,I'm re-thinking it.It aint pretty.Damn,if only there were bombs that didn't mess up my face :D

I still think the shootin' was wrong.The fact that they shot him 5 times on the head makes me sick.1 bullet to the head makes an instant kill.I feel so sorry for his family.I also think that HE might not have heard the ''stop'' warning.And most people run to get the train on time,does that mean we have a risk of gettin' shot.I don't think this is all the terrorists' fault,the guy tripped up they could easily have held him down and searched him.

So if the first bullet killed him, what's the problem with the other four? It's not like he felt them!
OH phreak,that picture's so damn scary,I'm re-thinking it.It aint pretty.Damn,if only there were bombs that didn't mess up my face :D

I still think the shootin' was wrong.The fact that they shot him 5 times on the head makes me sick.1 bullet to the head makes an instant kill.I feel so sorry for his family.I also think that HE might not have heard the ''stop'' warning.And most people run to get the train on time,does that mean we have a risk of gettin' shot.I don't think this is all the terrorists' fault,the guy tripped up they could easily have held him down and searched him.
What, and risk that he's holding a detonator in his hands ??
Kewl, I have a Brazillian foreign exchange student in my class, and so far he has the 4th highest mark in it! And it's my english class! Phreak, you look Italian.
Growing up in Texas I know better then to run from anyone shouting "stop police".
That **** gets you shot, and the shooter a parade...
After I read he had a falsified passport it makes sense to me why he ran.
Hamza123 said:
Doesn't mean you have to glock him like 50 times... One or two in the leg maybe and he's down.

They shot him in the head repeatedly because if he had a bomb strapped to his body, if they shot him in the leg he would have had the time to detonate it. It was done on purpose...They learned from experience on that one, that was no mistake.

Take this as a lesson, don't ever, ever run from the someone shouting "Stop, Police !!!!!"
True that... My friend was waiting for the bus one time holding your average white BIC pen. Cop pulls up and asks what he's smoking... My friend run's being an idiot and the officer catches up to him and decks him in the face... Turns out that it was just a pen and the officer almost lost his job.

I guess if I was in the police officers shoes at the subway station, I would have acted the same way because I wouldn't want even more casualties!