Man turns himself in killing child molesters- should he be punished?


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2005

Man turns self in after 2 child molesters killed
He reportedly confessed in 911 call after murders in Washington state

Updated: 12:29 p.m. ET Sept. 6, 2005

BELLINGHAM, Wash. - A man turned himself in to authorities in the killing of two convicted child rapists, saying he picked the victims from a sheriff
I feel bad saying yes because I want to kill those bastards too but, yes he should be punished.
Of course he should be punished. He murdered people. I feel glad their dead though.
Like I've said before if it was my kid I would gladly take the offeneders place in jail. I guess this guy had the same idea.

I think a class III should not be aloud out of jail in the first place.
I hope this dosn't mess up the register and notification of where these assholes live.
Since Eisses was sentenced to 5 and a half years, Mullen's sentence should be about the same. That seems to be the standard for hanious crimes in the state of Washington.
I say extreme emotional distress.
give him some counseling and let him go after time served.
This is what they do for people who are dangerous to far more people.
Shouldn't that be taken into consideration for people who commit crimes.
Just who is in danger from this person??
Yes, being a vigilante to any crime, while noble to some, is still illegal.

As much as I HATE child molesters, I have to agree with this. The bastards he killed ****ing deserved it, but you can't allow some people to go around killing people then tell everyone else no. If they let him get away with that, they'd have to let everyone else that killed someone for something like that go, too. Hell, the child molesters shouldn't have been out in society where the guy would be able to kill them in the first place. They should have been locked in their cages.
He should be punished. I would probably feel differently if it was a man that molested his daughter...
I agree that these men should not be on the street.
Personally, I believe we could probably use him in Iraq.

Give him a set tour of duty, if he survives his duty, he should be allowed to return home.

I agree that society can not allow citizens to become vigilantes but, circumstances in today's world
could open up opportunities such as I offered above for such instances.

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