Man what the f*ck happened to Linkin Park?

Apr 19, 2007
From the Linkin Park songs previews from Minutes to Midnight that I listened to in 7Digital I was shocked. Beside What I've done, No more sorrow, Bleed it out and Given up the album suck man the
rest of the songs are pop songs or rap songs . In my opinion linkin park were way and I mean way better when they used to make nu-metal songs at least the old songs didnt sound poppy. This is a nightmare to me I cant believe what linkin park did to themselves. When they said that they quited nu-metal, they told the people that they will focus on making pure rock songs. They didnt say that they will make pop songs. Man there are 100% pure pop songs in the album and there are 100% rap songs in the album. This is a nightmare that I wish I wake up from. At least when lp were nu-metal the songs were at least half rock and there were some hard rock songs like crawling and faint. Now the songs beside What I've done, No more sorrow, Bleed it out and Given up are either pop or gangsta rap and they dont feature guitar or drums. Linkin Park suppose to be a rock band not a pop band or a rap band.
They've grown musically.
Not everything is nu-metal in the world man.
No one is forcing you to listen to all the tracks.
Listen to what you like, and get over it.
The structures of old led lp to be a predicatable and boring band with 1 sound, 1 dimension.... its all good if u love repetetition, this change of song structure, the resistance to use powerchords at every given moment and the introduction of new instruments is a good thing to see.
Judging a whole album based on low quality 30 second clips FTL.

I'm sickened by all you people assuming you know how a whole song sounds by just 30 seconds.

I'm disappointed in a lot of LP's so-called fans right now.

I dont claim im a fan also im not saying THEY ARE better im basing this on an assumption from the first 30seconds. Im ASSUMING they have changed their sound because even from the 30seconds its clearly different im also ASSUMING i will perfer their older sound as it is more suited to me.
I wasn't referring to you specifically, as I haven't really seen you make any snap judgements and say they are better or worse than before; I was more referring to the people either saying that this will be the best album ever or the people saying that this album is complete trash (like the topic poster). In a lot of those songs we haven't even heard the chorus or the bridge! We're still missing a ton of each song (save for the ones we've already heard)
From the Linkin Park songs previews from Minutes to Midnight that I listened to in 7Digital I was shocked. Beside What I've done, No more sorrow, Bleed it out and Given up the album suck man the
rest of the songs are pop songs or rap songs . In my opinion linkin park were way and I mean way better when they used to make nu-metal songs at least the old songs didnt sound poppy. This is a nightmare to me I cant believe what linkin park did to themselves. When they said that they quited nu-metal, they told the people that they will focus on making pure rock songs. They didnt say that they will make pop songs. Man there are 100% pure pop songs in the album and there are 100% rap songs in the album. This is a nightmare that I wish I wake up from.
I just like the fact that you're critizing them for makin rap songs...and they complain they aren't doing numetal. those two are two sides of the same dice. and besides...where were you when they did Dedicated, Step up, High voltage etc. And Nobody's listening!

As people have said you can't expect them to sound the same all the time. And besides, this is music. They don't just sit down and decide "okay today we're doing a ballad" etc. They work with ideas that come to them.

Just for the record I'm sayin this, not having listened to the 30 sec previews.
Judging a whole album based on low quality 30 second clips FTL.

I'm sickened by all you people assuming you know how a whole song sounds by just 30 seconds.

I'm disappointed in a lot of LP's so-called fans right now.

I can't judge the album by now...

it was so clear that a thread like this will appear...everytime a band does something new and changes their music there are people who will not like it....
just get over it buy the album dl'd it hwat every listen to it fully 2 or 3 times and then post ur comments dont jump the gun like you have done and make suggestions untill you have heard the final product capish
I just dont like how they try to blend in with all of whats popular today eg: punk/pop. Some of the songs are still gratefully outside of the square eg: the song wid mike singing. but yea they have changed. But they still kick ass and im still going to buy the WID single and the MTM CD/DVD in support of their efforts =)
i think i know why he knows of the songs already, demonoid has a leak of the album, a GENUINE copy of it, my friends are alreay listengin to it, im holding out a lil bit, and we all know when something leaks on the net, it spreads fast.

still in saying that, i dont see why there hasta be a thread on this, didn hahn say that there were alrady threads for this kind of thing? plus the comment was way off, noone was really expecting LP to stay nu-metal or in that same mould for too long, given theyve been trying to distance themselves for so long from the label, every album doesnt sound great first time u listen to it, probably give it a few more times, let the lyrics sink in, let the new sound take you over,put it simply, dont listen to it thinking its another HT/meteora, listen to it with a clean slate and judge for yourself
They've grown musically.
Not everything is nu-metal in the world man.
No one is forcing you to listen to all the tracks.
Listen to what you like, and get over it.
I agree, Linkin Park have taken a big step since their last 2 albums... If you don't like the new genre in their music get over it :)
I can see that lots of people do not realize that changes in 90% cases when bands try to be different, become chezzy, lame, kinda sellout. Change is not that good as you think it is. Especially downward one.