Man what the f*ck happened to Linkin Park?

If you don't like it don't listen to. Simple as that.

I agree if you don't like it don't listen to it.

I for one am not gonna get any leaks I am just gonna go buy the album they day it drops and say "Okay.....(insert future comment)". You may like it or not. I am assuming if you like the harder songs LP has you arn't gonna like this, but from what I have hear the musicianship is better.
Oh, and just for the record, the little 30 second clips show hardly anything of what each song is like. Wow, what do you know, just like I was saying all along.

The album is still very soft, but not as soft as those clips lead you to believe. There are harder parts to almost each song.
Not really most of the soft songs have no "harder" parts but it is still good besides the rap songs...>_< I dont like them.
its always gonna be hard to top hybrid theory and meteora, considering they were successful with the whole nu metal thing, but give it a chance, listen to it with an open mind, think not that they are linkin park of old and then make a comment, honestly, if the musicianship is what iv heard from people so far and its alot better, its one album im definately listening and getting
Not really most of the soft songs have no "harder" parts but it is still good besides the rap songs...>_< I dont like them.
Harder than what was shown. Some of the clips didn't even have guitar or even louder parts, but later in the song they do.

For example, Valentine's Day, Leave Out All The Rest and The Little Things Give You Away all got harder after those 30 seconds were over.

I'm not saying they are heavy songs by any means, but they aren't quite as soft as they lead us on to believe.
I grab hold of Bleed It Out and use it to make me feel like this album is anything as good as Meteora or Hybrid Theory.

It really isn't. I'd rather have seen something from Mr Hahn instead of Wake, he has very little to do on this record which is a reason for it not being that great. Given Up is good but it's quickly becoming tiresome then Leave Out All The Rest stays on a flat level without really climaxing. Bleed It Out is a very good track and would fit onto Meteora or Hybrid Theory nicely. The reason the album isn't that great is Rick Rubin and the band deciding that they'd throw anything away that sounded like it could have been on the old albums - big mistake. Shadow Of The Day is another slow song, too slow perhaps, but at least it goes somewhere unlike some other ballads. What I've Done is good obviously!

Hands Held High doesn't climax as well as it should, it seems to be searching for something...I'm guessing a classy chorus from Chester? Chester and Mike were like jigsaw pieces in a good Linkin Park song, they fit together so well. They shouldn't care about what 'scene' they have been put into, who cares, they should just be making the music they want to make...what comes naturally to them! It seems like the lack of Mike in some songs means he's been let loose on his own songs but Hands Held High wouldn't even get onto the Fort Minor album. It's got good lyrics but it's just another song that hasn't reached its potential!

No More Sorrow has a nice guitar hook which leaves it sticking in your head. It also seems to build up and have a journey to it, a novel idea in this album it seems! Valentines Day is the same, it's YET ANOTHER ballad but at least it goes somewhere. In Between goes nowhere and however sweet Mike's voice is it just doesn't do it for me. Sticking it after two dark tracks makes it stand out like a sore thumb too.

In Pieces next, a revelation! Welcome back Mr Hahn, it seems you've made your first real contribution to this record. Great contribution too, it's a really cliched song but it's quality. New sounds and new ideas but at a faster pace. Keeps it moving, keeps it fun, keeps it Linkin Park.

The Little Things Give You Away is a huge disappointment. I expected a really good song that told a long story but instead it seems to be 3 minutes worth of music and lyrics doubled and repeated to make sure it lasts longer! Listening to it is a huge let down after In Pieces and makes me feel like i'm sitting in a 6 minute long traffic jam.

Though u are one person that can constructivle critic songs I still feel that ur judgements are screwed up, ur actually slate the tracks that are techniqually the finest things they have recorded..... 'The Little Things Give You Away' is a song I will happily play quite frequently and maybe so with In Between as they are interesting moments...... their STALE sound had hinderd the band.... it was old u hear one LP song u hear them all anyone with the slightest bit of knowledge in music could tell how an LP song would sound before it came out before this album.