Many People Ignore Everything About The Prophet Muhammed

Hamza123 said:
Mariama just proved your claims wrong about the Prophet Muhammed.

You deter from them like she said nothing.

Such ignorance. :p

No she didnt, she merely said it was ok since.... Aisha was a smarty pants or something, that does not fly with me, I treat women with respect, I dont need to lord over them because I have self esteem issues or take minors as brides, no one touched on the sodomy thing yet? was it meant to be a secret?
Mariama said:
salaam hamza,

yes they did avoid it lol...You see the vile language...

Some Guy, I thought this lethal find was the an insipid animal, however you way have outdone IT in so many ways...

I see LethalFind has engaged the one and only brain cell to muster a poor excuse for a reply..(nothing new there then.) Please save it, for if you do, in a months time you may be able to reply with a half decent answer

No I believe desperate, is given to those women who like to sleep around to gain attention...You I think...My husband treats me with respect, how about your sexual partners? Do they pay you much? Or maybe you pay them? So worthless? You said it...

You have been challanged...But the want of intellect is so rife here, you cannot do much but bark...

Does your husband let you argue? disagree with him? are you allowed to voice your opinions even in front of his parents? are you, because my Girlfriend certainly is, I value her insight on things as a matter of fact, she walks beside me, not behind me or infront of me, we do things as equals together.
Yes he is kind enough to let me speak if I want to, and AND wait for it...I'm EVEN allowed to take my hijab off indoors...And best of all, he lets me eat...Which is a bonus, I'm allowed, food, drink and a bed...


Yes we argue, espcially when he wants to buy me an expesive bag or bracelet, and I tell him not to, or he wants to give me extra money and I don't want to take it. (Must have been forced into marriage eh?)

Yes I voice my opinion on the new clothes hes always buying me, and then we disagree because I might like the red top, and he might like the blue...

Oh you only walk beside each other, well I score over you, for we walk hand in hand...

As for you girlfriend, you value her for one thing, otherwise you would love and respect her enough to marry her...I have that, you don't...
Mariama said:
BTW to all of you Islam does not mean "peace" as many a person thinks,
it means "Submission".
Thanks, I thought it meant "suck my dick".

Mariama said:
Do you know what, in all of this the one thing I truly wish, is that the most intellectually challenged amonst you, keep calling our beloved Prophet (May Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) a pedophile (May Allah guide you.)

The definition of this word is:

"An adult who is sexually attracted to a child or children".

How dare any of you make such a vicious claim!
He was not just a pedophile, he was a whore monger as well... He had a gazillion wives, all of whom were ****ed hard and put up wet, before mohammed(may piss be upon hi) got his demonic tenacles on them! Of course, that wasn't enough he had to marry a 6 year old girl (Aeysha) and of course he ****ed her then, but lied and said he waited until she was 9... what a ****ing joke..

How dare any of you vile and peverted moon-god worhipping pig-****ers tell me he was "good"... He was a sick and perverted whore-monger who turned into a pedophile when he couldn't satisfy his lusts with the 25 other harlots in his harem!
Mariama said:
Yes he is kind enough to let me speak if I want to, and AND wait for it...I'm EVEN allowed to take my hijab off indoors...And best of all, he lets me eat...Which is a bonus, I'm allowed, food, drink and a bed...


Yes we argue, espcially when he wants to buy me an expesive bag or bracelet, and I tell him not to, or he wants to give me extra money and I don't want to take it. (Must have been forced into marriage eh?)

Yes I voice my opinion on the new clothes hes always buying me, and then we disagree because I might like the red top, and he might like the blue...

Oh you only walk beside each other, well I score over you, for we walk hand in hand...

As for you girlfriend, you value her for one thing, otherwise you would love and respect her enough to marry her...I have that, you don't...

I'm 18 and she is 17, I dont think it is the responsible thing to do for her to get married at this age because there are still thing she might want to do with her life than settle down, I do not value her for that thing, no because she is a Christian and does not belive in sex before marriage and I respect that because it shows she is of strong virtue and I might not agree with all of her beliefs but I belive she is a a wonderfull person.

So when you walk hand in hand, is one of you walking backwards and the other walking forwards? because dont you wipe your arse with your left hand so it is considred dirty?

So are you his favourite wife or do the others get more attention or is there like a daily rotation?
Mariama said:
salaam hamza,

yes they did avoid it lol...You see the vile language...

Some Guy, I thought this lethal find was the an insipid animal, however you way have outdone IT in so many ways...

I see LethalFind has engaged the one and only brain cell to muster a poor excuse for a reply..(nothing new there then.) Please save it, for if you do, in a months time you may be able to reply with a half decent answer

No I believe desperate, is given to those women who like to sleep around to gain attention...You I think...My husband treats me with respect, how about your sexual partners? Do they pay you much? Or maybe you pay them? So worthless? You said it...

You have been challanged...But the want of intellect is so rife here, you cannot do much but bark...

You make assumptions...I have no sexual partners...I choose not to become involved, I have a child and am in school. Those are my priorities. I am not nor have I ever been promiscuous.

I am who I am, I would never change who I am for a man or anyone else. I don't need a man in my life to make me happy. I can stand on my own two feet and be independent, something you would know nothing about.
Some Guy said:
I'm 18 and she is 17, I dont think it is the responsible thing to do for her to get married at this age because there are still thing she might want to do with her life than settle down, I do not value her for that thing, no because she is a Christian and does not belive in sex before marriage and I respect that because it shows she is of strong virtue and I might not agree with all of her beliefs but I belive she is a a wonderfull person.

So when you walk hand in hand, is one of you walking backwards and the other walking forwards? because dont you wipe your arse with your left hand so it is considred dirty?

So are you his favourite wife or do the others get more attention or is there like a daily rotation?

LOLOLOL, how ****in hilarious!!!!!

Give her a few years and she will see the error of her ways...if she has half a brain.
Lethalfind said:
LOLOLOL, how ****in hilarious!!!!!

Give her a few years and she will see the error of her ways...if she has half a brain.

Probally after the 50th time her husband and his brothers beat her to within an inch of her life after she doesnt cover up properly, I wonder if she has ever been to visit his family in the homeland, if she hasnt there is a possiblity that she would be in for a rude awakening.

I confess your English is quite bad so I do not really know what you are about, but I know how filthy people like you are, things are bad when you actually laugh at a person who cleans themselves, this is very sad..

Do not speak to me of wives and the like, I'm not in that situation so why are you asking me for??? What do I know of it? More to the point why does this effect you so much??
i remind you that the subject of this thread is the prophet muhammed pbuh,
so please stick to the subject ,thank you
Mariama said:

I confess your English is quite bad so I do not really know what you are about, but I know how filthy people like you are, things are bad when you actually laugh at a person who cleans themselves, this is very sad..

Do not speak to me of wives and the like, I'm not in that situation so why are you asking me for??? What do I know of it? More to the point why does this effect you so much??

What????? LMWAO!!!

I am laughing because you clean yourselves with just your hands, we use TP the French use a bidet and Demolition man had shells or something.

I do not allow Aunt Jemima to ever tell me what to do, girl.
Mariama said:
BTW to all of you Islam does not mean "peace" as many a person thinks,
it means "Submission".

Do you know what, in all of this the one thing I truly wish, is that the most intellectually challenged amonst you, keep calling our beloved Prophet (May Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) a pedophile (May Allah guide you.)

The definition of this word is:

"An adult who is sexually attracted to a child or children".

How dare any of you make such a vicious claim!

Aisha was the ONLY virgin and the ONLY girl of this age, so you will see your ideas are nonsense!

I can tell you that the Prophet(peace and blessings be upon him) was ORDERED to marry Aisha (May Allah be pleased with her).

Ordered? Please show us where...

"[Scriptural Evidence] Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64: Sahih Bukhari [the most venerated and authentic Islamic source]
Narrated 'Aisha: that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death)."
tomaust said:
i remind you that the subject of this thread is the prophet muhammed pbuh,
so please stick to the subject ,thank you

Who's moderating this thread? You? Can I be in charge for a minute? Thank you very much.

Don't tell me how to do my job. Shut the **** up, idiot!
Some Guy - dont lie your as filthy as the rest and why do you discuss such things for? Why are you interested in how a person cleans themselves??
Are you ill?? Please do not carry on with these weird thoughts of yours...

I'm not going to speak to you anymore of such matter, because I will let you keep your ignorant asumptions on this subject, you carry on believing that if it makes you feel better. When your toilet trained and using the bathroom on your own, you try learning to read as well...


yes Bukhari and Muslim are the authentic sources of Hadith, so therefore you will have no problem understanding this:

True dreams are a part of Prophethood, as it was reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “True dreams are one of the forty-six parts of Prophethood.” (al-Bukhaari, 6472; Muslim, 4201)

Narrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle said to me, "You were shown to me twice (in my dream) before I married you. I saw an angel carrying you in a silken piece of cloth, and I said to him, 'Uncover (her),' and behold, it was you. I said (to myself), 'If this is from Allah, then it must happen.' Then you were shown to me, the angel carrying you in a silken piece of cloth, and I said (to him), 'Uncover (her), and behold, it was you. I said (to myself), 'If this is from Allah, then it must happen.'" (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 87, Number 140)
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
This sounds like a "Chicken or the Egg" debate... Since the rest of Islam is so moved by the plight of palestinians, why don't they offer them a home land, after all there's a helluvlot more space in Saudia Arabia, Egypt and even Jordon, than tiny little Israel.

Who'd want to live in Israel? If not for US protection, it would be a smouldering pit of ash.

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
The tops were taken out by "mini-nukes"? I am a ****ing retard? The twighlight zone is in full effect around here!

You can hear that music too? I thought I was going mad. Nice to know that insanity has company.

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
And thats just the shaft, the head is like a grapefruit!

You wish. Show us the videos. You're a mestizo quarterback. You don't unzip to piss, you have to drop the strides so you don't piss all over your pants. ;)
Mariama said:
Narrated 'Aisha:
Allah's Apostle said to me, "You were shown to me twice (in my dream) before I married you. I saw an angel carrying you in a silken piece of cloth, and I said to him, 'Uncover (her),' and behold, it was you. I said (to myself), 'If this is from Allah, then it must happen.' Then you were shown to me, the angel carrying you in a silken piece of cloth, and I said (to him), 'Uncover (her), and behold, it was you. I said (to myself), 'If this is from Allah, then it must happen.'" (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 87, Number 140)
That filthy pedophile(may piss be upon him) has a wet dream about a 6 year old little baby, and you ****in' retards call it a prophesy? Your "religion" (and I use the term loosly) is vile and disgusting!
Mariama said:
Some Guy - dont lie your as filthy as the rest and why do you discuss such things for? Why are you interested in how a person cleans themselves??
Are you ill?? Please do not carry on with these weird thoughts of yours...

I'm not going to speak to you anymore of such matter, because I will let you keep your ignorant asumptions on this subject, you carry on believing that if it makes you feel better. When your toilet trained and using the bathroom on your own, you try learning to read as well...


yes Bukhari and Muslim are the authentic sources of Hadith, so therefore you will have no problem understanding this:

True dreams are a part of Prophethood, as it was reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: