Marilyn Manson

Well, this stuf he does on stage really arent good but he just likes to shock people...and he likes that people are listening to him_I meen like they do the things he, its just fun to him...thats my appinion...Emmm, anyway, I listen to his music and I like it...and lyrics are good...and I respect him cuz he is sooo smart...if you watched Bowling for Colombine then you know what I meen...
Well, anyway, I respect him...
At first I never really cared for Manson, but after awhile some of those songs get stuck in your head!! :rolleyes:

I never knew he did all of that though.. I have heard of taking out two of his ribs, but the others, no..

O well.. I still do enjoy his music.. whether he's creepy looking or not.
I heard all that stuff about him too. but i also heard alot of it is not true. i liek him. i heard that hes actually a really smart guy and that he knows what hes doing to get attention. but i liek his music. and just cuz i buy his cds dosent mean i have to agree with all his views or what he does. and ewwww i think hes an ugly guy. but thats just me.