Marilyn - Why So Popular?


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2006
When I was a teenage boy, it was to go to heaven to look at a Marilyn Monroe movie, picture or anything. There were other more glamorous, more explicit, more stylised women back then, but there was only one Marilyn. Now that I'm in the afternoon tea break of my life, when life's rear view mirror can show the long road I've come, I can cast some light on why I remember Marilyn with more delight and warmth & passion than just about any other female since then and now. As far as I am concerned, she pushed all my buttons because of a singular quality. She represented the most desirable thing possible to a young man and it was very simple indeed. She was the eternal and universal smiling, friendly, approachable and available slut. She just invited you to come over and stay forever in heaven with her. There was nothing she wouldn't do for you with you or to you. She didn't need to strip like a cheap porn star. Her face was the sexiest part of her. She did magic on you with those dreaming eyes. Unlike today's 'supermodels' who pout, glare, thunder, and do all manner of unconscious things to warn you that under all that glamour lurks a true Rottwiller in drag, Marilyn was the exact opposite. For a young (and not so young) male she was paradise incarnate. She was someone who could make you glad you were alive, because there might be a real girl just like her somewhere out there. Alas, like true genius, there are only so many Beethovens, Einsteins & Marilyns to go around. To this day I still salute her as the second woman I ever went nuts for. The first one (when I was about 9) was that magical lady who stood with the torch and launched all the Columbia Pictures. She, & Marilyn, are what a man's authentic dreams are made of.
Ehh... she was OK looking, but for the most part, I think she was a stupid bitch with a fat ass.

Now you wanna talk hot chicks of the 60's. Elizabeth Montgomery should win that hands down, she was fine as hell and didn't even need to try.
Well that's not a fair set of pictures. Marilyn was hot! She was an inspiration to the men at war. She was a home town girl thrown into the lime light. She wasn't the big druggie that people portrayed. Just because she died of an overdose only means her metabolism couldn’t handle the amount she took or was given. Conspiracy? Maybe she was doing both Kennedy’s at the same time and might have known things she shouldn’t have. Elizabeth Montgomery? Please. You want a hotty from the past? Barbara Eden
phreakwars said:
Here is Marilyn the way I will remember her.... dead druggy whore, with no makeup on ...
Sure, you can also put Barbie in a wheelchair, but it won't stop the kiddies clamouring for their icon. Most entertainers are tarted up to show froth & bubble anyway, but that's not the issue. We also know that Marilyn was far from stupid, because, let's face it, she was a savvy professional actress and knew what publicity was all about. The effect of what she projected and the hard (oops) results delivered in a competitive scene was the essence of the reaction from the hot & bothered young boys (like myself) who'd take her picture into the bathroom for 'private screenings'. Cheers!
phreakwars said:
Here is Marilyn the way I will remember her.... dead druggy whore, with no makeup on ..

Talk about putting a downer to the post with that picture-lol.
Years ago I worked in a photo lab and an older gentleman brought in negatives of pictures he had taken when he was serving overseas. He was in the crowd the day Marilyn was performing with the USO and he got a few good photos of her with his own camera. He had the negatives stored in a special case and he spared no expense on the reproductions he ordered. I was really interested in how he'd gotten these negatives so he sat and told me the whole story and you could tell his encounter with her had meant a lot to him and had stayed strong those many years. His wife was along and smiled while he told the could tell she had no problem tolerating her husband's "crush" on a long dead Hollywood icon. The man actually ordered copies of two of the photos for me and I still have them to this day.

Marilyn's allure is certainly the stuff of legends.
phreakwars said:
for the most part, I think she was a stupid bitch

She actually had a genius-level IQ. One of her biggest gripes was always being typecast as the dumb blonde sex object. No fault but her own, I say.

And I think the big deal with Marilyn was that she was before her time. While the other glamour dolls were still pretty conservative, Marilyn really put herself out there.
Phantom wrote:
]She actually had a genius-level IQ. One of her biggest gripes was always being typecast as the dumb blonde sex object. No fault but her own, I say.
Well, even the gorgeous Hedy Lamarr who was responsible for the development of the homing torpedo was aware of the myth & the reality of a public life, as was Marilyn. But dumb they certainly were not.
And I think the big deal with Marilyn was that she was before her time. While the other glamour dolls were still pretty conservative, Marilyn really put herself out there.
All too true. She certainly was hard headed enough to know the business end of business and was about as 'romantic' about romance as was Barbara Cartland about her Mills & Boon empire. Such success we should all have. BTW the old gag about Marilyn saying to Albert (Einstein) "Wow, Mr Einstein - with your brains & my looks, imagine the incredible children we could have." To which the great physicist was supposed to have whipcracked: "Yes, my dear - but what if fortune gave us one the other way around?" Cheers!
She's only popular today because she died young. If her and Liz had died the same day Marilyn would have had second billing. She's the JFK of movie stars.
hugo said:
She's only popular today because she died young. If her and Liz had died the same day Marilyn would have had second billing. She's the JFK of movie stars.

I'd like to agree with you, Hugo, but there's just one thing that gets in the way. It's like comparing Charlie Chaplin to Fatty Arbuckle or Buster Keaton. Chaplin is the recognised monolith not because he was around at a certain time, but because he had a quality (and volume) of work which was outstanding, exceptional and universally popular. Thus it is with Marilyn. Jayne Mansfield was a clone of Marilyn but it was chalk & cheese. Madonna tried to Xerox her & it was a dismal failure. The other thing is that Marilyn was never considered a porn star by the public, even though a lot of porn stars could have outshone her on the screen for sexual gymnastics. It was her singular quality of projecting sheer desirability that nailed it for her and the males of that era agreed. She was elected by popular acclaim, and that was not achieved by the others you & I have mentioned. She was a Beethoven amongst punk rockers. Cheers!
I tend to agree with Hugo. Marilyn died while in her prime so she never had a chance to fade from the spotlight. Liz did. Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes...

"The thing about us baby boomers is that we spent the first half of our lives trying to look like Elizabeth Taylor and Marlon Brando and the second half trying not to."

Though I think Liz is an absolute flake, her work outshines Marilyn's in my opinion.
Phantom wrote:
Though I think Liz is an absolute flake, her work outshines Marilyn's in my opinion.
No question - Marilyn doing the viper tongued wife in "Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf" would not have been achievable or appropriate. But that was not the spirit of my thread. I was simply pointing out that Marilyn (for whatever artistic or personal reason) was able to nail every red bloded youth of the time in a way no other public persona, with the possible exception of Brigitte Bardot, could. Acting strength was not my point - personal allure & magnetism was. Cheers!
smutt butt said:
Audrey hepburn did it for me.

Yuck! The Gap commercials of her floating around looking like a silly, dancing twig just kills it for me.
phreakwars said:
Now you wanna talk hot chicks of the 60's. Elizabeth Montgomery should win that hands down, she was fine as hell and didn't even need to try.

I totally agree Phreak.

^^Damn, that kinda hurt...
All this talk reminds me of Elvis and how people are still obsessing about him. A man who lived in every way to access and from what I have read took too many drugs and died sitting on a toilet...I don't see anything glamorous about that. He had some great music but he is ****in dead and some people still go on about him being alive.
I don't get it...this kind of movie star worship.