
Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2004
I thought this could be a bit of fun, people know I like to complain about stuff but here goes

So I went onto Myspace, that social networking site where you sort of talk to people you know and stalk people who you don't know but really do want to know and hope for some good pictures in the progress, well anyways I went on to see if I had any comments or messages or whatever else (someone adding me when I dont know them or yet another indie band adding me) when I noticed the feature profile.


Thats right, Avril ****ing Laviegne in an animated anime series! OH MY GOD! I bet teenage girls are wetting themselves right now at this sight. I mean who comes up with this idea, what good could possibly ever come out of a myspace based series, avril and cheap animation?

So I went on her profile & OH MY GOD!

First of all the thing is to damned graphic intensive to watch the video as your prescious reasources dwindle away on these money grabbing adverts and gimmicks. Also a very hmmm I would say attractive but stick with well looking Avril on the page. But with all the airbrushing and make up covering her truthfully achne ridden face (have seen pics) is probably just slowing me down further.

When the video deasides to play what you get isnt actually animation, its a comic... that you cant read as the screen is too small. And when blown up.... well it didnt seem to let me blow it up.... but judging from the scenes on show I bet the script is terrible & also you greated with an instrumental of Girlfriend.... seriously its a pop song & instrumentals of pop songs rarley go down well as its the same thing looped over and over..

This has been me ranting, please come back for more later!

But hey, not all is bad right?


As is the traditonal use for myspace
Manga's are Japanese comics. Usually read right to left...just throwing that up...

and if it is like real life, maybe we will get a few sex scenes, hospital scenes (her near death) and her in a mental asylum at the end...not all bad as you said

I like anime and manga. But adding Avril into one is as gay as when they created those backstreet boys comics. When celebrates get treated as gods its time to find a new religion. :mad:
Haha you're worse than me when it comes to complaining! And that's saying something...

Anyway yeah Avrils gay though Girlfriend is a really horribly addictive tune =(
Lol, well see pseudo advertising is one of the drawbacks of complaining. But, don't let that stop you lol. Hell, if everyone didn't complain because they were afraid of accidentally advertising then what the hell would be the point of arguing or anything?
Lol, well see pseudo advertising is one of the drawbacks of complaining. But, don't let that stop you lol. Hell, if everyone didn't complain because they were afraid of accidentally advertising then what the hell would be the point of arguing or anything?

haha, thats true.

oh magically matthew, i see the errors of my way, how could i ever doubt you?
So today is my credit top up day for my mobile phone, my super sexy out of date Sony Erricson k510i needed money for me to call people about the weekend. After pay day at work I only had £20 notes... these were all the new super sexy £20 notes which look like this.


Now I needed to go get my credit with nothing but these massive £20 notes which have now been around for quite alot of months now. Now the place I go to is a M & M Convinence store and i'm pretty sure if your in the UK you have been to a couple of these in your lifetime, they dont do topups at the counter but use a rather sexy windows operated top up machine.



Anyways I procceded to push the screen untill my £10 top up purchase was ready, I wetted in excitment as the process begun it asked for my money, I put in my money it..... it spat out my money! I ironed the creases out of my money and tried again and again it spat it out, the ungrateful machines havent been upgraded yet to suit the new £20! This meant I had to go all the way to the counter and ask for change!!!! CHANGE! Okay thats not too bad but as I turned around I had lost my place in queue!

Alls I ask Coinstar is to upgraded the cash slots on your machines to make life easier for



My dad got me one and I was like weeee!

And top up machines confuse me I'd much rather go to Somerfield and have the attractive boy who can't see past his fringe serve me ^^

I also like how you used pictures to make it simpler ^_^ Simpleness <3