
(Smear Merchant Disclaimer: Please note this article (the
same as all of my past articles and exchanges with posters)
represents an editorial on contemporary issues and events -
my opinion. Nothing in this article represents in any manner
any asseveration of biographical fact, nor is about,
directed toward or against any particular person - other
than those specifically mentioned herein. If any person
finds this post personally annoying, abusive, defaming or
otherwise disturbing, please notify me of your specific
reasons for annoyance via email at
If we find your detailed objections reasonable (considering
the "reasonable person" doctrine and case law) we will then
remove this post, or the offending passages contained
therein, from the Google archive, publicly apologize and
retract. My intent is not to annoy, abuse, humiliate, or in
any way cause anyone emotional harm by posting on USENET or
elsewhere. Please note that defending myself from harassment
and obloquy with rebuttal posts has been deemed a "lawful
and legitimate" publication by my legal counsel. If I am not
attacked, defamed or harassed, or my copyrighted articles
not interrupted nor infringed upon, I clearly do not have a
reason to respond with a rebuttal. Please also note that I
intend to notify any and all ISP's and web hosts of any
annoying or calumnious post, web site or other similar
entity about me after I give the offender an opportunity to
retract, apologize and remove said post from the Google

Arbitration Notice: If any person claims something I said
about them in this post is not true, then I invite them to
email me and request arbitration. The loser will pay for the
arbitrator. I also invite arbitration in respect to me
claiming something someone said about me is untrue. Again,
the loser will pay for the arbitration. Truth as defined in
this offer will be statements in correct context and
representing original intent, and key omissions of fact will
be considered untruthful. Arbitrators will be selected from
the American Association of Arbitrators. This offer
exclusively applies to all statements of fact in this post.

McDonnell's Recent Fraud

As many readers already know, in a typical unethical and
criminal manner, members of the Nigel Brooks smear gang
crossed state lines and filed completely fraudulent, bogus
and malicious harassment charges against me to stop me from
proving they are lying and using fraud and forgeries to
defame me. These gang members are losing all credibility
because they have now lost not less than eleven web sites
due to their fraud and false accusations, and because they
are afraid to submit to binding Arbitration loser pays in
respect to their false accusations and related forgeries and
smear frauds. So they thought they could shut me up by
filing completely false and bogus criminal charges against
me....which seems to be a regular tactic of Mr. McDonnell
(MAC the Ward Attendant).

To add to their clear and unmistakable fraudulent charges,
Mr. McDonnell and some of his fellow gang members boasted
and bragged about how the DA in my county was going to
"review their evidence and prosecute me." It is clear that
Mr. McDonnell and friends decided to use the most egregious
and unethical means possible to stop me from revealing the
truth about their smear and fraud campaign they are waging
against me....they are truly desperate to stop the truth
about their fraudulent accusations and forgeries from being

It all backfired.

Tom Rau (a.k.a. Dai Uy) and Dennis McDonnell, (a.k.a. Mac
the Ward Attendant No Medic) along with other members of the
Nigel Brooks smear gang clearly conspired to file these
bogus charges (their published posts clearly prove they were
involved in this conspiracy). In fact one of Rau's infamous
posts replete with his forgeries he fraudulently attributes
to me was used as "evidence" I was harassing McDonnell! (I
know that sounds incredible and crackpotish but no one said
the McDonnell and gang et al were even reasonably smart).


Last week I received official notice (in writing and on the
telephone) from one of my lawyers (the former JAG officer)
that the District Attorney for my county, after a thorough
and exhausting investigation, has informed my lawyer
officially that "no action" will be taken in respect to Mr.
McDonnell's bogus charges. (If anyone wants to see the
letter email me).

Once again it appears to me that a disinterested third party
(in this case a legal expert) has apparently concluded the
Brooks smear gang is using false, fraudulent and misleading
statements and/or false accusations to further their fraud
and smear campaign against me.

We all know that Nigel Brooks and his gang in support
including McDonnell has suffered not less than eleven web
sites forced down by independent Web Mangers due to his
repeated violations of their terms of service in respect to
abuse or defamation or false accusations. (In fact I believe
Nigel Brooks holds the internet record for web sites forced
down due to fraud and abuse ((which says a lot about his
lack of ethics and veracity if you ask me)).

Now, it appears we also find an independent District
Attorney, in respect to his refusal to take action based
upon fraudulent and bogus gang charges, ALSO apparently
agreeing with me that members of the Brooks gang conspired
to file bogus criminal charges against me to shut me up, and
to stop me from posting the truth about how the Brooks' gang
uses forgeries and fraud to harass, intimidate and incite
threats of death and violence against their target victim,
not to mention violate copyright laws right and left.

Now that the District Attorney has officially ruled "no
action" in respect to McDonnell and Rau's malicious, bogus
and false accusations, I have been advised to consider
various legal actions against the gang for malicious
prosecution and the incitement of threats of death and
violence I have received due to the Brooks' gang's actions.

If the gang keeps it up I am sure they will be brought to
justice. (I have two years to file under this issue alone).
However, since the gang is collectively cowering and hiding
from an impartial Arbitration review of their fraudulent
claims (loser pays for the Arbitration) they have lost all
credibility, and have de facto admitted they are fraud
merchants, serial liars and will stoop to just about
anything to shut up those that dare to defend themselves and
expose their gang fraud and smear tactics.

The next time one of the gang says something derogatory
about me, ask that gang member why he is hiding from my
Arbitration challenge? That challenge is simple, if the
Arbitrator decides the gang is lying, they pay for the
Arbitration, but if the Arbitrator decides the gang is
telling the truth about me, I pay for the
Arbitration....there could not be a more fair challenge to
find out the truth, and that is why McDonnell, Brooks, Rau
and other gang members (even the criminal cyberstalker
SteveL) runs, hides, cowers and pisses their collective
pants when they are confronted with this simple and
straightforward challenge.

The Brooks fraud and smear gang knows they have been caught
using forgeries and fraud to defame and smear, and they are
ducking and running as fast as their little bug legs will
take them....McDonnell has even resorted to stealing my
personal medical information and posting it on USENET to try
and intimidate me to stop posting my Arbitration I said the fraud merchant Nigel Brooks
gang is becoming desperate to hide the truth.

BTW, does anyone know if MR. McDonnell, or Mr. Rau or Mr.
Brooks owns their property? Whatever you know about these
fraud merchants please email me or my lawyer.

Time For Dennis McDonnell to Answer Some Questions About His
Muslim Connections

Here is an excerpt from one of McDonnell's Posts where he
boasted about visiting Muslim Mosques about me and
fraudulently claimed I was violating criminal laws by
rebutting his fraud and false accusations:

Show only message text


From: Mac <>


Subject: Re: court date?

Message-ID: <>

References: <>

X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 3.2/32.830

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Lines: 105


Organization: EasyNews, UseNet made Easy!

X-Complaints-Info: Please be sure to forward a copy of ALL
headers otherwise we will be unable to process your
complaint properly.

Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 18:19:22 GMT

......AND, BY THE WAY, I have contacted a couple of the

groups in this area; and "Human Rights". They were not happy
to read

your postings rejoicing over the posting of that

The local mosque has been notified of your posting.

The people at the Inter-Religious Group made an appointment
with one

of the officers and their attorney and we shall share wtih
them what

you have posted.

They are not happy about this.

Apparently they will notifiy authorities in your location of

propensity for posting material that is in violation of the

CyberStalking rules/regulations for the State of Washington.

AND, as for that pitiful critter down there in Texas, no, we
have not

forgot it and its actions.

It shall also have a response.



Google Home - Terms of Service - Privacy Policy

©2006 Google

End of proof McDonnell contacted Muslim Mosques about me:

Here is the Dennis McDonnell post in which Mr. McDonnell
stated that his religion came forth from the "soil of
Islam." And how he reads the Koran and has several
translations of the Koran. Mr. McDonnell also recommends
that others read the Koran for its "central meanings," and
he stated below a recommendation for someone to purchase a
book titled "A CLOSER LOOK" in respect to the Koran: Reading
the Quran for Central Meanings" and it is by Dr. Arashmidos

Mr. McDonnell further said below:

"I am slowly gaining an appreciation for the challenges and
sensibility of how

the Baha'i Faith came forth from the soil of Islam."

From: "Mac" <>

Subject: Re: Which Koran?

Date: 1999/03/25

Message-ID: <"JBXjkC.A.BI.xFh-2">#1/1

X-Deja-AN: 458882672

Distribution: world

Approved: (Bill Hyman)


Organization: ----

Newsgroups: soc.religion.bahai

March 25, 1999


Dennis M. McDonnell


"When I was in Columbus, Ohio, one of my first teachers of
the Baha'i Faith

was an elderly lady named Olivia Kelsey. When I asked about
learning more

of Islam to perhaps appreciate the foundation from which the
Baha'i Faith

arose, she suggested several very good history's AND then
referred me to

the comments of the Guardian who, at that time, recommenced
the Rodwell

translation of the Koran.

I happen to still have an "EVERYMAN LIBRARY" edition of J.
M. Rodwell's


Since the time that the Guardian penned his suggestion
several other

translations have been forthcoming --- and, in contrast to
many of the

writers from the beginning of the century, there has been
more an effort to

translate the KORAN using the imagery of the original.

I have a couple of other translations. One of which is the

Classics which has the parallel Arabic text and the work is
by N.J. Dawood.

IN ADDITION, there is also a good little book you can
probably obtain

through a good Baha'i bookstore called "A CLOSER LOOK:
Reading the Quran

for Central Meanings" and it is by Dr. Arashmidos Monjazeb
and is

available through the Baha'i Distribution Service which was
in Tennesse and

is now in Atlanta, I believe.

As you, as I read the histories and then look at the KORAN
and seek out

descriptions and interpretations, and then refer to other
Baha'i Writings, I

am slowly gaining an appreciation for the challenges and
sensibility of how

the Baha'i Faith came forth from the soil of Islam.

Good Luck;

Dennis M. McDonnell"

----------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Bob/Zannie wrote in message

>Hi I'm looking to by a new copy of the Q'uran in english

>can somebody recommend one, prefrably hardback.

>is there and edition which is commonly used by Bahai's?





End McDonnell's post.

I have no idea why Mr. McDonnell falsely howled, sniveled
and whined when Mr. Terry Smith revealed Mr. McDonnell's
support of Islam, especially when Mr. McDonnell himself
boasted about contacting Muslim mosques and had previously
posted that Islam was the soil of his religion!

Mr. McDonnell even repeated the "MAC the Muslim" headings
himself in his replies - which we all know he could and
would have changed if that label really bothered him. We
also noted that Mr. McDonnell allowed not less than NINE
repeats of the subject line heading "Mac the Muslim" by his
fellow gang members, yet did not complain one time about his
fellow gang members using that name?

Is Mr. McDonnell's "selective" outrage that someone dared to
reveal one of his past posts that praised Islam clearly
false and fraudulent? In my opinion it clearly is, and
apparently others share my opinion.

Can Mr. Mcdonnell's ridiculous claim that somehow he was
being attacked or harassed when people rightfully assumed,
based upon his own posts that praised the Koran and Islam
that he was a Muslim? Moreover, what the hell is wrong with
being a Muslim? I can find nothing wrong with those that
practice that religion peacefully...(some were even on one
of my teams) so considering Mr. McDonnell's unconvincing
whines in this regard, is Mr. McDonnell trying to convince
us and the DA that all Muslims are dangerous and therefore
he wants to hide his connection to the Islamic faith? If he
does, then that is his intolerant racist problem and not
mine nor anyone's eases.

What Mr. McDonnell needs to learn is that he should not be
ashamed if he is a Muslim, nor be ashamed that he believes
Islam was the soil of his religion like he publically

In my opinion the world's terrorist problems stems from
"radicalism" and not directly from any particular religion.
I thought David Koresh was a radical terrorist, so does that
mean I believe all Christians are the same as David Koresh?
Of course not, no more than I believe all Muslims are the
same as radical Islamic terrorists like Osama Bin Laden.

Here is the American Heritage's Dictionary definition of a

On Wed, 3 Oct 2007 12:55:14 -0700, "DGVREIMAN" <>


<snip some rather extreme libel against Mac>

>Also, I must now ask how deep are the other gang members
>involved in this malicious prosecution conspiracy and
>involved in contacting third parties so as to incite and
>encourage threats of violence and death against me? Are
>there other Muslims involved in this gang? We know Tom Rau
>was involved in the fraudulent charges against me because
>his posts were used as bogus evidence by Mr. McDonnell, and
>we know the SteveL anonymous cyberstalker was involved
>because he openly encouraged and promoted these fraudulent
>and bogus malicious charges

I did? News to me.

Something about Muslims cyberstalking you? Trying to procecute you?

It's hard to follow your inept and boring writing.

> ...but how about the rest of the
>Brooks smear gang? (I should also note that SteveL has often
>denigrated our troops fighting in Iraq


>, attacked the Bush


> and our war on terror....

That too.

>and this anonymous
>cyberstalking criminal is very close to Mr. McDonnell, so is
>this some kind of Muslim faction of the Brooks gang?)

Can't be. I'm an atheist.

And Dougie. It is a simple fact that I have no criminal record.

Unlike, I very much suspect, YOU.
Too much time on your hands Dougie.
> (I won't hold my breath awaiting the answers to the Muslim
> connection questions I have set forth herein, but until I
> hear some answers I will continue to ask the lawful and
> legitimate questions surrounding Mr. McDonnell's self
> proclaimed Islamic connections).
> Doug Grant (Tm)
On Wed, 3 Oct 2007 12:55:14 -0700, "DGVREIMAN" <>
wrote 500+ lines of blathering codswallop projecting upon others his
own foibles....


>Time For Dennis McDonnell to Answer Some Questions About His
>Muslim Connections...

Back about September, 2006 DOUG GRANT posted the following:

Moreover, I accused you of nothing. I asked if the local Mosque
was paying you to attack Veterans? This question is quite
appropriate since you posted how much you loved the Koran, and
my negative opinions about radical Islam is well-known.
Moreover, your "MAC the Muslim" handle is simply a way I can
keep track of all of your aliases. If you feel that being called
a Muslim after you said you "loved the Koran" is inappropriate,
and you believe that is some kind of insult, then that is your
problem not mine. However if you want me to call you something
else, then just say so and I will do it. How about "MAC the
Moron?" That is a good choice. No? Then how about " Mac the
Defamer?" No, don't like that one either? Well pick something.
Did you like MAC the Medic? If you did then how about MAC the
Muslim Moron Medic (or MMMM) for short. I kinda like that one.
But you choose. Your name on the NG should be your choice - but
no I will not call you "king of the **** pile" or anything
similar to your delusional purpose in life of harassing and
libeling everyone on USENET.

You have indicated results by October, 2006.
Still, nothing.
Why don't you just shut-up and have the Court/your
"Attorney" mail the papers.
Send them Certified, Return Receipt.
Pick a Court Date.
And, PLEASE, not more of your "...just you wait; three more

Make sure your Attorney is clearly stated, including his State Bar
Now, serve your bloody papers.
On Wed, 3 Oct 2007 12:55:14 -0700, "DGVREIMAN" <>


The Deputy Prosecuting Attorney for Clarke County, Washington was
contacted today about this latest bilge from Doug Grant.

He was informed of several of the comments of this Doug Grant.
Here is his response.

I read through Mr. Reiman's most recent posting as provided in your
e-mail, and his statements seem to misstate the basis for our office's
I believe that Mr. Reiman's defense attorney was informed that we were
deciding to not take action on the matter, but I don't believe there
was any representation that you were acting in a malicious manner or
fabricating anything in order to bring forward prosecution.
We decided, rather, that none of the evidence we had been provided
would be sufficient to prove Cyberstalking as defined in RCW 9.61.260
beyond a reasonable doubt.

If you have any further questions, feel free to follow up.

On Wed, 3 Oct 2007 12:55:14 -0700, "DGVREIMAN" <>
Large SNIP
>I have no idea why Mr. McDonnell falsely howled, sniveled
>and whined when Mr. Terry Smith revealed Mr. McDonnell's
>support of Islam, especially when Mr. McDonnell himself
>boasted about contacting Muslim mosques

========== =======
BECAUSE, you stated:
Moreover, I accused you of nothing. I asked if the local Mosque
was paying you to attack Veterans?

AS SUCH, not only the local police, the F.B.I., but the local mosque
had the right to be aware of your latest snide little comment.
The "Inter-Religious" Group on this side of the river was notified.
And, as you live in Clark County, Washington, authorities there,
including Human Rights groups, and religious entities were notified of
your postings and furnished same so they could be aware of the thrust
of your so-called "arguments".

This coming week I shall head over to Vancouver and meet with the
people at the VA-facility there and let them have copies of your
---Mac, the Medic

(Smear Merchant Disclaimer: Please note this article (the
same as all of my past articles and exchanges with posters)
represents an editorial on contemporary issues and events -
my opinion. Nothing in this article represents in any manner
any asseveration of biographical fact, nor is about,
directed toward or against any particular person - other
than those specifically mentioned herein. If any person
finds this post personally annoying, abusive, defaming or
otherwise disturbing, please notify me of your specific
reasons for annoyance via email at
If we find your detailed objections reasonable (considering
the "reasonable person" doctrine and case law) we will then
remove this post, or the offending passages contained
therein, from the Google archive, publicly apologize and
retract. My intent is not to annoy, abuse, humiliate, or in
any way cause anyone emotional harm by posting on USENET or
elsewhere. Please note that defending myself from harassment
and obloquy with rebuttal posts has been deemed a "lawful
and legitimate" publication by my legal counsel. If I am not
attacked, defamed or harassed, or my copyrighted articles
not interrupted nor infringed upon, I clearly do not have a
reason to respond with a rebuttal. Please also note that I
intend to notify any and all ISP's and web hosts of any
annoying or calumnious post, web site or other similar
entity about me after I give the offender an opportunity to
retract, apologize and remove said post from the Google

Arbitration Notice: If any person claims something I said
about them in this post is not true, then I invite them to
email me and request arbitration. The loser will pay for the
arbitrator. I also invite arbitration in respect to me
claiming something someone said about me is untrue. Again,
the loser will pay for the arbitration. Truth as defined in
this offer will be statements in correct context and
representing original intent, and key omissions of fact will
be considered untruthful. Arbitrators will be selected from
the American Association of Arbitrators. This offer
exclusively applies to all statements of fact in this post.

McDonnell's Recent Fraud

As many readers already know, in a typical unethical and
criminal manner, members of the Nigel Brooks smear gang
crossed state lines and filed completely fraudulent, bogus
and malicious harassment charges against me to stop me from
proving they are lying and using fraud and forgeries to
defame me. These gang members are losing all credibility
because they have now lost not less than eleven web sites
due to their fraud and false accusations, and because they
are afraid to submit to binding Arbitration loser pays in
respect to their false accusations and related forgeries and
smear frauds. So they thought they could shut me up by
filing completely false and bogus criminal charges against
me....which seems to be a regular tactic of Mr. McDonnell
(MAC the Ward Attendant).

To add to their clear and unmistakable fraudulent charges,
Mr. McDonnell and some of his fellow gang members boasted
and bragged about how the DA in my county was going to
"review their evidence and prosecute me." It is clear that
Mr. McDonnell and friends decided to use the most egregious
and unethical means possible to stop me from revealing the
truth about their smear and fraud campaign they are waging
against me....they are truly desperate to stop the truth
about their fraudulent accusations and forgeries from being

It all backfired.

Tom Rau (a.k.a. Dai Uy) and Dennis McDonnell, (a.k.a. Mac
the Ward Attendant No Medic) along with other members of the
Nigel Brooks smear gang clearly conspired to file these
bogus charges (their published posts clearly prove they were
involved in this conspiracy). In fact one of Rau's infamous
posts replete with his forgeries he fraudulently attributes
to me was used as "evidence" I was harassing McDonnell! (I
know that sounds incredible and crackpotish but no one said
the McDonnell and gang et al were even reasonably smart).


Last week I received official notice (in writing and on the
telephone) from one of my lawyers (the former JAG officer)
that the District Attorney for my county, after a thorough
and exhausting investigation, has informed my lawyer
officially that "no action" will be taken in respect to Mr.
McDonnell's bogus charges. (If anyone wants to see the
letter email me).

Once again it appears to me that a disinterested third party
(in this case a legal expert) has apparently concluded the
Brooks smear gang is using false, fraudulent and misleading
statements and/or false accusations to further their fraud
and smear campaign against me.

We all know that Nigel Brooks and his gang in support
including McDonnell has suffered not less than eleven web
sites forced down by independent Web Mangers due to his
repeated violations of their terms of service in respect to
abuse or defamation or false accusations. (In fact I believe
Nigel Brooks holds the internet record for web sites forced
down due to fraud and abuse ((which says a lot about his
lack of ethics and veracity if you ask me)).

Now, it appears we also find an independent District
Attorney, in respect to his refusal to take action based
upon fraudulent and bogus gang charges, ALSO apparently
agreeing with me that members of the Brooks gang conspired
to file bogus criminal charges against me to shut me up, and
to stop me from posting the truth about how the Brooks' gang
uses forgeries and fraud to harass, intimidate and incite
threats of death and violence against their target victim,
not to mention violate copyright laws right and left.

Now that the District Attorney has officially ruled "no
action" in respect to McDonnell and Rau's malicious, bogus
and false accusations, I have been advised to consider
various legal actions against the gang for malicious
prosecution and the incitement of threats of death and
violence I have received due to the Brooks' gang's actions.

If the gang keeps it up I am sure they will be brought to
justice. (I have two years to file under this issue alone).
However, since the gang is collectively cowering and hiding
from an impartial Arbitration review of their fraudulent
claims (loser pays for the Arbitration) they have lost all
credibility, and have de facto admitted they are fraud
merchants, serial liars and will stoop to just about
anything to shut up those that dare to defend themselves and
expose their gang fraud and smear tactics.

The next time one of the gang says something derogatory
about me, ask that gang member why he is hiding from my
Arbitration challenge? That challenge is simple, if the
Arbitrator decides the gang is lying, they pay for the
Arbitration, but if the Arbitrator decides the gang is
telling the truth about me, I pay for the
Arbitration....there could not be a more fair challenge to
find out the truth, and that is why McDonnell, Brooks, Rau
and other gang members (even the criminal cyberstalker
SteveL) runs, hides, cowers and pisses their collective
pants when they are confronted with this simple and
straightforward challenge.

The Brooks fraud and smear gang knows they have been caught
using forgeries and fraud to defame and smear, and they are
ducking and running as fast as their little bug legs will
take them....McDonnell has even resorted to stealing my
personal medical information and posting it on USENET to try
and intimidate me to stop posting my Arbitration I said the fraud merchant Nigel Brooks
gang is becoming desperate to hide the truth.

BTW, does anyone know if MR. McDonnell, or Mr. Rau or Mr.
Brooks owns their property? Whatever you know about these
fraud merchants please email me or my lawyer.

Time For Dennis McDonnell to Answer Some Questions About His
Muslim Connections

Here is an excerpt from one of McDonnell's Posts where he
boasted about visiting Muslim Mosques about me and
fraudulently claimed I was violating criminal laws by
rebutting his fraud and false accusations:

Show only message text


From: Mac <>


Subject: Re: court date?

Message-ID: <>

References: <>

X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 3.2/32.830

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Lines: 105


Organization: EasyNews, UseNet made Easy!

X-Complaints-Info: Please be sure to forward a copy of ALL
headers otherwise we will be unable to process your
complaint properly.

Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 18:19:22 GMT

......AND, BY THE WAY, I have contacted a couple of the

groups in this area; and "Human Rights". They were not happy
to read

your postings rejoicing over the posting of that

The local mosque has been notified of your posting.

The people at the Inter-Religious Group made an appointment
with one

of the officers and their attorney and we shall share wtih
them what

you have posted.

They are not happy about this.

Apparently they will notifiy authorities in your location of

propensity for posting material that is in violation of the

CyberStalking rules/regulations for the State of Washington.

AND, as for that pitiful critter down there in Texas, no, we
have not

forgot it and its actions.

It shall also have a response.



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©2006 Google

End of proof McDonnell contacted Muslim Mosques about me:

Here is the Dennis McDonnell post in which Mr. McDonnell
stated that his religion came forth from the "soil of
Islam." And how he reads the Koran and has several
translations of the Koran. Mr. McDonnell also recommends
that others read the Koran for its "central meanings," and
he stated below a recommendation for someone to purchase a
book titled "A CLOSER LOOK" in respect to the Koran: Reading
the Quran for Central Meanings" and it is by Dr. Arashmidos

Mr. McDonnell further said below:

"I am slowly gaining an appreciation for the challenges and
sensibility of how

the Baha'i Faith came forth from the soil of Islam."

From: "Mac" <>

Subject: Re: Which Koran?

Date: 1999/03/25

Message-ID: <"JBXjkC.A.BI.xFh-2">#1/1

X-Deja-AN: 458882672

Distribution: world

Approved: (Bill Hyman)


Organization: ----

Newsgroups: soc.religion.bahai

March 25, 1999


Dennis M. McDonnell


"When I was in Columbus, Ohio, one of my first teachers of
the Baha'i Faith

was an elderly lady named Olivia Kelsey. When I asked about
learning more

of Islam to perhaps appreciate the foundation from which the
Baha'i Faith

arose, she suggested several very good history's AND then
referred me to

the comments of the Guardian who, at that time, recommenced
the Rodwell

translation of the Koran.

I happen to still have an "EVERYMAN LIBRARY" edition of J.
M. Rodwell's


Since the time that the Guardian penned his suggestion
several other

translations have been forthcoming --- and, in contrast to
many of the

writers from the beginning of the century, there has been
more an effort to

translate the KORAN using the imagery of the original.

I have a couple of other translations. One of which is the

Classics which has the parallel Arabic text and the work is
by N.J. Dawood.

IN ADDITION, there is also a good little book you can
probably obtain

through a good Baha'i bookstore called "A CLOSER LOOK:
Reading the Quran

for Central Meanings" and it is by Dr. Arashmidos Monjazeb
and is

available through the Baha'i Distribution Service which was
in Tennesse and

is now in Atlanta, I believe.

As you, as I read the histories and then look at the KORAN
and seek out

descriptions and interpretations, and then refer to other
Baha'i Writings, I

am slowly gaining an appreciation for the challenges and
sensibility of how

the Baha'i Faith came forth from the soil of Islam.

Good Luck;

Dennis M. McDonnell"

----------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Bob/Zannie wrote in message

>Hi I'm looking to by a new copy of the Q'uran in english

>can somebody recommend one, prefrably hardback.

>is there and edition which is commonly used by Bahai's?





End McDonnell's post.

I have no idea why Mr. McDonnell falsely howled, sniveled
and whined when Mr. Terry Smith revealed Mr. McDonnell's
support of Islam, especially when Mr. McDonnell himself
boasted about contacting Muslim mosques and had previously
posted that Islam was the soil of his religion!

Mr. McDonnell even repeated the "MAC the Muslim" headings
himself in his replies - which we all know he could and
would have changed if that label really bothered him. We
also noted that Mr. McDonnell allowed not less than NINE
repeats of the subject line heading "Mac the Muslim" by his
fellow gang members, yet did not complain one time about his
fellow gang members using that name?

Is Mr. McDonnell's "selective" outrage that someone dared to
reveal one of his past posts that praised Islam clearly
false and fraudulent? In my opinion it clearly is, and
apparently others share my opinion.

Can Mr. Mcdonnell's ridiculous claim that somehow he was
being attacked or harassed when people rightfully assumed,
based upon his own posts that praised the Koran and Islam
that he was a Muslim? Moreover, what the hell is wrong with
being a Muslim? I can find nothing wrong with those that
practice that religion peacefully...(some were even on one
of my teams) so considering Mr. McDonnell's unconvincing
whines in this regard, is Mr. McDonnell trying to convince
us and the DA that all Muslims are dangerous and therefore
he wants to hide his connection to the Islamic faith? If he
does, then that is his intolerant racist problem and not
mine nor anyone's eases.

What Mr. McDonnell needs to learn is that he should not be
ashamed if he is a Muslim, nor be ashamed that he believes
Islam was the soil of his religion like he publically

In my opinion the world's terrorist problems stems from
"radicalism" and not directly from any particular religion.
I thought David Koresh was a radical terrorist, so does that
mean I believe all Christians are the same as David Koresh?
Of course not, no more than I believe all Muslims are the
same as radical Islamic terrorists like Osama Bin Laden.

Here is the American Heritage's Dictionary definition of a

On Thu, 4 Oct 2007 15:54:35 -0700, "DGVREIMAN" <>


>> <snip some rather extreme libel against Mac>

>Doug Says: You have not snipped out any libel as the above
>post clearly proves. You are lying and using fraudulent
>misrepresentations and violating criminal statutes with your
>anonymous harassment. Responding to criminals is something
>I rarely do, but in your case your fraud and cyberstalking
>is so glaring I thought the rest of the readers would like
>to know about your fraud and cyberstalking.

Thanks to you they "know" about it on a daily basis.

You do realise that the only one approaching libel and cyberstalking
is you?

That's why everyone laughs at you.

>>>Also, I must now ask how deep are the other gang members
>>>involved in this malicious prosecution conspiracy and
>>>involved in contacting third parties so as to incite and
>>>encourage threats of violence and death against me? Are
>>>there other Muslims involved in this gang? We know Tom Rau
>>>was involved in the fraudulent charges against me because
>>>his posts were used as bogus evidence by Mr. McDonnell,
>>>we know the SteveL anonymous cyberstalker was involved
>>>because he openly encouraged and promoted these fraudulent
>>>and bogus malicious charges

>> I did? News to me.

>Doug Says: Your past posts prove it, stop lying.

Then post references to them.

>> Something about Muslims cyberstalking you? Trying to
>> procecute you?
>> It's hard to follow your inept and boring writing.

>Doug Says: I notice you read it and conviently do not
>understand it when it proves you are a fraud merchant and a
>cyberstalking criminal.

Who said I didn't understand it?

Looks like you have the comprehension problem.

>>> ...but how about the rest of the
>>>Brooks smear gang? (I should also note that SteveL has
>>>denigrated our troops fighting in Iraq

>> Never.

>Doug Says: More lies, shall I post the posts that prove your

Please do. Only don't do your normal trick of posting a strangers
message and claiming it was posted by me under an alias.

>>>, attacked the Bush

>> Always.
>>> and our war on terror....

>> That too.
>>>and this anonymous
>>>cyberstalking criminal is very close to Mr. McDonnell, so
>>>this some kind of Muslim faction of the Brooks gang?)

>> Can't be. I'm an atheist.

>Doug Says: That figures. Many cyberstalkers that violate
>criminal statutes are.

So you're an atheist too?

>> And Dougie. It is a simple fact that I have no criminal
>> record.
>> Unlike, I very much suspect, YOU.

>Mr. Cyberstalker, you have violated the anonymous
>cyberstalking criminal statutes, and you have violated
>criminal sections of Title 17.

Are you pretending to be a lawyer again?

>If you disagree, then
>provide the name of your lawyer or where you can be
>contacted, and I will file criminal charges against you


>Time to walk the walk cyberstalker.

Says the man who threatens lawsuits for 4 years and still won't follow

>Doug Grant (Tm)


(Smear Merchant Disclaimer: Please note this article (the
same as all of my past articles and exchanges with posters)
represents an editorial on contemporary issues and events -
my opinion. Nothing in this article represents in any manner
any asseveration of biographical fact, nor is about,
directed toward or against any particular person - other
than those specifically mentioned herein. If any person
finds this post personally annoying, abusive, defaming or
otherwise disturbing, please notify me of your specific
reasons for annoyance via email at
If we find your detailed objections reasonable (considering
the "reasonable person" doctrine and case law) we will then
remove this post, or the offending passages contained
therein, from the Google archive, publicly apologize and
retract. My intent is not to annoy, abuse, humiliate, or in
any way cause anyone emotional harm by posting on USENET or
elsewhere. Please note that defending myself from harassment
and obloquy with rebuttal posts has been deemed a "lawful
and legitimate" publication by my legal counsel. If I am not
attacked, defamed or harassed, or my copyrighted articles
not interrupted nor infringed upon, I clearly do not have a
reason to respond with a rebuttal. Please also note that I
intend to notify any and all ISP's and web hosts of any
annoying or calumnious post, web site or other similar
entity about me after I give the offender an opportunity to
retract, apologize and remove said post from the Google

Arbitration Notice: If any person claims something I said
about them in this post is not true, then I invite them to
email me and request arbitration. The loser will pay for the
arbitrator. I also invite arbitration in respect to me
claiming something someone said about me is untrue. Again,
the loser will pay for the arbitration. Truth as defined in
this offer will be statements in correct context and
representing original intent, and key omissions of fact will
be considered untruthful. Arbitrators will be selected from
the American Association of Arbitrators. This offer
exclusively applies to all statements of fact in this post.

McDonnell's Recent Fraud

As many readers already know, in a typical unethical and
criminal manner, members of the Nigel Brooks smear gang
crossed state lines and filed completely fraudulent, bogus
and malicious harassment charges against me to stop me from
proving they are lying and using fraud and forgeries to
defame me. These gang members are losing all credibility
because they have now lost not less than eleven web sites
due to their fraud and false accusations, and because they
are afraid to submit to binding Arbitration loser pays in
respect to their false accusations and related forgeries and
smear frauds. So they thought they could shut me up by
filing completely false and bogus criminal charges against
me....which seems to be a regular tactic of Mr. McDonnell
(MAC the Ward Attendant).

To add to their clear and unmistakable fraudulent charges,
Mr. McDonnell and some of his fellow gang members boasted
and bragged about how the DA in my county was going to
"review their evidence and prosecute me." It is clear that
Mr. McDonnell and friends decided to use the most egregious
and unethical means possible to stop me from revealing the
truth about their smear and fraud campaign they are waging
against me....they are truly desperate to stop the truth
about their fraudulent accusations and forgeries from being

It all backfired.

Tom Rau (a.k.a. Dai Uy) and Dennis McDonnell, (a.k.a. Mac
the Ward Attendant No Medic) along with other members of the
Nigel Brooks smear gang clearly conspired to file these
bogus charges (their published posts clearly prove they were
involved in this conspiracy). In fact one of Rau's infamous
posts replete with his forgeries he fraudulently attributes
to me was used as "evidence" I was harassing McDonnell! (I
know that sounds incredible and crackpotish but no one said
the McDonnell and gang et al were even reasonably smart).


Last week I received official notice (in writing and on the
telephone) from one of my lawyers (the former JAG officer)
that the District Attorney for my county, after a thorough
and exhausting investigation, has informed my lawyer
officially that "no action" will be taken in respect to Mr.
McDonnell's bogus charges. (If anyone wants to see the
letter email me).

Once again it appears to me that a disinterested third party
(in this case a legal expert) has apparently concluded the
Brooks smear gang is using false, fraudulent and misleading
statements and/or false accusations to further their fraud
and smear campaign against me.

We all know that Nigel Brooks and his gang in support
including McDonnell has suffered not less than eleven web
sites forced down by independent Web Mangers due to his
repeated violations of their terms of service in respect to
abuse or defamation or false accusations. (In fact I believe
Nigel Brooks holds the internet record for web sites forced
down due to fraud and abuse ((which says a lot about his
lack of ethics and veracity if you ask me)).

Now, it appears we also find an independent District
Attorney, in respect to his refusal to take action based
upon fraudulent and bogus gang charges, ALSO apparently
agreeing with me that members of the Brooks gang conspired
to file bogus criminal charges against me to shut me up, and
to stop me from posting the truth about how the Brooks' gang
uses forgeries and fraud to harass, intimidate and incite
threats of death and violence against their target victim,
not to mention violate copyright laws right and left.

Now that the District Attorney has officially ruled "no
action" in respect to McDonnell and Rau's malicious, bogus
and false accusations, I have been advised to consider
various legal actions against the gang for malicious
prosecution and the incitement of threats of death and
violence I have received due to the Brooks' gang's actions.

If the gang keeps it up I am sure they will be brought to
justice. (I have two years to file under this issue alone).
However, since the gang is collectively cowering and hiding
from an impartial Arbitration review of their fraudulent
claims (loser pays for the Arbitration) they have lost all
credibility, and have de facto admitted they are fraud
merchants, serial liars and will stoop to just about
anything to shut up those that dare to defend themselves and
expose their gang fraud and smear tactics.

The next time one of the gang says something derogatory
about me, ask that gang member why he is hiding from my
Arbitration challenge? That challenge is simple, if the
Arbitrator decides the gang is lying, they pay for the
Arbitration, but if the Arbitrator decides the gang is
telling the truth about me, I pay for the
Arbitration....there could not be a more fair challenge to
find out the truth, and that is why McDonnell, Brooks, Rau
and other gang members (even the criminal cyberstalker
SteveL) runs, hides, cowers and pisses their collective
pants when they are confronted with this simple and
straightforward challenge.

The Brooks fraud and smear gang knows they have been caught
using forgeries and fraud to defame and smear, and they are
ducking and running as fast as their little bug legs will
take them....McDonnell has even resorted to stealing my
personal medical information and posting it on USENET to try
and intimidate me to stop posting my Arbitration I said the fraud merchant Nigel Brooks
gang is becoming desperate to hide the truth.

BTW, does anyone know if MR. McDonnell, or Mr. Rau or Mr.
Brooks owns their property? Whatever you know about these
fraud merchants please email me or my lawyer.

Time For Dennis McDonnell to Answer Some Questions About His
Muslim Connections

Here is an excerpt from one of McDonnell's Posts where he
boasted about visiting Muslim Mosques about me and
fraudulently claimed I was violating criminal laws by
rebutting his fraud and false accusations:

Show only message text


From: Mac <>


Subject: Re: court date?

Message-ID: <>

References: <>

X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 3.2/32.830

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Lines: 105


Organization: EasyNews, UseNet made Easy!

X-Complaints-Info: Please be sure to forward a copy of ALL
headers otherwise we will be unable to process your
complaint properly.

Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 18:19:22 GMT

......AND, BY THE WAY, I have contacted a couple of the

groups in this area; and "Human Rights". They were not happy
to read

your postings rejoicing over the posting of that

The local mosque has been notified of your posting.

The people at the Inter-Religious Group made an appointment
with one

of the officers and their attorney and we shall share wtih
them what

you have posted.

They are not happy about this.

Apparently they will notifiy authorities in your location of

propensity for posting material that is in violation of the

CyberStalking rules/regulations for the State of Washington.

AND, as for that pitiful critter down there in Texas, no, we
have not

forgot it and its actions.

It shall also have a response.



Google Home - Terms of Service - Privacy Policy

©2006 Google

End of proof McDonnell contacted Muslim Mosques about me:

Here is the Dennis McDonnell post in which Mr. McDonnell
stated that his religion came forth from the "soil of
Islam." And how he reads the Koran and has several
translations of the Koran. Mr. McDonnell also recommends
that others read the Koran for its "central meanings," and
he stated below a recommendation for someone to purchase a
book titled "A CLOSER LOOK" in respect to the Koran: Reading
the Quran for Central Meanings" and it is by Dr. Arashmidos

Mr. McDonnell further said below:

"I am slowly gaining an appreciation for the challenges and
sensibility of how

the Baha'i Faith came forth from the soil of Islam."

From: "Mac" <>

Subject: Re: Which Koran?

Date: 1999/03/25

Message-ID: <"JBXjkC.A.BI.xFh-2">#1/1

X-Deja-AN: 458882672

Distribution: world

Approved: (Bill Hyman)


Organization: ----

Newsgroups: soc.religion.bahai

March 25, 1999


Dennis M. McDonnell


"When I was in Columbus, Ohio, one of my first teachers of
the Baha'i Faith

was an elderly lady named Olivia Kelsey. When I asked about
learning more

of Islam to perhaps appreciate the foundation from which the
Baha'i Faith

arose, she suggested several very good history's AND then
referred me to

the comments of the Guardian who, at that time, recommenced
the Rodwell

translation of the Koran.

I happen to still have an "EVERYMAN LIBRARY" edition of J.
M. Rodwell's


Since the time that the Guardian penned his suggestion
several other

translations have been forthcoming --- and, in contrast to
many of the

writers from the beginning of the century, there has been
more an effort to

translate the KORAN using the imagery of the original.

I have a couple of other translations. One of which is the

Classics which has the parallel Arabic text and the work is
by N.J. Dawood.

IN ADDITION, there is also a good little book you can
probably obtain

through a good Baha'i bookstore called "A CLOSER LOOK:
Reading the Quran

for Central Meanings" and it is by Dr. Arashmidos Monjazeb
and is

available through the Baha'i Distribution Service which was
in Tennesse and

is now in Atlanta, I believe.

As you, as I read the histories and then look at the KORAN
and seek out

descriptions and interpretations, and then refer to other
Baha'i Writings, I

am slowly gaining an appreciation for the challenges and
sensibility of how

the Baha'i Faith came forth from the soil of Islam.

Good Luck;

Dennis M. McDonnell"

----------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Bob/Zannie wrote in message

>Hi I'm looking to by a new copy of the Q'uran in english

>can somebody recommend one, prefrably hardback.

>is there and edition which is commonly used by Bahai's?





End McDonnell's post.

I have no idea why Mr. McDonnell falsely howled, sniveled
and whined when Mr. Terry Smith revealed Mr. McDonnell's
support of Islam, especially when Mr. McDonnell himself
boasted about contacting Muslim mosques and had previously
posted that Islam was the soil of his religion!

Mr. McDonnell even repeated the "MAC the Muslim" headings
himself in his replies - which we all know he could and
would have changed if that label really bothered him. We
also noted that Mr. McDonnell allowed not less than NINE
repeats of the subject line heading "Mac the Muslim" by his
fellow gang members, yet did not complain one time about his
fellow gang members using that name?

Is Mr. McDonnell's "selective" outrage that someone dared to
reveal one of his past posts that praised Islam clearly
false and fraudulent? In my opinion it clearly is, and
apparently others share my opinion.

Can Mr. Mcdonnell's ridiculous claim that somehow he was
being attacked or harassed when people rightfully assumed,
based upon his own posts that praised the Koran and Islam
that he was a Muslim? Moreover, what the hell is wrong with
being a Muslim? I can find nothing wrong with those that
practice that religion peacefully...(some were even on one
of my teams) so considering Mr. McDonnell's unconvincing
whines in this regard, is Mr. McDonnell trying to convince
us and the DA that all Muslims are dangerous and therefore
he wants to hide his connection to the Islamic faith? If he
does, then that is his intolerant racist problem and not
mine nor anyone's eases.

What Mr. McDonnell needs to learn is that he should not be
ashamed if he is a Muslim, nor be ashamed that he believes
Islam was the soil of his religion like he publically

In my opinion the world's terrorist problems stems from
"radicalism" and not directly from any particular religion.
I thought David Koresh was a radical terrorist, so does that
mean I believe all Christians are the same as David Koresh?
Of course not, no more than I believe all Muslims are the
same as radical Islamic terrorists like Osama Bin Laden.

Here is the American Heritage's Dictionary definition of a


(Smear Merchant Disclaimer: Please note this article (the
same as all of my past articles and exchanges with posters)
represents an editorial on contemporary issues and events -
my opinion. Nothing in this article represents in any manner
any asseveration of biographical fact, nor is about,
directed toward or against any particular person - other
than those specifically mentioned herein. If any person
finds this post personally annoying, abusive, defaming or
otherwise disturbing, please notify me of your specific
reasons for annoyance via email at
If we find your detailed objections reasonable (considering
the "reasonable person" doctrine and case law) we will then
remove this post, or the offending passages contained
therein, from the Google archive, publicly apologize and
retract. My intent is not to annoy, abuse, humiliate, or in
any way cause anyone emotional harm by posting on USENET or
elsewhere. Please note that defending myself from harassment
and obloquy with rebuttal posts has been deemed a "lawful
and legitimate" publication by my legal counsel. If I am not
attacked, defamed or harassed, or my copyrighted articles
not interrupted nor infringed upon, I clearly do not have a
reason to respond with a rebuttal. Please also note that I
intend to notify any and all ISP's and web hosts of any
annoying or calumnious post, web site or other similar
entity about me after I give the offender an opportunity to
retract, apologize and remove said post from the Google

Arbitration Notice: If any person claims something I said
about them in this post is not true, then I invite them to
email me and request arbitration. The loser will pay for the
arbitrator. I also invite arbitration in respect to me
claiming something someone said about me is untrue. Again,
the loser will pay for the arbitration. Truth as defined in
this offer will be statements in correct context and
representing original intent, and key omissions of fact will
be considered untruthful. Arbitrators will be selected from
the American Association of Arbitrators. This offer
exclusively applies to all statements of fact in this post.

McDonnell's Recent Fraud

As many readers already know, in a typical unethical and
criminal manner, members of the Nigel Brooks smear gang
crossed state lines and filed completely fraudulent, bogus
and malicious harassment charges against me to stop me from
proving they are lying and using fraud and forgeries to
defame me. These gang members are losing all credibility
because they have now lost not less than eleven web sites
due to their fraud and false accusations, and because they
are afraid to submit to binding Arbitration loser pays in
respect to their false accusations and related forgeries and
smear frauds. So they thought they could shut me up by
filing completely false and bogus criminal charges against
me....which seems to be a regular tactic of Mr. McDonnell
(MAC the Ward Attendant).

To add to their clear and unmistakable fraudulent charges,
Mr. McDonnell and some of his fellow gang members boasted
and bragged about how the DA in my county was going to
"review their evidence and prosecute me." It is clear that
Mr. McDonnell and friends decided to use the most egregious
and unethical means possible to stop me from revealing the
truth about their smear and fraud campaign they are waging
against me....they are truly desperate to stop the truth
about their fraudulent accusations and forgeries from being

It all backfired.

Tom Rau (a.k.a. Dai Uy) and Dennis McDonnell, (a.k.a. Mac
the Ward Attendant No Medic) along with other members of the
Nigel Brooks smear gang clearly conspired to file these
bogus charges (their published posts clearly prove they were
involved in this conspiracy). In fact one of Rau's infamous
posts replete with his forgeries he fraudulently attributes
to me was used as "evidence" I was harassing McDonnell! (I
know that sounds incredible and crackpotish but no one said
the McDonnell and gang et al were even reasonably smart).


Last week I received official notice (in writing and on the
telephone) from one of my lawyers (the former JAG officer)
that the District Attorney for my county, after a thorough
and exhausting investigation, has informed my lawyer
officially that "no action" will be taken in respect to Mr.
McDonnell's bogus charges. (If anyone wants to see the
letter email me).

Once again it appears to me that a disinterested third party
(in this case a legal expert) has apparently concluded the
Brooks smear gang is using false, fraudulent and misleading
statements and/or false accusations to further their fraud
and smear campaign against me.

We all know that Nigel Brooks and his gang in support
including McDonnell has suffered not less than eleven web
sites forced down by independent Web Mangers due to his
repeated violations of their terms of service in respect to
abuse or defamation or false accusations. (In fact I believe
Nigel Brooks holds the internet record for web sites forced
down due to fraud and abuse ((which says a lot about his
lack of ethics and veracity if you ask me)).

Now, it appears we also find an independent District
Attorney, in respect to his refusal to take action based
upon fraudulent and bogus gang charges, ALSO apparently
agreeing with me that members of the Brooks gang conspired
to file bogus criminal charges against me to shut me up, and
to stop me from posting the truth about how the Brooks' gang
uses forgeries and fraud to harass, intimidate and incite
threats of death and violence against their target victim,
not to mention violate copyright laws right and left.

Now that the District Attorney has officially ruled "no
action" in respect to McDonnell and Rau's malicious, bogus
and false accusations, I have been advised to consider
various legal actions against the gang for malicious
prosecution and the incitement of threats of death and
violence I have received due to the Brooks' gang's actions.

If the gang keeps it up I am sure they will be brought to
justice. (I have two years to file under this issue alone).
However, since the gang is collectively cowering and hiding
from an impartial Arbitration review of their fraudulent
claims (loser pays for the Arbitration) they have lost all
credibility, and have de facto admitted they are fraud
merchants, serial liars and will stoop to just about
anything to shut up those that dare to defend themselves and
expose their gang fraud and smear tactics.

The next time one of the gang says something derogatory
about me, ask that gang member why he is hiding from my
Arbitration challenge? That challenge is simple, if the
Arbitrator decides the gang is lying, they pay for the
Arbitration, but if the Arbitrator decides the gang is
telling the truth about me, I pay for the
Arbitration....there could not be a more fair challenge to
find out the truth, and that is why McDonnell, Brooks, Rau
and other gang members (even the criminal cyberstalker
SteveL) runs, hides, cowers and pisses their collective
pants when they are confronted with this simple and
straightforward challenge.

The Brooks fraud and smear gang knows they have been caught
using forgeries and fraud to defame and smear, and they are
ducking and running as fast as their little bug legs will
take them....McDonnell has even resorted to stealing my
personal medical information and posting it on USENET to try
and intimidate me to stop posting my Arbitration I said the fraud merchant Nigel Brooks
gang is becoming desperate to hide the truth.

BTW, does anyone know if MR. McDonnell, or Mr. Rau or Mr.
Brooks owns their property? Whatever you know about these
fraud merchants please email me or my lawyer.

Time For Dennis McDonnell to Answer Some Questions About His
Muslim Connections

Here is an excerpt from one of McDonnell's Posts where he
boasted about visiting Muslim Mosques about me and
fraudulently claimed I was violating criminal laws by
rebutting his fraud and false accusations:

Show only message text


From: Mac <>


Subject: Re: court date?

Message-ID: <>

References: <>

X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 3.2/32.830

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Lines: 105


Organization: EasyNews, UseNet made Easy!

X-Complaints-Info: Please be sure to forward a copy of ALL
headers otherwise we will be unable to process your
complaint properly.

Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 18:19:22 GMT

......AND, BY THE WAY, I have contacted a couple of the

groups in this area; and "Human Rights". They were not happy
to read

your postings rejoicing over the posting of that

The local mosque has been notified of your posting.

The people at the Inter-Religious Group made an appointment
with one

of the officers and their attorney and we shall share wtih
them what

you have posted.

They are not happy about this.

Apparently they will notifiy authorities in your location of

propensity for posting material that is in violation of the

CyberStalking rules/regulations for the State of Washington.

AND, as for that pitiful critter down there in Texas, no, we
have not

forgot it and its actions.

It shall also have a response.



Google Home - Terms of Service - Privacy Policy

©2006 Google

End of proof McDonnell contacted Muslim Mosques about me:

Here is the Dennis McDonnell post in which Mr. McDonnell
stated that his religion came forth from the "soil of
Islam." And how he reads the Koran and has several
translations of the Koran. Mr. McDonnell also recommends
that others read the Koran for its "central meanings," and
he stated below a recommendation for someone to purchase a
book titled "A CLOSER LOOK" in respect to the Koran: Reading
the Quran for Central Meanings" and it is by Dr. Arashmidos

Mr. McDonnell further said below:

"I am slowly gaining an appreciation for the challenges and
sensibility of how

the Baha'i Faith came forth from the soil of Islam."

From: "Mac" <>

Subject: Re: Which Koran?

Date: 1999/03/25

Message-ID: <"JBXjkC.A.BI.xFh-2">#1/1

X-Deja-AN: 458882672

Distribution: world

Approved: (Bill Hyman)


Organization: ----

Newsgroups: soc.religion.bahai

March 25, 1999


Dennis M. McDonnell


"When I was in Columbus, Ohio, one of my first teachers of
the Baha'i Faith

was an elderly lady named Olivia Kelsey. When I asked about
learning more

of Islam to perhaps appreciate the foundation from which the
Baha'i Faith

arose, she suggested several very good history's AND then
referred me to

the comments of the Guardian who, at that time, recommenced
the Rodwell

translation of the Koran.

I happen to still have an "EVERYMAN LIBRARY" edition of J.
M. Rodwell's


Since the time that the Guardian penned his suggestion
several other

translations have been forthcoming --- and, in contrast to
many of the

writers from the beginning of the century, there has been
more an effort to

translate the KORAN using the imagery of the original.

I have a couple of other translations. One of which is the

Classics which has the parallel Arabic text and the work is
by N.J. Dawood.

IN ADDITION, there is also a good little book you can
probably obtain

through a good Baha'i bookstore called "A CLOSER LOOK:
Reading the Quran

for Central Meanings" and it is by Dr. Arashmidos Monjazeb
and is

available through the Baha'i Distribution Service which was
in Tennesse and

is now in Atlanta, I believe.

As you, as I read the histories and then look at the KORAN
and seek out

descriptions and interpretations, and then refer to other
Baha'i Writings, I

am slowly gaining an appreciation for the challenges and
sensibility of how

the Baha'i Faith came forth from the soil of Islam.

Good Luck;

Dennis M. McDonnell"

----------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Bob/Zannie wrote in message

>Hi I'm looking to by a new copy of the Q'uran in english

>can somebody recommend one, prefrably hardback.

>is there and edition which is commonly used by Bahai's?





End McDonnell's post.

I have no idea why Mr. McDonnell falsely howled, sniveled
and whined when Mr. Terry Smith revealed Mr. McDonnell's
support of Islam, especially when Mr. McDonnell himself
boasted about contacting Muslim mosques and had previously
posted that Islam was the soil of his religion!

Mr. McDonnell even repeated the "MAC the Muslim" headings
himself in his replies - which we all know he could and
would have changed if that label really bothered him. We
also noted that Mr. McDonnell allowed not less than NINE
repeats of the subject line heading "Mac the Muslim" by his
fellow gang members, yet did not complain one time about his
fellow gang members using that name?

Is Mr. McDonnell's "selective" outrage that someone dared to
reveal one of his past posts that praised Islam clearly
false and fraudulent? In my opinion it clearly is, and
apparently others share my opinion.

Can Mr. Mcdonnell's ridiculous claim that somehow he was
being attacked or harassed when people rightfully assumed,
based upon his own posts that praised the Koran and Islam
that he was a Muslim? Moreover, what the hell is wrong with
being a Muslim? I can find nothing wrong with those that
practice that religion peacefully...(some were even on one
of my teams) so considering Mr. McDonnell's unconvincing
whines in this regard, is Mr. McDonnell trying to convince
us and the DA that all Muslims are dangerous and therefore
he wants to hide his connection to the Islamic faith? If he
does, then that is his intolerant racist problem and not
mine nor anyone's eases.

What Mr. McDonnell needs to learn is that he should not be
ashamed if he is a Muslim, nor be ashamed that he believes
Islam was the soil of his religion like he publically

In my opinion the world's terrorist problems stems from
"radicalism" and not directly from any particular religion.
I thought David Koresh was a radical terrorist, so does that
mean I believe all Christians are the same as David Koresh?
Of course not, no more than I believe all Muslims are the
same as radical Islamic terrorists like Osama Bin Laden.

Here is the American Heritage's Dictionary definition of a


(Smear Merchant Disclaimer: Please note this article (the
same as all of my past articles and exchanges with posters)
represents an editorial on contemporary issues and events -
my opinion. Nothing in this article represents in any manner
any asseveration of biographical fact, nor is about,
directed toward or against any particular person - other
than those specifically mentioned herein. If any person
finds this post personally annoying, abusive, defaming or
otherwise disturbing, please notify me of your specific
reasons for annoyance via email at
If we find your detailed objections reasonable (considering
the "reasonable person" doctrine and case law) we will then
remove this post, or the offending passages contained
therein, from the Google archive, publicly apologize and
retract. My intent is not to annoy, abuse, humiliate, or in
any way cause anyone emotional harm by posting on USENET or
elsewhere. Please note that defending myself from harassment
and obloquy with rebuttal posts has been deemed a "lawful
and legitimate" publication by my legal counsel. If I am not
attacked, defamed or harassed, or my copyrighted articles
not interrupted nor infringed upon, I clearly do not have a
reason to respond with a rebuttal. Please also note that I
intend to notify any and all ISP's and web hosts of any
annoying or calumnious post, web site or other similar
entity about me after I give the offender an opportunity to
retract, apologize and remove said post from the Google

Arbitration Notice: If any person claims something I said
about them in this post is not true, then I invite them to
email me and request arbitration. The loser will pay for the
arbitrator. I also invite arbitration in respect to me
claiming something someone said about me is untrue. Again,
the loser will pay for the arbitration. Truth as defined in
this offer will be statements in correct context and
representing original intent, and key omissions of fact will
be considered untruthful. Arbitrators will be selected from
the American Association of Arbitrators. This offer
exclusively applies to all statements of fact in this post.

McDonnell's Recent Fraud

As many readers already know, in a typical unethical and
criminal manner, members of the Nigel Brooks smear gang
crossed state lines and filed completely fraudulent, bogus
and malicious harassment charges against me to stop me from
proving they are lying and using fraud and forgeries to
defame me. These gang members are losing all credibility
because they have now lost not less than eleven web sites
due to their fraud and false accusations, and because they
are afraid to submit to binding Arbitration loser pays in
respect to their false accusations and related forgeries and
smear frauds. So they thought they could shut me up by
filing completely false and bogus criminal charges against
me....which seems to be a regular tactic of Mr. McDonnell
(MAC the Ward Attendant).

To add to their clear and unmistakable fraudulent charges,
Mr. McDonnell and some of his fellow gang members boasted
and bragged about how the DA in my county was going to
"review their evidence and prosecute me." It is clear that
Mr. McDonnell and friends decided to use the most egregious
and unethical means possible to stop me from revealing the
truth about their smear and fraud campaign they are waging
against me....they are truly desperate to stop the truth
about their fraudulent accusations and forgeries from being

It all backfired.

Tom Rau (a.k.a. Dai Uy) and Dennis McDonnell, (a.k.a. Mac
the Ward Attendant No Medic) along with other members of the
Nigel Brooks smear gang clearly conspired to file these
bogus charges (their published posts clearly prove they were
involved in this conspiracy). In fact one of Rau's infamous
posts replete with his forgeries he fraudulently attributes
to me was used as "evidence" I was harassing McDonnell! (I
know that sounds incredible and crackpotish but no one said
the McDonnell and gang et al were even reasonably smart).


Last week I received official notice (in writing and on the
telephone) from one of my lawyers (the former JAG officer)
that the District Attorney for my county, after a thorough
and exhausting investigation, has informed my lawyer
officially that "no action" will be taken in respect to Mr.
McDonnell's bogus charges. (If anyone wants to see the
letter email me).

Once again it appears to me that a disinterested third party
(in this case a legal expert) has apparently concluded the
Brooks smear gang is using false, fraudulent and misleading
statements and/or false accusations to further their fraud
and smear campaign against me.

We all know that Nigel Brooks and his gang in support
including McDonnell has suffered not less than eleven web
sites forced down by independent Web Mangers due to his
repeated violations of their terms of service in respect to
abuse or defamation or false accusations. (In fact I believe
Nigel Brooks holds the internet record for web sites forced
down due to fraud and abuse ((which says a lot about his
lack of ethics and veracity if you ask me)).

Now, it appears we also find an independent District
Attorney, in respect to his refusal to take action based
upon fraudulent and bogus gang charges, ALSO apparently
agreeing with me that members of the Brooks gang conspired
to file bogus criminal charges against me to shut me up, and
to stop me from posting the truth about how the Brooks' gang
uses forgeries and fraud to harass, intimidate and incite
threats of death and violence against their target victim,
not to mention violate copyright laws right and left.

Now that the District Attorney has officially ruled "no
action" in respect to McDonnell and Rau's malicious, bogus
and false accusations, I have been advised to consider
various legal actions against the gang for malicious
prosecution and the incitement of threats of death and
violence I have received due to the Brooks' gang's actions.

If the gang keeps it up I am sure they will be brought to
justice. (I have two years to file under this issue alone).
However, since the gang is collectively cowering and hiding
from an impartial Arbitration review of their fraudulent
claims (loser pays for the Arbitration) they have lost all
credibility, and have de facto admitted they are fraud
merchants, serial liars and will stoop to just about
anything to shut up those that dare to defend themselves and
expose their gang fraud and smear tactics.

The next time one of the gang says something derogatory
about me, ask that gang member why he is hiding from my
Arbitration challenge? That challenge is simple, if the
Arbitrator decides the gang is lying, they pay for the
Arbitration, but if the Arbitrator decides the gang is
telling the truth about me, I pay for the
Arbitration....there could not be a more fair challenge to
find out the truth, and that is why McDonnell, Brooks, Rau
and other gang members (even the criminal cyberstalker
SteveL) runs, hides, cowers and pisses their collective
pants when they are confronted with this simple and
straightforward challenge.

The Brooks fraud and smear gang knows they have been caught
using forgeries and fraud to defame and smear, and they are
ducking and running as fast as their little bug legs will
take them....McDonnell has even resorted to stealing my
personal medical information and posting it on USENET to try
and intimidate me to stop posting my Arbitration I said the fraud merchant Nigel Brooks
gang is becoming desperate to hide the truth.

BTW, does anyone know if MR. McDonnell, or Mr. Rau or Mr.
Brooks owns their property? Whatever you know about these
fraud merchants please email me or my lawyer.

Time For Dennis McDonnell to Answer Some Questions About His
Muslim Connections

Here is an excerpt from one of McDonnell's Posts where he
boasted about visiting Muslim Mosques about me and
fraudulently claimed I was violating criminal laws by
rebutting his fraud and false accusations:

Show only message text


From: Mac <>


Subject: Re: court date?

Message-ID: <>

References: <>

X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 3.2/32.830

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Lines: 105


Organization: EasyNews, UseNet made Easy!

X-Complaints-Info: Please be sure to forward a copy of ALL
headers otherwise we will be unable to process your
complaint properly.

Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 18:19:22 GMT

......AND, BY THE WAY, I have contacted a couple of the

groups in this area; and "Human Rights". They were not happy
to read

your postings rejoicing over the posting of that

The local mosque has been notified of your posting.

The people at the Inter-Religious Group made an appointment
with one

of the officers and their attorney and we shall share wtih
them what

you have posted.

They are not happy about this.

Apparently they will notifiy authorities in your location of

propensity for posting material that is in violation of the

CyberStalking rules/regulations for the State of Washington.

AND, as for that pitiful critter down there in Texas, no, we
have not

forgot it and its actions.

It shall also have a response.



Google Home - Terms of Service - Privacy Policy

©2006 Google

End of proof McDonnell contacted Muslim Mosques about me:

Here is the Dennis McDonnell post in which Mr. McDonnell
stated that his religion came forth from the "soil of
Islam." And how he reads the Koran and has several
translations of the Koran. Mr. McDonnell also recommends
that others read the Koran for its "central meanings," and
he stated below a recommendation for someone to purchase a
book titled "A CLOSER LOOK" in respect to the Koran: Reading
the Quran for Central Meanings" and it is by Dr. Arashmidos

Mr. McDonnell further said below:

"I am slowly gaining an appreciation for the challenges and
sensibility of how

the Baha'i Faith came forth from the soil of Islam."

From: "Mac" <>

Subject: Re: Which Koran?

Date: 1999/03/25

Message-ID: <"JBXjkC.A.BI.xFh-2">#1/1

X-Deja-AN: 458882672

Distribution: world

Approved: (Bill Hyman)


Organization: ----

Newsgroups: soc.religion.bahai

March 25, 1999


Dennis M. McDonnell


"When I was in Columbus, Ohio, one of my first teachers of
the Baha'i Faith

was an elderly lady named Olivia Kelsey. When I asked about
learning more

of Islam to perhaps appreciate the foundation from which the
Baha'i Faith

arose, she suggested several very good history's AND then
referred me to

the comments of the Guardian who, at that time, recommenced
the Rodwell

translation of the Koran.

I happen to still have an "EVERYMAN LIBRARY" edition of J.
M. Rodwell's


Since the time that the Guardian penned his suggestion
several other

translations have been forthcoming --- and, in contrast to
many of the

writers from the beginning of the century, there has been
more an effort to

translate the KORAN using the imagery of the original.

I have a couple of other translations. One of which is the

Classics which has the parallel Arabic text and the work is
by N.J. Dawood.

IN ADDITION, there is also a good little book you can
probably obtain

through a good Baha'i bookstore called "A CLOSER LOOK:
Reading the Quran

for Central Meanings" and it is by Dr. Arashmidos Monjazeb
and is

available through the Baha'i Distribution Service which was
in Tennesse and

is now in Atlanta, I believe.

As you, as I read the histories and then look at the KORAN
and seek out

descriptions and interpretations, and then refer to other
Baha'i Writings, I

am slowly gaining an appreciation for the challenges and
sensibility of how

the Baha'i Faith came forth from the soil of Islam.

Good Luck;

Dennis M. McDonnell"

----------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Bob/Zannie wrote in message

>Hi I'm looking to by a new copy of the Q'uran in english

>can somebody recommend one, prefrably hardback.

>is there and edition which is commonly used by Bahai's?





End McDonnell's post.

I have no idea why Mr. McDonnell falsely howled, sniveled
and whined when Mr. Terry Smith revealed Mr. McDonnell's
support of Islam, especially when Mr. McDonnell himself
boasted about contacting Muslim mosques and had previously
posted that Islam was the soil of his religion!

Mr. McDonnell even repeated the "MAC the Muslim" headings
himself in his replies - which we all know he could and
would have changed if that label really bothered him. We
also noted that Mr. McDonnell allowed not less than NINE
repeats of the subject line heading "Mac the Muslim" by his
fellow gang members, yet did not complain one time about his
fellow gang members using that name?

Is Mr. McDonnell's "selective" outrage that someone dared to
reveal one of his past posts that praised Islam clearly
false and fraudulent? In my opinion it clearly is, and
apparently others share my opinion.

Can Mr. Mcdonnell's ridiculous claim that somehow he was
being attacked or harassed when people rightfully assumed,
based upon his own posts that praised the Koran and Islam
that he was a Muslim? Moreover, what the hell is wrong with
being a Muslim? I can find nothing wrong with those that
practice that religion peacefully...(some were even on one
of my teams) so considering Mr. McDonnell's unconvincing
whines in this regard, is Mr. McDonnell trying to convince
us and the DA that all Muslims are dangerous and therefore
he wants to hide his connection to the Islamic faith? If he
does, then that is his intolerant racist problem and not
mine nor anyone's eases.

What Mr. McDonnell needs to learn is that he should not be
ashamed if he is a Muslim, nor be ashamed that he believes
Islam was the soil of his religion like he publically

In my opinion the world's terrorist problems stems from
"radicalism" and not directly from any particular religion.
I thought David Koresh was a radical terrorist, so does that
mean I believe all Christians are the same as David Koresh?
Of course not, no more than I believe all Muslims are the
same as radical Islamic terrorists like Osama Bin Laden.

Here is the American Heritage's Dictionary definition of a


(Smear Merchant Disclaimer: Please note this article (the
same as all of my past articles and exchanges with posters)
represents an editorial on contemporary issues and events -
my opinion. Nothing in this article represents in any manner
any asseveration of biographical fact, nor is about,
directed toward or against any particular person - other
than those specifically mentioned herein. If any person
finds this post personally annoying, abusive, defaming or
otherwise disturbing, please notify me of your specific
reasons for annoyance via email at
If we find your detailed objections reasonable (considering
the "reasonable person" doctrine and case law) we will then
remove this post, or the offending passages contained
therein, from the Google archive, publicly apologize and
retract. My intent is not to annoy, abuse, humiliate, or in
any way cause anyone emotional harm by posting on USENET or
elsewhere. Please note that defending myself from harassment
and obloquy with rebuttal posts has been deemed a "lawful
and legitimate" publication by my legal counsel. If I am not
attacked, defamed or harassed, or my copyrighted articles
not interrupted nor infringed upon, I clearly do not have a
reason to respond with a rebuttal. Please also note that I
intend to notify any and all ISP's and web hosts of any
annoying or calumnious post, web site or other similar
entity about me after I give the offender an opportunity to
retract, apologize and remove said post from the Google

Arbitration Notice: If any person claims something I said
about them in this post is not true, then I invite them to
email me and request arbitration. The loser will pay for the
arbitrator. I also invite arbitration in respect to me
claiming something someone said about me is untrue. Again,
the loser will pay for the arbitration. Truth as defined in
this offer will be statements in correct context and
representing original intent, and key omissions of fact will
be considered untruthful. Arbitrators will be selected from
the American Association of Arbitrators. This offer
exclusively applies to all statements of fact in this post.

McDonnell's Recent Fraud

As many readers already know, in a typical unethical and
criminal manner, members of the Nigel Brooks smear gang
crossed state lines and filed completely fraudulent, bogus
and malicious harassment charges against me to stop me from
proving they are lying and using fraud and forgeries to
defame me. These gang members are losing all credibility
because they have now lost not less than eleven web sites
due to their fraud and false accusations, and because they
are afraid to submit to binding Arbitration loser pays in
respect to their false accusations and related forgeries and
smear frauds. So they thought they could shut me up by
filing completely false and bogus criminal charges against
me....which seems to be a regular tactic of Mr. McDonnell
(MAC the Ward Attendant).

To add to their clear and unmistakable fraudulent charges,
Mr. McDonnell and some of his fellow gang members boasted
and bragged about how the DA in my county was going to
"review their evidence and prosecute me." It is clear that
Mr. McDonnell and friends decided to use the most egregious
and unethical means possible to stop me from revealing the
truth about their smear and fraud campaign they are waging
against me....they are truly desperate to stop the truth
about their fraudulent accusations and forgeries from being

It all backfired.

Tom Rau (a.k.a. Dai Uy) and Dennis McDonnell, (a.k.a. Mac
the Ward Attendant No Medic) along with other members of the
Nigel Brooks smear gang clearly conspired to file these
bogus charges (their published posts clearly prove they were
involved in this conspiracy). In fact one of Rau's infamous
posts replete with his forgeries he fraudulently attributes
to me was used as "evidence" I was harassing McDonnell! (I
know that sounds incredible and crackpotish but no one said
the McDonnell and gang et al were even reasonably smart).


Last week I received official notice (in writing and on the
telephone) from one of my lawyers (the former JAG officer)
that the District Attorney for my county, after a thorough
and exhausting investigation, has informed my lawyer
officially that "no action" will be taken in respect to Mr.
McDonnell's bogus charges. (If anyone wants to see the
letter email me).

Once again it appears to me that a disinterested third party
(in this case a legal expert) has apparently concluded the
Brooks smear gang is using false, fraudulent and misleading
statements and/or false accusations to further their fraud
and smear campaign against me.

We all know that Nigel Brooks and his gang in support
including McDonnell has suffered not less than eleven web
sites forced down by independent Web Mangers due to his
repeated violations of their terms of service in respect to
abuse or defamation or false accusations. (In fact I believe
Nigel Brooks holds the internet record for web sites forced
down due to fraud and abuse ((which says a lot about his
lack of ethics and veracity if you ask me)).

Now, it appears we also find an independent District
Attorney, in respect to his refusal to take action based
upon fraudulent and bogus gang charges, ALSO apparently
agreeing with me that members of the Brooks gang conspired
to file bogus criminal charges against me to shut me up, and
to stop me from posting the truth about how the Brooks' gang
uses forgeries and fraud to harass, intimidate and incite
threats of death and violence against their target victim,
not to mention violate copyright laws right and left.

Now that the District Attorney has officially ruled "no
action" in respect to McDonnell and Rau's malicious, bogus
and false accusations, I have been advised to consider
various legal actions against the gang for malicious
prosecution and the incitement of threats of death and
violence I have received due to the Brooks' gang's actions.

If the gang keeps it up I am sure they will be brought to
justice. (I have two years to file under this issue alone).
However, since the gang is collectively cowering and hiding
from an impartial Arbitration review of their fraudulent
claims (loser pays for the Arbitration) they have lost all
credibility, and have de facto admitted they are fraud
merchants, serial liars and will stoop to just about
anything to shut up those that dare to defend themselves and
expose their gang fraud and smear tactics.

The next time one of the gang says something derogatory
about me, ask that gang member why he is hiding from my
Arbitration challenge? That challenge is simple, if the
Arbitrator decides the gang is lying, they pay for the
Arbitration, but if the Arbitrator decides the gang is
telling the truth about me, I pay for the
Arbitration....there could not be a more fair challenge to
find out the truth, and that is why McDonnell, Brooks, Rau
and other gang members (even the criminal cyberstalker
SteveL) runs, hides, cowers and pisses their collective
pants when they are confronted with this simple and
straightforward challenge.

The Brooks fraud and smear gang knows they have been caught
using forgeries and fraud to defame and smear, and they are
ducking and running as fast as their little bug legs will
take them....McDonnell has even resorted to stealing my
personal medical information and posting it on USENET to try
and intimidate me to stop posting my Arbitration I said the fraud merchant Nigel Brooks
gang is becoming desperate to hide the truth.

BTW, does anyone know if MR. McDonnell, or Mr. Rau or Mr.
Brooks owns their property? Whatever you know about these
fraud merchants please email me or my lawyer.

Time For Dennis McDonnell to Answer Some Questions About His
Muslim Connections

Here is an excerpt from one of McDonnell's Posts where he
boasted about visiting Muslim Mosques about me and
fraudulently claimed I was violating criminal laws by
rebutting his fraud and false accusations:

Show only message text


From: Mac <>


Subject: Re: court date?

Message-ID: <>

References: <>

X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 3.2/32.830

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Lines: 105


Organization: EasyNews, UseNet made Easy!

X-Complaints-Info: Please be sure to forward a copy of ALL
headers otherwise we will be unable to process your
complaint properly.

Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 18:19:22 GMT

......AND, BY THE WAY, I have contacted a couple of the

groups in this area; and "Human Rights". They were not happy
to read

your postings rejoicing over the posting of that

The local mosque has been notified of your posting.

The people at the Inter-Religious Group made an appointment
with one

of the officers and their attorney and we shall share wtih
them what

you have posted.

They are not happy about this.

Apparently they will notifiy authorities in your location of

propensity for posting material that is in violation of the

CyberStalking rules/regulations for the State of Washington.

AND, as for that pitiful critter down there in Texas, no, we
have not

forgot it and its actions.

It shall also have a response.



Google Home - Terms of Service - Privacy Policy

©2006 Google

End of proof McDonnell contacted Muslim Mosques about me:

Here is the Dennis McDonnell post in which Mr. McDonnell
stated that his religion came forth from the "soil of
Islam." And how he reads the Koran and has several
translations of the Koran. Mr. McDonnell also recommends
that others read the Koran for its "central meanings," and
he stated below a recommendation for someone to purchase a
book titled "A CLOSER LOOK" in respect to the Koran: Reading
the Quran for Central Meanings" and it is by Dr. Arashmidos

Mr. McDonnell further said below:

"I am slowly gaining an appreciation for the challenges and
sensibility of how

the Baha'i Faith came forth from the soil of Islam."

From: "Mac" <>

Subject: Re: Which Koran?

Date: 1999/03/25

Message-ID: <"JBXjkC.A.BI.xFh-2">#1/1

X-Deja-AN: 458882672

Distribution: world

Approved: (Bill Hyman)


Organization: ----

Newsgroups: soc.religion.bahai

March 25, 1999


Dennis M. McDonnell


"When I was in Columbus, Ohio, one of my first teachers of
the Baha'i Faith

was an elderly lady named Olivia Kelsey. When I asked about
learning more

of Islam to perhaps appreciate the foundation from which the
Baha'i Faith

arose, she suggested several very good history's AND then
referred me to

the comments of the Guardian who, at that time, recommenced
the Rodwell

translation of the Koran.

I happen to still have an "EVERYMAN LIBRARY" edition of J.
M. Rodwell's


Since the time that the Guardian penned his suggestion
several other

translations have been forthcoming --- and, in contrast to
many of the

writers from the beginning of the century, there has been
more an effort to

translate the KORAN using the imagery of the original.

I have a couple of other translations. One of which is the

Classics which has the parallel Arabic text and the work is
by N.J. Dawood.

IN ADDITION, there is also a good little book you can
probably obtain

through a good Baha'i bookstore called "A CLOSER LOOK:
Reading the Quran

for Central Meanings" and it is by Dr. Arashmidos Monjazeb
and is

available through the Baha'i Distribution Service which was
in Tennesse and

is now in Atlanta, I believe.

As you, as I read the histories and then look at the KORAN
and seek out

descriptions and interpretations, and then refer to other
Baha'i Writings, I

am slowly gaining an appreciation for the challenges and
sensibility of how

the Baha'i Faith came forth from the soil of Islam.

Good Luck;

Dennis M. McDonnell"

----------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Bob/Zannie wrote in message

>Hi I'm looking to by a new copy of the Q'uran in english

>can somebody recommend one, prefrably hardback.

>is there and edition which is commonly used by Bahai's?





End McDonnell's post.

I have no idea why Mr. McDonnell falsely howled, sniveled
and whined when Mr. Terry Smith revealed Mr. McDonnell's
support of Islam, especially when Mr. McDonnell himself
boasted about contacting Muslim mosques and had previously
posted that Islam was the soil of his religion!

Mr. McDonnell even repeated the "MAC the Muslim" headings
himself in his replies - which we all know he could and
would have changed if that label really bothered him. We
also noted that Mr. McDonnell allowed not less than NINE
repeats of the subject line heading "Mac the Muslim" by his
fellow gang members, yet did not complain one time about his
fellow gang members using that name?

Is Mr. McDonnell's "selective" outrage that someone dared to
reveal one of his past posts that praised Islam clearly
false and fraudulent? In my opinion it clearly is, and
apparently others share my opinion.

Can Mr. Mcdonnell's ridiculous claim that somehow he was
being attacked or harassed when people rightfully assumed,
based upon his own posts that praised the Koran and Islam
that he was a Muslim? Moreover, what the hell is wrong with
being a Muslim? I can find nothing wrong with those that
practice that religion peacefully...(some were even on one
of my teams) so considering Mr. McDonnell's unconvincing
whines in this regard, is Mr. McDonnell trying to convince
us and the DA that all Muslims are dangerous and therefore
he wants to hide his connection to the Islamic faith? If he
does, then that is his intolerant racist problem and not
mine nor anyone's eases.

What Mr. McDonnell needs to learn is that he should not be
ashamed if he is a Muslim, nor be ashamed that he believes
Islam was the soil of his religion like he publically

In my opinion the world's terrorist problems stems from
"radicalism" and not directly from any particular religion.
I thought David Koresh was a radical terrorist, so does that
mean I believe all Christians are the same as David Koresh?
Of course not, no more than I believe all Muslims are the
same as radical Islamic terrorists like Osama Bin Laden.

Here is the American Heritage's Dictionary definition of a

"DGVREIMAN" <> wrote in message>

# # # #####
# # # #
# # # #
# # # #
# # # #
# # ###### #
Nigel Brooks
"DGVREIMAN" <> wrote in message

# # # #####
# # # #
# # # #
# # # #
# # # #
# # ###### #
Nigel Brooks
"Mac" <> wrote in message
> On Wed, 3 Oct 2007 12:55:14 -0700, "DGVREIMAN"
> <>
> wrote:
> Large SNIP
>>I have no idea why Mr. McDonnell falsely howled, sniveled
>>and whined when Mr. Terry Smith revealed Mr. McDonnell's
>>support of Islam, especially when Mr. McDonnell himself
>>boasted about contacting Muslim mosques

> ========== =======
> BECAUSE, you stated:
> Moreover, I accused you of nothing. I asked if the local
> Mosque
> was paying you to attack Veterans?
> AS SUCH, not only the local police, the F.B.I., but the
> local mosque
> had the right to be aware of your latest snide little
> comment.
> The "Inter-Religious" Group on this side of the river
> was notified.
> And, as you live in Clark County, Washington, authorities
> there,
> including Human Rights groups, and religious entities were
> notified of
> your postings and furnished same so they could be aware of
> the thrust
> of your so-called "arguments".
> This coming week I shall head over to Vancouver and meet
> with the
> people at the VA-facility there and let them have copies
> of your
> posts.
> ---Mac, the Medic

Doug Says: Fact: You visited Muslim Mosques about me.
Fact: The only posts you are spreading are forgeries and
fraud. Fact: Please let me know the VA official you
contact, and I am still waiting for the names of the Muslims
you contacted about me, and asking you if your contacts in
the Mosques were paying you to attack me after suffering
through more than seven hundred fraudulent and forged
attacks by you is still a lawful and legitimate question.
But if you did contact all of those people you are now
confessing to please provide the names so I can follow up
and determine which fraud and forgeries you used this time,
and what kind of prosecution I will file against you.

And I am still waiting for your answer whether the Muslims
paid you to attack me.

Your fraud and false "letters" are glaring McDonnell the
Ward Attendant (no medic). Your admission you maliciously
tried to convince and incite others to attack me in some way
is an interesting third party contact confession that I
believe you should send to the Clark County DA's office or
at least to the Beaverton Prosecutor don't you think? Along
with your confession in respect to how and when you stole my
personal VA information you posted on USENET.

Doug Grant (Tm)
On Fri, 05 Oct 2007 00:15:29 +0100, SteveL
<> wrote:

>>>> ...but how about the rest of the
>>>>Brooks smear gang? (I should also note that SteveL has
>>>>denigrated our troops fighting in Iraq
>>> Never.

>>Doug Says: More lies, shall I post the posts that prove your

>Please do. Only don't do your normal trick of posting a strangers
>message and claiming it was posted by me under an alias.

On Thu, 4 Oct 2007 15:54:35 -0700, "DGVREIMAN" <>


SNIP Over 600 lines of blathering balderdash
=========== ================
Considering the posting history of the NCO "Butter-Bar", the Doug
Grant (von)Reiman, given his cyberstalking antics, given his ongoing
threats, the FORMOSA LAW and also The BENNINGTON RULE is invoked.
---Mac, the Medic
On Thu, 4 Oct 2007 16:47:46 -0700, "DGVREIMAN" <>


SNIP Over 600 lines of blathering balderdash
=========== ================
Considering the posting history of the NCO "Butter-Bar", the Doug
Grant (von)Reiman, given his cyberstalking antics, given his ongoing
threats, the FORMOSA LAW and also The BENNINGTON RULE is invoked.
---Mac, the Medic
On Thu, 4 Oct 2007 16:51:38 -0700, "DGVREIMAN" <>


SNIP Over 600 lines of blathering balderdash
=========== ================
Considering the posting history of the NCO "Butter-Bar", the Doug
Grant (von)Reiman, given his cyberstalking antics, given his ongoing
threats, the FORMOSA LAW and also The BENNINGTON RULE is invoked.
---Mac, the Medic
On Thu, 4 Oct 2007 16:58:26 -0700, "DGVREIMAN" <>

>Time For Dennis McDonnell to Answer Some Questions About
>His Muslim Connections...

> Back about September, 2006 DOUG GRANT posted the
> following:
> Moreover, I accused you of nothing. I asked if the local
> Mosque
> was paying you to attack Veterans? This question is
> quite
> appropriate since you posted how much you loved the Koran,
> and
> my negative opinions about radical Islam is well-known.
> Moreover, your "MAC the Muslim" handle is simply a way I
> can
> keep track of all of your aliases. If you feel that being
> called
> a Muslim after you said you "loved the Koran" is
> inappropriate,
> and you believe that is some kind of insult, then that is
> your
> problem not mine. However if you want me to call you
> something
> else, then just say so and I will do it. How about "MAC
> the
> Moron?" That is a good choice. No? Then how about " Mac
> the
> Defamer?" No, don't like that one either? Well pick
> something.
> Did you like MAC the Medic? If you did then how about MAC
> the
> Muslim Moron Medic (or MMMM) for short. I kinda like that
> one.
> But you choose. Your name on the NG should be your
> choice - but
> no I will not call you "king of the **** pile" or anything
> similar to your delusional purpose in life of harassing
> and
> libeling everyone on USENET.

Little Dougie-Poo actually spewed forth the following:
>McDonnell, your fraud above is confirmed. Since you run and
>hide from arbitration loser pays, you are de facto admitting
>you are the fraud merchant and false and malicious accuser I
>said you are. Since you are cowering from an independent
>review, you have lost all credibility. Suing you now would
>be moot unless you have some assets, which I do not believe
>you have (if you prove me wrong on that issue you will have
>your lawsuit within thirty days).
>Also, I have asked for a new investigation in respect to
>your publishing my personal VA information, I can't wait to
>see this new one as now it is clear that both you and Tom
>Rau were involved with stealing my personal
>information....if that fact is proved I won't need a
>You have lost all credibility "MAC the Ward Attendant (no
>medic). And don't you think you should answer these
>questions about your connections to those Muslim Mosques?
>Doug Grant (Tm)

I presented your accusation about the local Mosque paying me.
Obviously, you have a major problem with reading: both comprehension
AND writing.
You have violated the TOS and the State of Washington regarding
cyberstalking, posting harrassing, etc., messaes, duplicating those
messages five or six time to many newsgroups.
AS FOR YOUR THREAT of a lawsuit: what happened to the one you filed
in March, 2007?
Did you attorney help you with that?
Or did you do that, yourself?

Provide proof of that accusation.
Provide the date and the Message I.D.
Try NOT to fail as you did when you made the accusation I was not a
veteran and had not served in Vietnam and, when challenged, you were
not able to provide any proof... as Dai Uy confirmed.

I will keep the above part of the post and the above accusation.
Now, provide the message ID and the date, and the message.

IN THE MEANTIME, have your alleged attorney serve the papers you have
threatened for more than a year.
---Mac, the Medic