On Thu, 4 Oct 2007 17:26:06 -0700, "DGVREIMAN" <>


More than a THOUSAND lines of blathering balderdash.

========= ===========
Given the posting history of Doug Grant, given his history of
threatening lawsuits, given his habit of distorting the responses he
receives, given his ability to twist Reality to fit his fantasy, both
---Mac, the Medic
"SteveL" <> wrote in
> On Thu, 4 Oct 2007 15:54:35 -0700, "DGVREIMAN"
> <>
> wrote:
>>> <snip some rather extreme libel against Mac>

Bullshit, no libel and you know it.
>>Doug Says: You have not snipped out any libel as the
>>post clearly proves. You are lying and using fraudulent
>>misrepresentations and violating criminal statutes with
>>anonymous harassment. Responding to criminals is
>>I rarely do, but in your case your fraud and cyberstalking
>>is so glaring I thought the rest of the readers would like
>>to know about your fraud and cyberstalking.

> Thanks to you they "know" about it on a daily basis.
> You do realise that the only one approaching libel and
> cyberstalking
> is you?
> That's why everyone laughs at you.

Doug Says: Strange, hard to claim you are being
cyberstalked when you find posts rebutting your fraud and
obloquy humorous...thanks for the confession. Moreover,
when I reply to or rebut cyberstalking, harassment
defamation and libel, I certainly am not the
cyberstalker..even a laughing Hyena cyberstalking criminal
like yourself should understand those very salient points.
What you need to do is reveal your true identity so that I
can file criminal charges against you...then we can allow
the authorities to determine who is the cyberstalker and who
is not. Why hide if you are telling the truth?

>>>>Also, I must now ask how deep are the other gang members
>>>>involved in this malicious prosecution conspiracy and
>>>>involved in contacting third parties so as to incite and
>>>>encourage threats of violence and death against me? Are
>>>>there other Muslims involved in this gang? We know Tom
>>>>was involved in the fraudulent charges against me
>>>>his posts were used as bogus evidence by Mr. McDonnell,
>>>>we know the SteveL anonymous cyberstalker was involved
>>>>because he openly encouraged and promoted these
>>>>and bogus malicious charges
>>> I did? News to me.

>>Doug Says: Your past posts prove it, stop lying.

> Then post references to them.

Why? You will just snip them out and lie about them, that
is what you do, lie, fraud, falsely accuse, typical criminal
cyberstalker tactics.
>>> Something about Muslims cyberstalking you? Trying to
>>> procecute you?
>>> It's hard to follow your inept and boring writing.

>>Doug Says: I notice you read it and conviently do not
>>understand it when it proves you are a fraud merchant and
>>cyberstalking criminal.

> Who said I didn't understand it?
> Looks like you have the comprehension problem.
>>>> ...but how about the rest of the
>>>>Brooks smear gang? (I should also note that SteveL has
>>>>denigrated our troops fighting in Iraq
>>> Never.

Many times, you even called them murders, and you are a
confessed non-veteran posting on Veteran newsgroups for the
obvious purpose of cyberstalking and harassment.

And I cannot file any legal action against anonymous
cyberstalkers like yourself until I know where to serve you.
Provide a name of a lawyer or an address you can be served
and if you do not receive some legal action within 30 days I
will never post on the internet again. Time to walk the
walk cyberstalker.

Doug Grant (Tm)

Doug Grant (Tm)
On Fri, 5 Oct 2007 03:53:38 -0700, "DGVREIMAN" <>

>>>Doug Says: Your past posts prove it, stop lying.

>> Then post references to them.

>Why? You will just snip them out and lie about them, that
>is what you do, lie, fraud, falsely accuse, typical criminal
>cyberstalker tactics.


That's about as lame an excuse as I've ever heard. Frankly I expected
more from you, Doogie. Something at least a little creative - like
your original attempt to "prove" I "attack our military" by quoting
some stanger's post and claiming I'd written it under an alias. That
was at least a little creative. I'm also waiting for a reference to

Oh Mammy.

Just post them Doug. Let the "readers" decide.

(though judging by the 100% derision you receive,I think they already

>>>> Something about Muslims cyberstalking you? Trying to
>>>> procecute you?
>>>> It's hard to follow your inept and boring writing.
>>>Doug Says: I notice you read it and conviently do not
>>>understand it when it proves you are a fraud merchant and
>>>cyberstalking criminal.

>> Who said I didn't understand it?
>> Looks like you have the comprehension problem.
>>>>> ...but how about the rest of the
>>>>>Brooks smear gang? (I should also note that SteveL has
>>>>>denigrated our troops fighting in Iraq
>>>> Never.

>Many times, you even called them murders, and you are a
>confessed non-veteran posting on Veteran newsgroups for the
>obvious purpose of cyberstalking and harassment.

I asked for references to that too. You have failed again to post
them. Liar.

And Dougie. I'm posting to alt.politics. The last I saw that is not a
"Veterans" newsgroup. And as a point of fact neither is

>And I cannot file any legal action against anonymous
>cyberstalkers like yourself until I know where to serve you.


If you had a case the law would provide subpoenas, something you
curiously failed to miserably to obtain "pro se".

You have to work for it Doug.
On Thu, 4 Oct 2007 17:36:43 -0700, "DGVREIMAN" <>

>Doug Says: Fact: You visited Muslim Mosques about me.

Given your attacks, given your accusations, all parties had the right
to be aware of the venom you were spewing.
I simply copied EXACTLY what you posted and provided it to several
government agencies, and the local Mosque.

>Fact: The only posts you are spreading are forgeries and

Poppycock you loon.
You seem to believe that your projecting upon others your own
condition is reality.

You have blustered and threatened for years.
You have my address.
Have your bloody attorney end your threats, your harrassment, your
efforts at terrozing those who challenge your CODSWALLOP by your
threats and proceed.
---Mac, the Medic
"Mac" <> wrote in message
> On Thu, 4 Oct 2007 17:36:43 -0700, "DGVREIMAN"
> <>
> wrote:
>>Doug Says: Fact: You visited Muslim Mosques about me.

> Given your attacks, given your accusations, all parties
> had the right
> to be aware of the venom you were spewing.
> I simply copied EXACTLY what you posted and provided it
> to several
> government agencies, and the local Mosque.
>>Fact: The only posts you are spreading are forgeries and

> Poppycock you loon.
> You seem to believe that your projecting upon others your
> own
> condition is reality.
> You have blustered and threatened for years.
> You have my address.
> Have your bloody attorney end your threats, your
> harrassment, your
> efforts at terrozing those who challenge your CODSWALLOP
> by your
> threats and proceed.
> ---Mac, the Medic

Doug Says: I am proceeding. We all know Arbitration is an
accepted legal action, and that is what I promised if you
failed to cease and desist. It is a slam dunk to prove you
are a liar and a fraud merchant and a malicious false
accuser in front of an independent legal Arbitrator or
Judge. I offered you independent Arbitration loser pays,
and that IS a legal action, just like I promised if you did
not cease and desist your fraud, your false cyberstalking
accusations (now proved false by the DA as you had no
evidence to file those malicious charges) and let us not
forget that you intentionally visit third parties, such as
Muslim Mosques so as to incite them to hate me and to cast
me in a false light so they will threaten me with violence
and death...which they have done.

I hold YOU mostly responsible for those incitements Mr.
McDonnell as you are the only gang member I know of that
visits third parties for the express purpose to incite hate
and their residual threats of death and violence, and it
seems by your own admission you cross state lines to further
your incitements of hate against me....I don't know if you
are doing this at the bequest of your gang leader, or at
least because of his incitements and encouragements, but
regardless, you must stop these hate attacks against me.

I suggest you stop and think about the repercussions of what
you are doing, and find another way to feed your what I
believe is a crackpot pathological inferiority complex that
drives you to smear and attack your gang's target victims at
the bidding of your gang leader.

Doug Grant (Tm)
On Sat, 6 Oct 2007 13:40:34 -0700, "DGVREIMAN" <>

>Doug Says: I am proceeding. We all know Arbitration is an
>accepted legal action, and that is what I promised if you
>failed to cease and desist. It is a slam dunk to prove you
>are a liar and a fraud merchant and a malicious false
>accuser in front of an independent legal Arbitrator or
>Judge. I offered you independent Arbitration loser pays,
>and that IS a legal action, just like I promised if you did
>not cease and desist your fraud, your false cyberstalking
>accusations (now proved false by the DA as you had no
>evidence to file those malicious charges) and let us not
>forget that you intentionally visit third parties, such as
>Muslim Mosques so as to incite them to hate me and to cast
>me in a false light so they will threaten me with violence
>and death...which they have done.

Poppycock, you rloon.
I simply provided them with information as to what you were spewing
The same as I did the FBI and other interested parties.
You were the one spewing hate and now, you desperately try to claim
such was the actions of others.
All I did was make available to Agencies and their attorneys, your
I also notified them of the NewsGroup, and your name and suggested
they check your posting history by checking GOOGLE.
That way, they could make up their own mind regarding you.

As for other codswallop, that Assistant District Attorney stated what
copied and HIS OPINION certainly differs from YOUR TAKE upon
But, that should be no surprise....
---Mac, the Medic
On Sat, 6 Oct 2007 13:40:34 -0700, "DGVREIMAN" <>

>I hold YOU mostly responsible for those incitements Mr.
>McDonnell as you are the only gang member I know of that
>visits third parties for the express purpose to incite hate
>and their residual threats of death and violence, and it
>seems by your own admission you cross state lines to further
>your incitements of hate against me....I don't know if you
>are doing this at the bequest of your gang leader, or at
>least because of his incitements and encouragements, but
>regardless, you must stop these hate attacks against me.

Poppycock you blathering fatuous faulty.
Taking what you have posted, sharing your accusations, no matter how
you desperately try to disguise them, and sharing them with the
appropriate Agencies, and with the local Mosque, given the content of
your assinine statement, is not what your over-medicated elephantine
bulk perceives as reality.
As long as you attack me and continue your hate, and spew your venom,
and make the accusations you have, I shall simply continue what I have
done ----------- and that is share such with the appropriate
authorities to put them on notice of your antics, and share your
comments with a people who have previously scorned.
And that, dear little Cuddles, is not a "hate attack", IN CONTRAST to
what you have been spewing forth.
---Mac, the Medic