Member Pictures 4.0?

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ImTheOneThatFalls said:
omg your adorable!!! sic piercing
agreed, lol :thumbsup: gettin my lip pierced as soon as get my crappy BRACES off..(but at least ill have straight teeth:D:D)
been lookin at all of the pics, and i love em all!!

here's me: (im lookin a bit vague, i know..)

and here's my eye(eyes r popular :p), after me and a friend did some "creative" make-up :p
<sorry 4 the bad quality...>
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Marizka said:
and here's my eye(eyes r popular :p), after me and a friend did some "creative" make-up :p
<sorry 4 the bad quality...>
kool make up :thumbsup:
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