Member Pictures 4.0?

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i was bored so... i thought.. i make a picture of me with my cam
crappy quality pics but...


Hybrid-Heart said:
i was bored so... i thought.. i make a picture of me with my cam
crappy quality pics but...



You are so pretty!! *hugs*

Omg, if anyone else in here says they are gonna kick there ass, cuz, you are all hot!
wow ^^ you're hawt lol, every chic i've seen on here really truely is beautiful...yet every girl thinks she's ugly...why is that?
Hyper said:
wow ^^ you're hawt lol, every chic i've seen on here really truely is beautiful...yet every girl thinks she's ugly...why is that?

Well I don't know why they think they're ugly...but I am...
It's been a while since I posted a pic... and I won't post one now lol I should have some new pictures by now, but my friend still didn't send them to me, so I just have to wait :( Anyway, I wanted to say that I've been visiting this thread a lot and everyone's got awesome pictures. No one is ugly, and I don't know why you guys say that about yourselves... You're all really cool and beautiful :thumbsup:
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