OF COURSE u dont look like a guy, Di... AWESOME PICS!!
Jos, u are sweet as always!!
now, my ****... (not very interesting, thou...)
http://photos.hi5.com/0005/542/311/btR8d0542311-02.jpg http://photos.hi5.com/0003/702/772/oGpzSg702772-02.jpg <--- I'm a monster.. MWAHAHAHAH!!
http://photos.hi5.com/0002/865/398/bk51iZ865398-02.jpg<-- dark... VERY DARK!!
http://photos.hi5.com/0005/633/331/Jijj3I633331-02.jpg <-- i was kinda bored, so..
http://photos.hi5.com/0002/481/143/qkgP5i481143-02.jpg <-- Kiss to everyone!
http://photos.hi5.com/0003/471/440/ssRjwq471440-02.jpg wtf??!
http://photos.hi5.com/0005/622/336/6gtkYC622336-02.jpg <--- My HUGE tongue!! (i look like a pig, btw..I admmit it! roflmao!!)
http://photos.hi5.com/0005/622/989/oKKByI622989-02.jpg <-- and finally, me n my incredible Fro!! (not as incredible as Brad's of course!!)