Member's Pictures 10.0

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New member
Nice pics everyone! :D

Last night I had my Brown Belt grading in karate. It was 3 hours of non-stop brutality. I have soooo many bruises, and I can barely walk. But I managed to get some pics of the aftermath.

My best friend Catherine and I, passed out on the ground.

Me, Tyler and Catherine

Us three with out Shihan (highest ranking blackbelt/karate master in all of North America)

My Sensei and I. I love this man more than I could ever say. I owe him my life <3



New member
Thanks for the comments everyone!

Cute pic twi.

Lol Sygy that pics ace! Your male friend has rather dashing hair!

BC.. like it, it's interesting... and you look fit :]

Ooo and LPSoldier your pics are well cool... I wish I was good at karate :( lol

Nice pics everyone! :D
Last night I had my Brown Belt grading in karate. It was 3 hours of non-stop brutality. I have soooo many bruises, and I can barely walk. But I managed to get some pics of the aftermath.

My best friend Catherine and I, passed out on the ground.

Me, Tyler and Catherine

Us three with out Shihan (highest ranking blackbelt/karate master in all of North America)

My Sensei and I. I love this man more than I could ever say. I owe him my life <3
Man ur a blue belt...I never even got one cause i droped out :p

Nice pix:thumbsup:



New member
nice pics
now what's better a brown belt in Karate or one in Judo?
One is not necessarily better than the other. The two types are very different, and it depends on how hard you train and what moves you've learned that determine your ranking. I'm not sure what the ranking levels are in judo, so I don't know what the karate equivilant would be.



New member
littleblackstone you're not fat! You make me smile :] lol My spanish cutie haha
Alison you look adorable! ^^ Love that fringe
me? you talked about me?? Oh, well, thanks dear *hug kiss* ( although I dont know what you found so funny :confused: ... was it the joke about LBS??? Oh, well, it was a "poor" joke!! but, well, if with this I've got to "steal" you a smile... I've got the nicest present!!... you know what I want for Christmas now!! :D .

and, ejem, my dear funny angel, you've started again!!! :eek: :eek: I can believe what you've said!! you, you... fat? :eek: tell me, what did you've today for lunch? I think it was something which attacked your eyes, you see double!! you're not fat, not as a cow, not as a pig, not as a anything!! and if someone told you this, tell me how was and he/she 's going to learn what to see double mean!!>:eek:

Oh, before I can forget it: NICE PICS EVERYONE!! LP_Soldier (I dont have a doubt you're a soldier girl!!) Breakdown Conspiracy (seriously, you have to have the girls crazy for you :thumbsup: )) Sygy (nice and sweet... as always)

twilightcrimson7 (your smile is beautiful, I envy you!!) and Black-Angel (where did you get such eyes!!!? :eek: )

Seriously, I going to create an models agency!! :)

and, ejem, my dear funny angel, you've started again!!! :eek: :eek: I can believe what you've said!! you, you... fat? :eek: tell me, what did you've today for lunch? I think it was something which attacked your eyes, you see double!! you're not fat, not as a cow, not as a pig, not as a anything!! and if someone told you this, tell me how was and he/she 's going to learn what to see double mean!!>:eek:QUOTE]

ok ok.. i won't say it again... :D

LP_Soldier.. very cooool pics!!! really!! :eek:

Jon... hot as always :eek:

Sygy.. what tha **** was that? :D sweet pic!!

Twilight... lovely pic, you're very cute! ;)
Random shiz...

Work last nyte b4 closing...




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