Member's Pictures 10.0

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New member
ehh...prepare to be boarded

I've had a few pics of myself where I remind myself of someone I know...on this one I remind me of Len (username Lenneh) dunno why

and yes that is indeed a zit on my nose >.>



New member
I think it's the expression, yeah.

thanks ^_^ and fortunately you can't see how unlucky I am at the moment. the OTHER ZIT ON MY NOSE is not visible on that pic

once again great timing by my pic taking =_=

Lol heres my zit-less pic. jks Frib LOL Ive just actually gotten rid of my latest case. And yes, I dont always wear a hat. time for a shave yes?


crazy robster

New member
Woooo lots of hotness together!!

Fribs, I wouldn't notice the zit if you didn't mention it actually, don't be such a pedant you're always my prince! *hugs*

Breakdown you look great you remind me of a model I see in a tv commercial lol Oh, and don't you dare shave that goatee ok? What's with you guys and shaving anyway? lol Scruffy looks are the best haven't you heard? Go nuts!! LOL

Great pics everyone, GO LPF!! (I think we should rename these forums actually...hmmm what about HMF? As in Hottest Members Forums? ;) )



New member
Oh, and don't you dare shave that goatee ok? What's with you guys and shaving anyway? lol Scruffy looks are the best haven't you heard? Go nuts!! LOL
I'm with her! :D

Ah, Fribs...zits are so annoying...I that I'm fighting against them for probably more that 5 years...meh... look always...^^



New member
is it me for does lyson look like the female version of johnny santos of spineshank/silent civilian???
You really think I look something like him? thats not strange to me, I've been mistaken for being a boy a fair amount of times, so its cool to look a little like...whoever this guy is. :mad: lol.

thanks everyone and the cool pics keep rolling.

As for the rest of my hair, lets just say i live with my hoodie on.

and i dont think FRib looks like Lenneh...but then again i dont come around much :confused:



New member
ehh...prepare to be boarded

I've had a few pics of myself where I remind myself of someone I know...on this one I remind me of Len (username Lenneh) dunno why

and yes that is indeed a zit on my nose >.>

fookng ****, it did think it was a Lenneh pic at first hand but then it wasnt! o_O

anyways, conerneth the ziteth, i didnt see it even when you mentioned it, os i dont know where it is!be lucky that you dont hav zits around your mouth bc then everyone askes if u have herpes!

anyways, rather dashing again ol' chum!

Woooo lots of hotness together!!
Fribs, I wouldn't notice the zit if you didn't mention it actually, don't be such a pedant you're always my prince! *hugs*

Breakdown you look great you remind me of a model I see in a tv commercial lol Oh, and don't you dare shave that goatee ok? What's with you guys and shaving anyway? lol Scruffy looks are the best haven't you heard? Go nuts!! LOL

Great pics everyone, GO LPF!! (I think we should rename these forums actually...hmmm what about HMF? As in Hottest Members Forums? ;) )
I'm overheated (is this a word with meaning?) lol

ill just quote what Jojo said :p

Hottness in here! w00t!! :mad:

that's the most current one...

yes I know its pretty fuzzy... my phone is kinda ****** around... I think I'll either have to buy a new phone or a new digi-cam



New member
that's the most current one...

yes I know its pretty fuzzy... my phone is kinda ****** around... I think I'll either have to buy a new phone or a new digi-cam
yay! you put it up!!!!



New member
Here's some recent pics taken of me:

I got my hair dyed:

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