Member's Pictures 10.0

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New member
You guys are really sweet **hugs to everyone**

I think Misunderstood_Rose that at the end you are the misunderstood... look at you!! Please, I need a mirror, who can lend me a mirror?... how can you say you look so dorky if your nick show us what you really are... you're a rose!! So, dont say this about you!! Leave the "dorky look" to me.. right?

Roses have to be with the roses, isnt it? So, it's for you and with a teddy bear as prize of being a new LPF member ;)



New member
Usiel that was so so sweet! thank you,you really made me smile :]

you dont have to thank to me nothing, dear; it's just a pic, but sent with too much affection :D ... We're here for this, I think, at least in me: to make us happy and to be a good mates. You know, I think LP join us, but it has to be something more than just a great band... and I'm sure they have to be glad with the forum they have where the people is kind, funny and as you, sweet :thumbsup:

So, I repeat, dont thank me nothing. it was a detail from everyone here, a welcome for you (I have had only the idea but I've talked by everybody ;) )

By the way, about your pm, of course you can!! I'm here for everyone (in a good sense :D ). So, if you wanted to do it, you didnt need to ask me, but, anyway, you've demonstrate you're a very polite girl, besides of being pretty... oh, ***, look at you, you only have virtues... how do you do it?? ;)

you dont have to thank to me nothing, dear; it's just a pic, but sent with too much affection :D ... We're here for this, I think, at least in me: to make us happy and to be a good mates. You know, I think LP join us, but it has to be something more than just a great band... and I'm sure they have to be glad with the forum they have where the people is kind, funny and as you, sweet :thumbsup: So, I repeat, dont thank me nothing. it was a detail from everyone here, a welcome for you (I have had only the idea but I've talked by everybody ;) )

By the way, about your pm, of course you can!! I'm here for everyone (in a good sense :D ). So, if you wanted to do it, you didnt need to ask me, but, anyway, you've demonstrate you're a very polite girl, besides of being pretty... oh, ***, look at you, you only have virtues... how do you do it?? ;)
**Huge hug**

Aww thank you! I don't know what to say :)

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