Member's Pictures 10.0

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Lolz I had to wash the stuff out before bed. So about an hour before I hit the sack, the mohawk was just flat. It looked REALLY weird, but I didn't care. I even went out with my hair just un-glued once or twice.
Got some stares.:lol:

But, to awnser your question: Wash your hair at night.

(You can sleep on it, but oh man its not comfy!)

Oh, hahahaha, ok, thanks (now, I can die in peace... well, more or less; before that, I've to do many things here!! :p )
Btw, and before I could forget it. Congrats for your hairstlye (I dont know if I told it you before, but, never mind... I'm pleasure to say it again 'cos it's worth it) BUT tell me, for the next time, could you improve to him? :lol: :lol:


I'm sure of it... it's very easy!! cut his crest!!:spiteful:(Besides, I'm sure he made traps... he didnt need to wash his hair at night, he only needed to see a ghost and I think he saw one quite horrible!! ;)

@BTW, nice pics everybody!!!
I like this pic... but I got told that I look pretty old in it o_O

btw as I posted this I saw how funny I look XD ROFL :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

ooohhh, what a cuteness.....


meee... being evil :p

Great pic Marta... n CooL grafitti!! :D

Ooooh just found this one! Me and my friend Paul, I'd forgot about this pic!


simply LoveLY!!!! ;)

Random pic that Ive been using on msn.
I <3 sushi.

one day, I'll try sushi!!
ohh, and awesome pic!!


Don't mind the quality, i took it with my phone :confused:
Oh and yes i'm a sunglasses-addict lol :D

nice pic Tomer.. and cool glasses!!



Matt's possey at Eighties Matchbox gig 25th July! It was tres awesome


It was so fun it made me do a smile which made me look tres stupid, o well


Occasionaly it bewilderd me and made look even weirder


And it made me a little bit hungry


She was ****in hott though! The band was good too but I have no idea who they were! I'm going to have to find out!


Oooooo lights


He was mental! He rand threw the crowd n moshed during an instrumental break of one of their
songs, check out the music at LPF Review spotlight (Eighties Matchbox) you may be pleasently suprised!
ooohhh Matt.. your pics are awesome (as always!!!!)

seems like u had a great time!!! did u get drunk?? :lol:

(btw, i have to admit that that girl is hot!!! :eek: NO!!! i'm not a lesbian...)
quite old, but funnieh!!!

<-- ma shoes :D

<-- hhuuuuuuuu scary

<-- kinda weird...

<-- dead!!

<-- i was about to sleep.. i'm kinda ugly, lol..

<-- who's that??? seriously, my face doesnt look like that!!

actually.. i hate these pics!! i dont even know why tha **** i posted them!! :confused:
ohhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (cough... I've to breathe a little bit more before to continue...:D )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My godness!! You're an angel!!! The last pic is sooooooooo beautiful!!! You're soo pretty... MUUAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I'M SOOO GLAD OF MY SIS... EY!! Everybody, have you seen someone soo pretty as my sis!!!???:clap: :clap: :clap:
ohhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (cough... I've to breathe a little bit more before to continue...:D )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My godness!! You're an angel!!! The last pic is sooooooooo beautiful!!! You're soo pretty... MUUAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I'M SOOO GLAD OF MY SIS... EY!! Everybody, have you seen someone soo pretty as my sis!!!???:clap: :clap: :clap:

My angel, I wanna thank you so much.... you're so kind to me... you are beautiful too!!!
(actually, i dont like that pic so much.. is kinda weird... it's not me! lol)

nd please dont say such things like "Everybody, have you seen someone soo pretty as my sis!!!???"
I am not that pretty!! There are much more ppl here that are prettier than me!! YOU, for example!! ;)
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