Member's Pictures 10.0

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haha thanks guys.. and yea jeezy.. I might be up to world domination.. :spiteful:
lol good point
but yeah on a pic like that it doesn't show's not blonde, and definately not red-ish either lol
Vi - Oh get over it, you are what you are! *lol* And now that you mention it, in the first one you look darker (with a reddish auburn tinge?) but the one below like a strawberry blonde... which is neither blonde nor red... so theoretically its an argument no one's winning ;) Haha
But still damn sexay for a young man, I give ya that <3

Phranka - love the pouty one at start! The faces you pull sometimes... priceless!

Allison - you almost look like you could be on TV, a newscaster or sth - very professional style you got goin' there. Impressive!

All else - purtyfull, as always *hugs*
Timmeee for me to taint the thread!!

I think i drink too much..


i am trying to start wearing make up (besides eyeliner) and look more decent.
my best friend just happened to take the photo when i was damn pissed off my face.

I present me, the amatuer spy, please hire me for only £1.99/hour! I will stalk whoever u want (if they are fit it will be half price)
Lol thanks for the welcome back, much appriciated.... still havent got beer, cheese or cheesecake though, what sort of welcome back party is this!
Lol thanks for the welcome back, much appriciated.... still havent got beer, cheese or cheesecake though, what sort of welcome back party is this!

In here? nah... someone should make a separate thread for this welcome back party:D there you can have all the beer and cheese and other stuff you want
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