Member's Pictures 11.0


New member
how do you drink when your mouths are always closed? :p j/k

lovely pics, yeah your hair looks very nice



New member
Oh come! That's not what the girls around my area said!! And you couldn't be a....well that b word! You look to nice to be one! your not!!!


New member
Alison, you still haven't lost that unique charm about you.




Active Members
Hey Andreia is that your bed?

you know what I think about your look so I don't have to say it again...



New member
Aww you guys look so (dare I say it this way) "cute" together (don't stab me!) haha

But yeah, seriously, you guys do make a good lookin' couple. Nothing like glowering for the camera to get some attention, 'eh? XD

Noice :eek:k:

Sarah; pretty as always. Still trying to get used to that hair ;) But still freakin' at that pic of the ******* hanging on the wall behind ya *shudders* You really can't post a pic near him, you lower your standards, you're better looking than that! XD



New member
me to the left at a thursday concert:

I think I look a bit like a girl with my hair like that :(

seriously I need more facial hair :'(



New member
I have to say Vi the older you get the better looking you get (no offence to your early years XD)

And call me crazy, blind or still half asleep, but there's a bit of a similarity between you and a post-teenage Elijah Wood. Compliment, not insult, intended. As for facial hair? Take it from a woman who has a certain thing for it - not every man can wear it well, regardless what he tells himself. Just my humble opinion ;) I don't really think you need it. But then again I guess I haven't really seen you like that. Hmm... suppose you could start a social experiment upon your person and see what the general reaction is?

All in all, thumbs up from me. Naturally :eek:k:



New member
Aww you guys look so (dare I say it this way) "cute" together (don't stab me!) hahaBut yeah, seriously, you guys do make a good lookin' couple. Nothing like glowering for the camera to get some attention, 'eh? XD

Noice :eek:k:
hehe thats okay mummy, thank you!

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