wow, woodz i love ur eyes, theyre soo blue.
gradon, yes u do look rather dashing of late
azem, is that for prom and ur date looks lovely
Ok, this is some pic of me and school peeps at the Model United Nation in Dublin, ireland. for those who dont know, Model UN is a simulation of the real UN for student. Basically we make resolutions and do alot of debating of global issues such as deforestation, the trade of firearms and the question of The DR of Congo.
its a pretty big thing, i went to one of the large ones but hopefully next year we can go to the huge one in the hague, netherland.
so here it goes
group photo at the beach LOL
thats me lobbying my resolution and next to my is Joe A, he's from my politics/history class
thats me and Oppenheimer, and Dan in the GA, General Assembly it was a pretty big thing being in there, there was over 600 people voting and debating!
thats me in my committe, i was representing cote d'ivorie in environment and ecology committee 1. i spoke on the question of combating desertification.
another group pic next to a famous state which the irish protested around when they wanted independence.