Member's Pictures 11.0

Everyones looking awesome and well! Good to check up and see ^^
Got a few new ones with my hair now, although I'll be changing it again lol:yes:

These two are today.


this was soon after i changed my hair lol

And a webcam shot.
^^ Hey everyone keep up the awesome pics!:D
Nice pictures everyone. :)
I think maybe I'll edit some of my pictures. ^-^

Anyways, here's a new one.
Nothing special.
Just new.

Awww, great pics everyone! Wow, I haven't posted here in a long time, so here are some recent ones of yours truly:

Taken in a stairwell at college

This one is from a party I was at last Saturday

Aaand, this is the boy whom I am head over heels for...