Member's Pictures 11.0

lol sounds.... interesting ^^

well this is me then :D

the best meat on the planet: biltong

haha biltong! yeah they probably know it as beef jerky, nice one gradon :p
Salmanlp - looking good. Looking serious, thoughtful... what was on yer mind I wonder?

Jeezy - nice. Reminded me of a late Mike Patton FNM just a moment. Still noice. Why hide your avy self in the dark?

Justin - wow, loving those eyes (am a sucker for eyes). Lookin' pale but wow, lookin' day-um sweet!

Matt, Gradon - what can I say. Yum. XD
Jeezy - you're welcome. And yes, now looks much better :D

Sarah - what can I say, you look older now, not so *cough* sweet and innocent *double cough* Still say your eyes are your standout feature, dont care what you say. I don't think you look stoned there, maybe a bit standoffish, like 'there, you happy?!' haha Kewlios
Looking awesome Brandon, hahaha the ladie's man! Damn, everyone's quoted my pic, so I can't edit it out to show off my new purple/black hair. *shrugs* do it in my journal, but so glad to get rid of that pink that never seemed to go away.
Jeezy takes pics of himself in the bathroom like a teenage girl!!!!

jks. Nice one man :thumbsup:


well..that's the best place to take pics...

and for everyone who says...go out and take some's kinda hard to take good pics outside with a crappy cam on your cell phone...