Member's Pictures 11.0


Me and my sis


Me and my mom
Nice Pictures Devon ^^

PS: how old is your sister? (no i'm not interested.. just wondering)

She's turning 21 next monday :)

Your mum and your sis look really really really similar

Lol yeah they do, don't they

@Linkin_LP_Park: aww so cute pic! !! ^-^
and the dog... soo cute. [i say it one more time] sooo cute ^-^

Thanks, yeah the dog is so sweet, she's only 5 months old :)

aaaawww cute pics Dev ^^

Thanks ^^
The rave on Saturday night was bomb.
Although I had already been dancing and giving light shows for about 5 hours when these were taken, so I was already getting tired out. And I was bloated from drinking 6 bottles of water so I didn't die.
And one of my LED's was out.
And Lemon ****ed up my hurr.





in tha crowwwwd.
this was around when it started.
i still had my vest on.

danced from 9:45PM-5:15AM.
Good looking everyone!!

Jona... ace!!!
Numb-angel... hot!!
Devon... sweet!! and i just LOOOOVE ur hair (had to say it 1more time)
Sarah... u 2 lovely!!
nicole... sweet, cute and crazy stuff like always!!