Members Pictures 5.0

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woody -- so cute!
shadowmachine-- u remind my of my cousin. :thumbsup:
SB: good-looking!! are you asian or something?
MS: rock on!! lol...btw, why do u hate yr guitar??
lp186: cool pic!!
Great pictures everyone. :)

ShadowMachine said:
Well everyone this is me ...please forgive me if i might:
1)break ur screen
2)break ur glasses (if u have any)
3)make ur eyes bleed...

The day i took this pic im wearing color because i was having a good day normally im wearing black....


Off topic...

But, why did you take my avvy?
ShadowMachine said:
sorry for this being off topic everyone...

Im sorry at the time i have never seen u before so I didnt know it was YOUR avvy i got it from a LP site but ill change it....

Well, i don't post often, so yeah you haven't seen me, even though i joined in Feb. Anyways, i can't tell if you got it off an LP site or from my URL. But now that you stated you got it off another site, then sorry, because i hate it when people use my URL link.
keza said:
shinoda bear, u have a really great smile...its so cute!!!!
thankies. the thing i dont get is why some guys hate to smile... i think it's kinda scary when i dont smile in a photo, but i guess thats just me. ;)

shahfire said:
SB--forgive me if im wrong, but isnt the philipines in asia??
Well... hmm... *thinks of how to explain it* Technically it IS part of Asia.. but the thing is that it's not connected to the main continent and on top of that, the Asian clique in my old school gave Asian people a bad name so i kinda didnt want to be known as Asian... but i am really Pacific Islander. Hence why i said "I'm a filipino in denial" as in denial of being Asian. :D Complicated and dumb... i know. :thumbsup:

i wanna buy myself a pair of nonprescripted emo glasses... emo glasses are hot. :cool:
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