Members Pictures 7.0

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Well,here is the pic of me and my friends on the snow when we where on the trip.

Can you guess who am i? :p



New member
Awesome new pics people ,i see

The awsomeness of the vero-your so pretty!^_^

the prettyness of ss1-always looking kewl ^^

the cuteness of hyper-so not ugly at all very hot ^^

And sooooo much more,never knew a forum had so many good looking people.

I think i'm gonna put a new one up later.



New member
^tell me about it, Fi is so pretty.

Thanks Azem for eltting me kno which one Vero is otherwise I'd have no clue at all.



New member
bwhahahahaha nice one fiona!! your smiles are soo forced,which means they look so fake to me! ahahah its gotta be one of the classics along with that other school photo of yours. bawhwahwhwahahwahwhwahwa,its good stuff!!! i love it!! ahahaha!!!


New member
thats me with my cousin in the background


my boyfriend and i in new zealand being silly at my relatives place


no idea how i did the following ones but they were done on my digi camera at work. just playing around with the shutter speed type thing... kinda cool!

;) ;) ;)

my friend kristen and i on a night out


believe it or not thats me on the right with the massive beard and stuff... it was for a school drama play. i was the 'lead dwarf' in this special version of snow white...


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New member
Originally posted by azemkamikaze03
I see Vero. Shes laying down. The closest to the ground.
Yep,that´s me lol,I look very funny on the pic.

Originally posted by LPGirl
nice pic vero^_^
Thanx you Renai ^_^

Originally posted by SpikeMinoda14
The awsomeness of the vero-your so pretty!^_^
Again,thanx Keli^_^

Originally posted by stupidsoul1
vero lol you look like you are having fun =)

your the one with the scarf lol lovely =)
Thanx Fiona=)

Originally posted by immortal89

Thanks Azem for eltting me kno which one Vero is otherwise I'd have no clue at all.
lol,if any1 didn´t know who I was I would end up saying it:p.

Nice pics LaniLinkin :)



New member
Shut up chainer its not my fault...there were some real smiles some where lol i cant find those photos

awesome pics lani -^^- you do make a pretty neat dwarf too



New member
oh the outfit got better if i had a full shot. baggy overalls (maternity ones!!), flanellette tartan shirt and probably boots... Lucky for my my beard wasn't glued on! All the other dwarves had to have hair glue to their faces. oh and then we did this big school rock eistedford thing.. big dancing and acting thing between schools in south australia.. had to audition within the school for it... i was chosen as a dwarf. AGAIN. so annoyed. and this time the hair was glued on and we wore big fat suits while trying to jump off trampolines and dance and stuff... was so hot and sweaty!


New member

^^ an older picture, but it's sweet lol.


^^ i'm on the right, my significant other all the way to the left.

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