Members Pictures 7.0

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meh, this is back on the last week of 10th grade. when.. my close circle of friends was still together. and all the couples where there..

from left to right, bottom to top..

Bryan, Allison (Those two are still together) Jackie, Me (</3) Daniel, Jaime, Brandon (Broken up[jaime and brandon lol.]) , Shayla, Will (broken up) Miranda, Cory (broken up, cory moved to tennessee) adn then Jeff.

blah, so now all that's in our group (oh, Bryan lives in New Mexico but him n allison are still together) but yeah, there's Allison, Me, Jaime, Brandon, Will, and Jeff left. pretty ****** if you ask me.

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New member
:eek: How old r u? Your like my sisters age. I dont think you should have your pik up man. Your kinda young. There are sickos on the web. Not the best idea to put ur pik up.


New member
Ahhhhh. Are you sure your looking at the same picture? :p
Lol, thanks! :)
Yeah you're really hot infact. :)

Hyper--it's a better group than my group of friends. we're all getting torn apart too.

azem-- :p

woody--yeah you've posted that before

Hopefully I have some new pics in like a week or 2.



New member
meow, thanks for the comments on the other page people lmao

hyper that pic is really cute, sorry to hear your friends arent as close now.

linkinpark91393 - you are really cute none the less =)



New member
ss1: cool hair and your hot.

Hyper: *sings* hypers not ugly hypers not ugly *ends the singing*

linkinpark91393: wow your young.

woody: all i can say is.. hot. Yep only word that comes to me head.

azem: ha you never saw it comin. But its you

And for any one i missed, sorry bout not saying something but, me not coming on does invovle with my reasons. Everyone on the forums is not ugly...exsept me.



New member
....the second comlpiment / diss that i dont a row
Aww im sorry. Here *passes you a vanilla coke*. See i remebered, but i was speechless and mad. Why cuz i cant see you clearly, but i can see why shani lurves you.



New member
These are some pics I took the other day:

Btw,you can tell I was wearing my pyjamas:p

In this pic I was trying to make a crazy face xD:

And in this other one I was trying to make a sad face(it looks kinda fake lol or it didn´t work good xD)

So those are the pics at the moment*runs away and hides*

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