Women....haha i feel old. That sounds so wierd. lolDon't say that about yourself. That's the one peeve I have, so to speak. Everyone talks down about themselves when in most cases their wrong. You are a beautiful woman.I just wished you lived closer... >.>
you guys have a nice school....mine is all crappy and junk i should make a vidI'm in a friends video at lunch at my school al little while ago.Lunch Video. like, only right in the beggining, I'm in back of James, to the left, drinking a coke. It's Heather in action! lol
*steals them*...they're freakin gorgeous.GotLinkinPark?']http://www.offtopic.forum/data/MetaMirrorCache/0f3acd50770595201813aff3d3a7e0f7.jpg
My guitars.