my hair is kinda like yours, except mine is red and blonde and a bit shorter than it is in the pic of me on this thread.
as for your mum liking your hair like that, my mum used to do the same, she would have my hair cut and it looked ridiculous, she would then parade me round the school yard and say "don't you think her hair is so nice" and i'd stand there looking like a total loser lol.
MS: i dont like ur hair. it looks like this emo chik at my skool i know. its not the fact thats she's emo, is that she's mean to me. i liked it when nearly got us both killed by the car, in the sydney CBD.
not a clear pic but its shows how tall i am which now im kinda proud of. by the way behind is where my mum works so luckly i get to spend my summers and half terms here.