Members Pictures 8.0

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WoW! LPsoldier!

I want ur belt
*looks on ebay*
Yes im rlly lookin on ebay for summat like that... maybe a belt or necklace!

im jelous :rolleyes:
lol Cloud! I bought mine a store called The General Store (its an antique store)...they only had one! Try looking in some antique stores near you, if there are any. They might have some on ebay too. Good luck with that though! I will look here again and see if they have any others, and if they do maybe I could send it to you? Well anyways, good luck!

yazzy - Hott!
cerise - very pretty!!
awesome pics, guys!
Cool pics people... i would say something "special" for each of them but meh.. like always im waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to lazy.
ah u can do it Renai. plus the film was crap. i kinda screwed it up too.
well i did it anyway.


In order from left to right, Kimmy(my wife), Jess and Me.


In order ..... Me, Anthea, Fiona and Renai.


Okay me and Anthea shoved our faces in the peice of crap camera.
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ok i sent them to you in msn

here a pic of me from sydney
im puilling the most retarded face, lol
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This was taken yesterday:

I look really stoned
Nice stoned pic Mikes Shadow!

Heres one I made of me... This is know my DP on MSN!
I think its dead funni!
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