Member's Pictures 9.0

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Thanks everyone, and im too lazy to quote everyone but the one who looks like me and has the same name, yes thats scary. And unfornatalaltalyyy, Holland didnt win :(
Chris said:
Thanks everyone, and im too lazy to quote everyone but the one who looks like me and has the same name, yes thats scary. And unfornatalaltalyyy, Holland didnt win :(
hehe I was wondering why my dad and my bro weren't happy this evening :D

That's me...
Lyson = gorgeous..

and this forum changes your view on girls it's creepy xD
TOmEr looks coolio!

And i fiNALlY gOt alL THE PiCS opeN yAy- tHiS Is a WeLl EnDowEd foRUM!!
(if that makes any sense? :cool: )
you guys all look great :thumbsup:
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