Men - how many of you are in the closet?


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2005
O.K. You big guys - how many of you put on the straight act? Statistics say that more men than we know of are actually fantasizing about other men. How true is that? It's always nicer on the eyes to see 2 women - but come on now be honest. How many of you have these dreams? Maybe you're not gay - but just want the experience - doggy style! I used to date this big strong sexy looking guy and after we broke up he told me that he had 'this' experience. He wasn't gay - I guess he was bi. I was really surprised - to put it mildly. But boy he was the last person in the world I thought - so it makes me wonder.....
Concidering I had an experience as a child with a Dr. who stuck his finger in my rectum, and remembering that I really didn't enjoy the experience all that much, more to the point, it felt wrong and it hurt a bit, I would have to say NO, I have never wanted to experience sex with another man.

I see this crap day in and day out. Curiosity is one thing...getting ****ed is quite another...

The only true Bisexuals i haave EVER met...have all been women. They will look at several people through the night and make coments "they are hot" about several people of different genders during the night.

bisexual males i have never heard the phrase "she is hot"


they always look at guys . So dudes that claim to be bisexual always let me down...which leads me to believe that bi people arent truely bi...they just are big liars......or at minimum bisexual guys are liars
phreakwars said:
Concidering I had an experience as a child with a Dr. who stuck his finger in my rectum, and remembering that I really didn't enjoy the experience all that much, more to the point, it felt wrong and it hurt a bit, I would have to say NO, I have never wanted to experience sex with another man.

Are you sure it was his "finger"?
I'm in the closet right now. Now I'm out of the closet. Back in, out, in, out, in, out....

I can't make up my mind. Do I wear the black polo or the white UGA polo?

My hair looks like **** today. Perhaps I'll stay in the closet all day.
I've been in the closet for months.... I was standing on a stool, looking for my shoes, and I fell and broke my back... Luckily the is an outlet for my laptop and I got a WiFi card!

PLEASE CALL THE POLICE! I've fallen and I can't get up
I would have to agree with Vortex, just about every "Bi" male I have ever met has excluvsively looked at men. I suppose they're afraid to put both feet in the water. Chicks on the other hand, from what I have seen, will go both ways. Check out both sexes. And I do have to say, if Angelina Jolie showed up on my doorstep, my boyfriend would be getting the boot ;)
angie said:
I would have to agree with Vortex, just about every "Bi" male I have ever met has excluvsively looked at men. I suppose they're afraid to put both feet in the water. Chicks on the other hand, from what I have seen, will go both ways. Check out both sexes. And I do have to say, if Angelina Jolie showed up on my doorstep, my boyfriend would be getting the boot ;)

Id even enjoy a BJ from her....but the moment i felt something furry and moist id probably loose it....gak
angie said:
I would have to agree with Vortex, just about every "Bi" male I have ever met has excluvsively looked at men. I suppose they're afraid to put both feet in the water. Chicks on the other hand, from what I have seen, will go both ways. Check out both sexes. And I do have to say, if Angelina Jolie showed up on my doorstep, my boyfriend would be getting the boot ;)

She's awesome and all but I sure hope you was just joking...
I don't really recall WHY he was probing my ass, maybe his wife was holding out on him at home and he decided to take his fetish out on a child .

Tracker said:
It's always nicer on the eyes to see 2 women - but come on now be honest. How many of you have these dreams? Maybe you're not gay - but just want the experience - doggy style! makes me wonder.....
Yes it is nicer on the eyes to see two women because any sane man can't blame anyone for wanting to go down on a nice looking woman... I think in my former life I was a lesbian...

Now I have never considered butt ****ing a man or any of the related activities of gay men perhaps because I'm a reincarnated lesbian?
Crispy Critter said:
Yes it is nicer on the eyes to see two women because any sane man can't blame anyone for wanting to go down on a nice looking woman... I think in my former life I was a lesbian...

Now I have never considered butt ****ing a man or any of the related activities of gay men perhaps because I'm a reincarnated lesbian?

Can lesbians lead an army in your military?
I think all the lesbians and Bisexual women should be locked up in concentration camps, starved then shoved in the incinerator. I'm sick of their rug-munching bullshit. And no I don't think it's sexy. Well, not since I was a horny, perverted teenager who was full of jizz. Hell, nowadays I think girl on girl bullshit is 1) Disgusting 2) Tired.

Silly Dykes, Chicks are for Dicks
Simply because they feel it is "soft on soft" as one girl put HLA (hot lesbian action for the ignorant). I find it kinda...sexist. Either it is like giving the middle finger to males (alot of lesbians think men suck so they go to a woman) or just a simple **** tease. But that's just a majority. Always an exception to the rule. I am only basing my opinion on experience and from what women tell me.
That is its primary purpose as far as I am concerned. A testament to what they claim we "cannot have".
A mind game and a battle of the sexes. They don't want to appear as whores and sluts I guess. No point in trying to figure out the opposite sex, espeically ones of our age. Half of them don't know or ACT like they don't know what they want.