Men need a wake-up call


Sep 2, 2005
I get so sick of hearing excuses to justify why some men act the way they do...such as:
They're men, that's what they do

Men are just hornier than women (not true, women are horny too)

Men are hunters and biologically they are made to cheat

That's just the way it is

He's a man, he can't help himself

Men need it more

Havent we evolved enough by now to know that these excuses are just crap to justify/allow men to continue being shitheads? I'm a female with a high sex drive...I'll settle for 5 times a week. But I have a brain and am able to consider the feelings of another human being! We are human beings, the superior species...we can control our actions you know. And i've never heard of anyone dying becuase they didnt get sex.
And I'm sick of reading posts from men on other websites who bitch and complain about their wife not being dirty enough in bed and they want to cheat, or their s/o not willing to do certain acts. These men act like they can't live without it and are willing to cheat on their s/o. Isnt the relationship about more than just sex?
I'm sick of men with beer bellies and stubble expecting big breasts that are perky (they're not allowed to sag even tho they weigh a ton), waxed pussies (which hurts like a mf), thin/slender bodies, and concave stomachs!
I'm tired of men saying, "just dont let it bother you" instead of the men stopping the behavior that bothers you.
I'm sick of men being so damn selfish ALL THE TIME.
I'm disgusted by men who have a s/o yet continue to go to strip clubs and look at porn. Women are portrayed as sex hungry and beg for you to please cum on their face. Do you really think that women like to have cum all over their face? Do you really think we like to swallow what expells from your body when you gripe all the time about the way a ***** smells? If we clean our ***** will you agree to eat fruit all the time so your stuff might possibly taste a little sweeter or is that too much to ****ing ask?

We can get all dressed up and look nice to go out with you but you still disrespectfully stare at other women. Do you ever consider for once that this might hurt our feelings or do you just simply not give a ****?

Do you seriously think it's funny to fart and belch in our face and then laugh about it? Do you consider that maybe at that moment we dont find you to be attractive at all?

I could go on and on. Men are supposed to be the stronger sex...whatever! They may be physically stronger but they are not strong in the brains department and that's what really counts. And that's where women are outshining the men and you know what....deep down inside, the men know it.

Why do you think women are cheating more and more? Because the behavior you displayed when we first started dating like opening doors for us and acting like you respect us slowly starts to dwindle to nothingness and we are no longer impressed with you. We're smarter than you and you just dont seem to be catching on that you have to make more of an effort to keep us..not the other way around.
Sounds like you needed to get that off your (hopefully perky 38 inch) chest, Seachelle. :D

It also sounds like you are hanging out with waaaaaay too many rednecked old-school good ol' boys.

Men aren't all like your description. Generalisations are for those who haven't experienced more cultures. Try travelling. Us Aussies have blokes who are similar to those in your post, but they are a dying breed here.

Even the "ringers" here are more advanced than your descriptions.

As for your graphic descriptions of sex and fellatio, I don't expect a woman to go down on me just because I do it for her. Any sexual activity is undertaken for pleasure. If you don't like doing it, don't do it. If your partner objects, **** him off.

Plenty of fish in the sea.

Women can be sexually predatious too. Not all of them. I've been with enough women to realise that there is no hard-and-fast rule for how to pleasure them or what their appetite for sex is.

I still liked your post. Just try not to generalise. We are all animals, climbing up out of our dog-eat-dog past. Some are still hanging onto the old ways, and some are well on their way to enlightenment.

It's the way of the world. If we were all the same, life would be one boring ****ing **** of a place. Agreed?

Ditch your fella, and find better. Sounds like you deserve it. ;)
Here we go, yet another man-hater who thinks they are superior because they so happen to come across the rejects of our gender. Well I guess I have to do my job and clarify a few things. For one, men and women share bad qualities. Both cheat, both can be choosy, both can be disgusting, both can lie. Wanna know why? Because PEOPLE in general SUCK. That's why. So do really truly HONESTLY think that women are always the good ones? That the reason why women do bad things is because the men make pre-emptive strikes on the women. Well guess what you fire-breathing feminazi, IT ISN'T ALWAYS TRUE! So you mean to justify a bad woman's actions because a guy treated them wrong? And then you have the damn audacity to claim that WOMEN ARE SMARTER THAN MEN for that reason right there? You don't think for one second that maybe some women have their heads in their ass? No, I guess not. Everything is man did this, man did that yet you don't hear too many complaints about what the woman does because society leads us to believe that the woman is always the good one and men are evil or that in case you do have a malicious woman, some guy is at fault. Wake your one-sided brain up and realize, there are scumbag men, and there are scumbag women. BUT, for the sake of this post in retaliation and for actual thinking material, I am going to pick apart this little post here, though I agree with some of the material you have posted. Take a gander...

I get so sick of hearing excuses to justify why some men act the way they do...such as:
They're men, that's what they do

Men are just hornier than women (not true, women are horny too)

Men are hunters and biologically they are made to cheat

That's just the way it is

He's a man, he can't help himself

Men need it more

I agree. But on occassion I hear women say this to and actually accept this. men and women both at fault there and the statement is not true.

Havent we evolved enough by now to know that these excuses are just crap to justify/allow men to continue being shitheads? I'm a female with a high sex drive...I'll settle for 5 times a week. But I have a brain and am able to consider the feelings of another human being! We are human beings, the superior species...we can control our actions you know. And i've never heard of anyone dying becuase they didnt get sex.

No, evolution has nothing to do with it. And I truly hope you are speaking in majority terms because I have met and known plenty of dudes who ARE NOT shitheads. Oh and most girld I know with a high sex drive, could gives a damn about most of their partners. My ex would be a good lying example. And I can definitely disagree with you about humans being a superior species. And no one has physically died froma lack of sex though some disturbed individual in the world committed suicide for the lack of...but that's a different story. And a retard.

I'm sick of men with beer bellies and stubble expecting big breasts that are perky (they're not allowed to sag even tho they weigh a ton), waxed pussies (which hurts like a mf), thin/slender bodies, and concave stomachs!
I'm tired of men saying, "just dont let it bother you" instead of the men stopping the behavior that bothers you.

And I am sick of fake super-model preppy girls who expect every guy to be tall, have big muscles, and spend every single dime they have on their already inflated egos and fulfill their fantasies at every point. Women are guilty of an unrealistic outlook on the opposite sex as well. Both those men and women are SHALLOW and SUPERFICIAL, no way exclusive to guys.

And I'm sick of reading posts from men on other websites who bitch and complain about their wife not being dirty enough in bed and they want to cheat, or their s/o not willing to do certain acts. These men act like they can't live without it and are willing to cheat on their s/o. Isnt the relationship about more than just sex?

Funny because I have talked to, met, and heard about women dumping their guy just because he didn't have sex with them right, or his dick wasn't big enough, or he didn't want to perform some stupid sex stunt, yet they guy was a sweetheart, hot, and had a good life ahead of them. And yes, these women were so quick to jump **** to the next guy. Once again, both sexes at fault and women are very well known for this, it is just that the faults of women are not expressed as much as guys due to the propaganda that infests our very society.

I'm sick of men being so damn selfish ALL THE TIME.

And women are grateful all the time? Wake up and smell the ****, because your spewing it all over the place.

I'm disgusted by men who have a s/o yet continue to go to strip clubs and look at porn. Women are portrayed as sex hungry and beg for you to please cum on their face. Do you really think that women like to have cum all over their face? Do you really think we like to swallow what expells from your body when you gripe all the time about the way a ***** smells? If we clean our ***** will you agree to eat fruit all the time so your stuff might possibly taste a little sweeter or is that too much to ****ing ask?

Once again, your female friends are guilty of this as well. I don't buy the whole "I just want to have fun." gig. I know girls who have a s/o and still go goof around with a bunch of "hot guys" in clubs, get shitfaced drunk...and you know what happened then. Once again, y'all are not innocent.

Women are portrayed as sex hungry and beg for you to please cum on their face. Do you really think that women like to have cum all over their face?QUOTE]

Any guy who thinks all women do this are clearly living on dream street. And any girl who gets with a guy that believes this is in the same league as them. Oh, but some of those really sex crazed women, do love that stuff. So that would be a yes and no to your propaganda inspired dribble about how us men are scum and sex crazed.

We can get all dressed up and look nice to go out with you but you still disrespectfully stare at other women. Do you ever consider for once that this might hurt our feelings or do you just simply not give a ****?

We get all dressed up and look nice to go out with you yet you still disrespectfully stare at other guys. Do YOU even consider for once that this might hurt our feelings or do YOU just simply not give a ****?

On a second note, maybe you are so insecure. I am pretty sure if a hot guy walked by, you would take a gander as well. I frankly would not stare at another girl but obviously if something crosses your line of sight, you're gonna look. As long as you know you are going home with that guy or just even going out, what have you got to worry about? Now if the dude is seriously breaking his damn neck to see this other pretty individual (you're not the only one) THEN Houston there is a problem. I wouldn't mind my girl looking at a guy but drooling and obsessing over him would just make me cautious. Well, looks like ONCE AGAIN men aren't the only ones.

Do you seriously think it's funny to fart and belch in our face and then laugh about it? Do you consider that maybe at that moment we dont find you to be attractive at all?

Kinda funny as well, since I have known a few girls to do the same thing. Also, not all of us would sit there at the dinner table and blantantly fart and burp all over the damn place. Some of us would rather not embarass ourselves in public. Not only that, but you (or your friends) sure have dated some screwed up guys with no maturity whatesoever. Eh, we all make mistakes.

I could go on and on.

Me too.
Ooooo wait, I'm not done my friend, I'm not done!!! Here's some more BS I have to help disprove!!!

Men are supposed to be the stronger sex...whatever! They may be physically stronger but they are not strong in the brains department and that's what really counts.

No, I think a balance of good health and brains are alot better than being strong in just one department depending on the niche in society you fill. And us NOT being strong in the brains department? Wow, you TOTALLY contradicted yourself right there my friend. And your next statement proves it...

And that's where women are outshining the men and you know what....deep down inside, the men know it.

Okay sit down and think for a second. See that keyboard you were typing on? That monitor you are starting at? The computer operating the entire system? I am pretty sure the inventor of that equpiment was made by (omg this answer will surprise you) A GUY!!! Those people who all died trying to prevent America being taken over by the British so they could make a document stating that you can say what you want and a ton of other good things you are able to do, INCLUDING vote? Hmmm more than likely, a guy died for that cause. Who made most of that equipment including lights and monitors and stages and microphones so you can see your favorite actors and musicians perform so YOU WON'T BE BORED? Hmmm DING DING, a guy. So if these men were so stupid, how are you able to do most of the things you do now? Figure that out for me since you are SO intelligent.

Oh and don't get me wrong, women have contributed to alot of things themsleves. But for you to sit there and say all men are stupid just because you got caught up with the rejects and ****ing idiots with horomone issues is simply ASININE and INSIPID (need a dictionary Ms. Intelligent?).

Why do you think women are cheating more and more?

Because they are just as stupid, ignorant, and selfish as the guys hey bitch about.

Because the behavior you displayed when we first started dating like opening doors for us and acting like you respect us slowly starts to dwindle to nothingness and we are no longer impressed with you.

Would you rather us just slam the door in your face? And maybe some guys out there would respect you if you quit being so ****ing choosy, superficial, and ungrateful. What they hell you want us to do? Kiss your feet and polish your tiara? Sorry, but we are people too, not your damn lap dogs. Get your head in gear and at least give some guys credit when it is due, not shoot them down when one thing is not the way you want it to be. No one is perfect.

We're smarter than you and you just dont seem to be catching on that you have to make more of an effort to keep us..not the other way around.

Okay, what animal is known as Carcharodon charcarias? Felis rufus? Mesocricetus aratus? What does laser and radio stand for? Don't take too long to find the answer now Einstein. As far as making an effort to get you? Well, why would some of us want a stuck-up, egotisitcal, queen leech anyways? Quit being a damn nitpicker and wake up, this is the real world. And what rule says men ALWASY have to chase y'all? I would rather have a girl appreciate me for who I am and have my back than some golddigging, selfish, feminazi anyday. I would rather have a girl put forth an effort to get me just as much as I would for her. Get the hell of your high horse, you have ridden it to the damn ground already. GIRLS like you don't belong on a high pedestal and though I understand your opinions, your material is severly BIASED and inspired by the media, propaganda, entertainment, and other people just like you. Enjoy getting used like a tool or being alone.
I realize there are just as many woman who have udesireable qualities as well as some men. I have Italy, Spain, France, the Netherlands, Germany etc... and I dont know how men are in those places since I've only had the opportunity to date Americans, Latinos, a guy from vietnam and a guy from Poland. I dont think of myself as sitting on a high horse or on a pedastal. I treat men that I date well. I'm a down to earth girl who is honest and decent and I just want the same in a partner and it's becoming increasingly harder to find. I'm not stuck up and I do look for men in all kinds of places. Eventually it always seems like men are not happy with what they have, thinking the grass is always greener somewhere else. And sure, there is always someone prettier, younger.....but does that mean they should go cheat?
I'm educated and so are my friends, and we think we pick nice first. They always act on their best behavior in the begining but then it's gone shortly after.
I want to feel feminine, it's nice to have a guy open your door for you, in turn it's nice to cook for him and do things for him as well.
Maybe my computer and monitor were made by a Maybe it was made by a woman...what difference does that make? In the work place women are still getting paid $.71 for every $1 a man makes for the same work. In fact this was documented on the board at my last job.
I'm not saying that all men are not intelligent. Maybe it's a lack of emotional intelligence in some cases. Boys are raised differently than girls from the get go.
And sure, you may not belch at the dinner table when we go out, but what about in the privacy of the home? That's what i'm talking about.

Like I said, I know there are plenty of women who cheat and lie, have bad manners, treat a guy like crap, expect too much..but that's not me. I dont cheat, I have good manners and I'm grateful if a guy is good to me. I'm looking to get married, youknow, me and him against the world and all that. But I dont want to settle for someone who cannot or wont bring to the table what I'm bringing to the table. It's frustrating. It makes me wary about dating more. I dont think I've dated rejecst of the gender, but rather a nice mix. Why is it that most of the guys I and my girlfriends and my family members and co-workers and acquaintances have come across are like this?
seachelle said:
I realize there are just as many woman who have udesireable qualities as well as some men.

Awesome. Now you get the swing of things.

seachelle said:
I have Italy, Spain, France, the Netherlands, Germany etc... and I dont know how men are in those places since I've only had the opportunity to date Americans, Latinos, a guy from vietnam and a guy from Poland.

Alrighty. So that means they weren't included in your last unfair judgement right? Then again, just remember, good and bad people exist EVERYWHERE so I am quite sure there are good AND bad women sitting in those places.

seachelle said:
I dont think of myself as sitting on a high horse or on a pedastal.

Saying that men are lacking in the brains department, we have to work harder for y'all, and laughing at the fact that we are not strong is pretty much putting yourself over a whole lot of if you really was standing on a pedestal just to let you know.

seachelle said:
I treat men that I date well.

I sure hope you do. I dunno how you are so I cannot judge but I'm gonna tell you something. Us nice people PERIOD have it alot harder because our world is overrun by selfish scum.

seachelle said:
I'm a down to earth girl who is honest and decent and I just want the same in a partner and it's becoming increasingly harder to find.

I heard that before. But I agree, a person of good quality behavior can be a rare find indeed. You must dig through the scum and **** to get to your treasure.

seachelle said:
I'm not stuck up and I do look for men in all kinds of places.


seachelle said:
Eventually it always seems like men are not happy with what they have, thinking the grass is always greener somewhere else.

It seems like alot of people take good things for granted and think they have easy access to it then realize how stupid it was to waste that wonderful person when they are in a jam.

seachelle said:
And sure, there is always someone prettier, younger.....but does that mean they should go cheat?

Nope. That is not a reason to cheat. There should be no reason at all really. But younger certainly isn't any better as younger people tend to have less experience, especially these days. Looks shouldn't be THE primary factor either but...people will be people.

seachelle said:
I'm educated and so are my friends, and we think we pick nice first. They always act on their best behavior in the begining but then it's gone shortly after.

It is called immaturity and ungratefulness. Us nice people always go for these fakers but in due time, you will be able to distinguish a fake nice person from the real thing...I too have gone out with apparently nice women then they turn out to be wolves in sheep clothing.

seachelle said:
I want to feel feminine, it's nice to have a guy open your door for you, in turn it's nice to cook for him and do things for him as well.

You sure? Are you sure we don't have to do alot more to earn y'all? Like shine your shoes? Or clean your house? Give you a large lump sum of cash? Beat up your last jerk boyfriend?

seachelle said:
Maybe my computer and monitor were made by a was to prove that a totally stupid person (as all men are apparently) is pretty much incapable of making such a sophisticated piece of hardware.

seachelle said:
Maybe it was made by a woman...what difference does that make?

Makes a lot of difference. Men are supposedly lacking in the brains department.

seachelle said:
In the work place women are still getting paid $.71 for every $1 a man makes for the same work. In fact this was documented on the board at my last job.

Is this the reason for your vendetta against men? Did some guy you date brag about being paid more than you? Oh, and I doubt this is in EVERY workplace as there are many different kinds of workplace. In fact, some places are said that women excel faster than men. Want a good example? The military would be one. (depending on the unit) They are just not at the pinnacle of the military that's all.

seachelle said:
I'm not saying that all men are not intelligent.

You sure now? Take your time my friend.

seachelle said:
Maybe it's a lack of emotional intelligence in some cases.

Is there such a thing? Well on a side note, though everyone is different, IMO it seems that men are usually more in the logical/reasoning department while women are more on the emotional side. It is this imbalance that can lead to the downfall of a relationship, whereas if both partners have a reasonable degree of both, they stand a better chance understanding each other and the situation they are put into.

seachelle said:
Boys are raised differently than girls from the get go.

Wow, you are quite correct. Nice. :p

seachelle said:
And sure, you may not belch at the dinner table when we go out, but what about in the privacy of the home? That's what i'm talking about.

If you are not around, we can do that. In fact, some sources say it is quite unhealthy to hold such gases in. I mean it happens for a reason. If you are around, the better specimens of our gender usually would not do it in a vain attempt to make you laugh and do hold it in. And don't act like y'all don't do it either for women too possess a digestive system and gas.

seachelle said:
Like I said, I know there are plenty of women who cheat and lie, have bad manners, treat a guy like crap, expect too much..but that's not me. I dont cheat, I have good manners and I'm grateful if a guy is good to me.

Good good.

seachelle said:
I'm looking to get married, youknow, me and him against the world and all that.

Just curious, how old are you? And you/him vs the world? Eh, some people just have ambitions I guess.

seachelle said:
But I dont want to settle for someone who cannot or wont bring to the table what I'm bringing to the table. It's frustrating.

And you shouldn't. Why give so much to such an ungrateful person if they are not putting forth the effort as well? It's very frustrating!

seachelle said:
It makes me wary about dating more.

Same boat my friend. We are in the same boat. Just don't turn into some slut or misandrist. You'd get alot less respect than you are getting now.

seachelle said:
I dont think I've dated rejects of the gender, but rather a nice mix.

Maybe rejects was a bad choice of a word. More like the knuckledraggers of our genders. But a NICE MIX? A nice mix of dung is what you went out with!

seachelle said:
Why is it that most of the guys I and my girlfriends and my family members and co-workers and acquaintances have come across are like this?

I ask myself this question everytime I see or hear about some jackass female.

See? I was alot nicer now wasn't I? :D
Just to let you know, I'm 34. I look a lot younger and people never believe me when I say my age. Thank you Outlaw for your responses. I dont want to appear to be stuck up. I will try to work on that more. I'm sure if I were to meet a nice guy right now, he'd run...who would want to have to work extra hard to climb these huge walls around me when there are other nice girls who dont have them?
When I wrote my initial post I was in a moment of severe frustration. I believe that things that are easy are not worth it like things which you have to work for. I have not given up completely. I'm not going to turn into some unreachable man-hater, nor become a slut or anything like that. But I do consider the idea that I might be single for a long time, or I might be one of those old ladies with lots of cats. I refuse to be with a guy who is not everything that I want. And what I want is someone with manners who is thoughtful and kind and smart and wants to spend time with me, and who loves me so much he would never cheat. He can look at other women if he's not being disrespectful, he can even be tempted to cheat but he respects me and loves me too much to actually do it.
I dont ask for anything that I dont give in return, so I dont think I'm asking for too much.

But thanks for the responses, sometimes a gal just needs a reality check.
seachelle said:
Just to let you know, I'm 34. I look a lot younger and people never believe me when I say my age.

Wow, to be honest, I would have never known since I normaly rip into teens and young girls STILL in the teen stage.

seachelle said:
Thank you Outlaw for your responses. I dont want to appear to be stuck up. I will try to work on that more.

Hey no problem. I usually don't give advice but I felt it was needed at the moment. Plus I needed a chew But you seem to be intelligent, judging your age and experience. Don't worry, you was probably pissed off and I understand. I wrongfully judged all women at one time. But then I realized, just like men, it was the majority that's goofed up and it wasn't fair to the women that actually try. So don't take everything I say to heart okay? :)

seachelle said:
I'm sure if I were to meet a nice guy right now, he'd run...who would want to have to work extra hard to climb these huge walls around me when there are other nice girls who dont have them?

Probably would. I sure would not want to encounter an angry woman or one carrying alot of luggage. I have enough of my own!

seachelle said:
When I wrote my initial post I was in a moment of severe frustration. I believe that things that are easy are not worth it like things which you have to work for. I have not given up completely. I'm not going to turn into some unreachable man-hater, nor become a slut or anything like that.

Awesome! I totally understand. I try not to give up myself but at the same time, I rather have some downtime to myself and concentrate on my future.

seachelle said:
But I do consider the idea that I might be single for a long time, or I might be one of those old ladies with lots of cats. I refuse to be with a guy who is not everything that I want.

Yep, I have been single for over a year and a half now and might stay single longer. Just to take a breather from such a challenge.

seachelle said:
And what I want is someone with manners who is thoughtful and kind and smart and wants to spend time with me, and who loves me so much he would never cheat. He can look at other women if he's not being disrespectful, he can even be tempted to cheat but he respects me and loves me too much to actually do it.
I dont ask for anything that I dont give in return, so I dont think I'm asking for too much.

Totally. Looking is fine but just staring is straight rude. But yes, the best way to know the opposite sex, is to have friends of the opposite sex, and make sure they are intelligent and trustworthy, they can usually pinpoint a faker from a cool person. So keep your cool, and wait for the right one to come by my friend. :)

seachelle said:
But thanks for the responses, sometimes a gal just needs a reality check.

No problem. You just needed some knowledge thrown at you. I wish you good luck. :)