Men vs Women on cheating


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2005
DO you think women are more prone to cheat or men?
To me i think it is men. I think men have a harder time being faithful. I myself have always been faithful to the person i was with and even when i hated them i never defide them. But men are easily persuaded and then regret later...why? Why is the urge so great? Why hurt themselves and another just for a little lust? I know women cheat to i said i just want an opinion.
You gotta create an actual poll my friend. And although both sexes are very much prone to cheating, stats have shown (and personal experience on my part as well) have shown that females do it more often. My vote is on women, and it isn't because I'm male.
Yes, I can HONESTLY say that you women are no better. Believe me, ask any lesbian that tried to defy nature by going after the same sex and is back to men.
WOMAN. My reason for this is simple. If a woman walks in a bar, pissed at her significant other, how easy would it be for her to cheat? Too easy! Now look at the opposite side, if a man was to go in a bar, pissed at his significant other, how hard would it be for him to cheat? A little more effort would be needed for the man to cheat. Example: If a woman walks in a bar, gets drunk and shows her ****, men would be yelling and screaming, throwing a couple dollars as a joke. If a man walks in a bar, gets drunk and whips out the ****, he would probably get his ass kicked and woman feeling "violated". So in my opinion, if a woman wants it, shes going to get it without too much difficulty.
8_BALL said:
WOMAN. My reason for this is simple. If a woman walks in a bar, pissed at her significant other, how easy would it be for her to cheat? Too easy! Now look at the opposite side, if a man was to go in a bar, pissed at his significant other, how hard would it be for him to cheat? A little more effort would be needed for the man to cheat. Example: If a woman walks in a bar, gets drunk and shows her ****, men would be yelling and screaming, throwing a couple dollars as a joke. If a man walks in a bar, gets drunk and whips out the ****, he would probably get his ass kicked and woman feeling "violated". So in my opinion, if a woman wants it, shes going to get it without too much difficulty.

Well apparently someone wasnt reading my question carefully. I said who is more PRONE to cheat. Not how easy it is between the 2 sexes. I still think men because their sexual drive is often higher then females and think the need it. My vote are still MEN
I'm afraid I definitely have to say that generally, males are far more prone to cheating than females. I could go into a big round of man-bashing, but I'm going to try something different and use a bit of theory. Basically, it's the way they are. The way they're supposed to be. What the male of most species DOES is wander around, sowing seed etc etc. That's his job. We, with the mind, not the body--with that free will thing, you know--created this idea of a mte for ourselves. Other animals do it because that's the way THEY are designed, but I don't think that was the way we originally were. So what my thoughts come down to is that it's natural for the guys to want to bang everything that moves, but the society we've created holds them back. I think women are more inclined, naturally, toward 'nesting,' settling down with one mate and staying there. We don't need to sow any seed--it comes to us, pardon the horrible pun.

So anyway, that's my theory of the day.

As an aside, I think men are generally unfaithful more innocently than women. They're just horny, they can't help it. Women have an easier time keeping that **** in check, but if they DO cheat, they generally do it vindictively--to hurt someone (who probably cheated on her first, or maybe just refuses to be under her thumb). So which is worse, you decide I guess.
In my expirience men are more prone to cheating than women. Women do cheat, but men do it more often.
Gray~Gal said:
Well apparently someone wasnt reading my question carefully. I said who is more PRONE to cheat. Not how easy it is between the 2 sexes. I still think men because their sexual drive is often higher then females and think the need it. My vote are still MEN
Point taken.
MEN in that case I guess. Only because I need sex more than my wife. I think she does it to shut me up. I NEED IT. So I guess your right. Men are more prone but it's still easier for woman.
So does that mean you cheat on your wife? I am sure she likes sex as much as you do and still doesnt have to cheat. Men have little self much do you have?
Men are more prone to cheatin' than women coz they sometimes tend to forget where their brains are located and finally come to the conclusion that it's between their legs.
Women cheat less coz well most of us(myself included) are romantics.
Men cheat coz they see it as a way of gettin' ''man points''.They think sleeping with as many women makes them superior.
And virginity means more to women than men.Men wanna lose it as soon as possible and women save it for the ''perfect guy''. :rolleyes:
Women again. But in the younger teenage years it seems the guys have it simply because girls will listen to anything a horny lil boy would say. As they get older, it is the women. Why? Well instead of working on the downfalls of her boyfriend or husband, most women would rather look for someone BETTER. Whereas a guy would stick around whether he is making an effort to fix things or not. Results may vary, nothing set in stone. I gotta find the national statistics for cheating. Everyone I seen (this was a long time ago) the females had the record. Not only that, the guy is usually the one that has to initiate something with the female where the female can just basically has to do NOTHING to get a guy (for example show ****, or just simple flirting) and some love crazed horny guy shall follow. In the world of who gets who, the woman definitely has the edge and can do it so much easier.

Those with power WILL use it.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Men. It's a simple biological factor behind it. They're constantly producing hormones and are driven by testosterone, therefore they crave sex.

Very true. But if the guy is gettin' some from his wife/girlfriend (in which a good relationship is established he is getting just that) would he be prone to cheat more still? I mean to be quite honest, it is HARD to please alot of women these days, not just sexually.
but its a womans biological build to reproduce as much as possible and if one man cant do that for them, they attempt to up there chances by doing it with more men
Good point. I like to see both sides of the argument but just by experience the women take the cake. Especially as far as soldiers go, DEFINITELY women take the cake. I hear of so many women cheating on their husbands while in IRAQ! How ****ing horrible is that to come home and see or hear about your loved one ****ing around with someone. If anything pisses me off is THAT. Not only that but them assuming that their husband will cheat (and yes he has a chance to) so they cheat before "he does" is just stupid and unjust. I could rant on but I don't want to look like some mysogynist.
Outlaw2747 said:
Good point. I like to see both sides of the argument but just by experience the women take the cake. Especially as far as soldiers go, DEFINITELY women take the cake. I hear of so many women cheating on their husbands while in IRAQ! How ****ing horrible is that to come home and see or hear about your loved one ****ing around with someone. If anything pisses me off is THAT. Not only that but them assuming that their husband will cheat (and yes he has a chance to) so they cheat before "he does" is just stupid and unjust. I could rant on but I don't want to look like some mysogynist.

Your right men do have a chance to cheat while deployed. But in my case i know my husband wouldnt ever cheat on me. And i would never cheat on him. Some people have NO self control. I just like to see peoples opinion on this...even so....I have looked it now. Women are more prone to cheat cause it says we need more attention and satisfaction. But in all the situations i have ever been are still the guilty.
i think men just get hit for it more because were classified as dirty and loose about sex, and women are classified as reserved and ashamed of the subject
Yeah they do get alot of heat for cheating but all my opinions are based on experience. 1/7 cheating cases i have been around were women. So i still say men. But guys beware if you can satisfy you women or she isnt in it for the long haul
Msixty said:
i think men just get hit for it more because were classified as dirty and loose about sex, and women are classified as reserved and ashamed of the subject

Society is to blame. Every man is scum on earth when ONE guy cheats yet when a girl does it, it is either "Eh she's one of the bad ones.", or "That man must have deserved it.", or "It's okay...don't worry about it, men do it all the time." Does this sound fair at all?

Sure men are cheaters but how much cheating when women do it goes unannounced for whatever reason?