Men vs Women on cheating

Gray~Gal said:
Your right men do have a chance to cheat while deployed. But in my case i know my husband wouldnt ever cheat on me. And i would never cheat on him. Some people have NO self control. I just like to see peoples opinion on this...even so....I have looked it now. Women are more prone to cheat cause it says we need more attention and satisfaction. But in all the situations i have ever been are still the guilty.

I guess both genders seek satisfaction but men are likely to cheat even if they are married and happy. I honestly don
Outlaw2747 said:
Kinda funny. Fits the description of a cheating woman. Always looking for someone BETTER. If a guy cannot dance the way she wants, or is embarassed by his height, or belly, or the type of car he has, (and many other materialistic things) then she will begin her search for more male friends until she can find a guy similiar to what she has, just with a better car, dance moves, yadda yadda yadda. I seen breakups for THE STUPIDEST ****. If I had time right now, I'd be conjuring up a new post...."Stupid Reasons For Breaking Up". And both sexes are guilty of this.

I don
Nothing wrong with seeking perfection but going out with a guy and then dumping him for such a petty and asinine reason that can be fixed with little or some effort is just plain stupid and selfish. And like you said (but I'm gonna word it differently) if people would just think before committing themselves to someone instead of russhing into things then there would be less problems. I just wish alot of women these days weren't so damn choosy...I seen men dropped for the most heinous of reasons.

I will be honest alot of dudes simply go after really good looking girls. That's fine but even the hottest girl can be as ugly as a gremlin if her attitude is simply atrocious. Alot of young guys don't realize that. But nowadyas I have seen dudes who talk so mcuh **** about hot girls and screwing supermodels and **** like that, but end up HAPPILY with a girl I would honestly say is less than what they are drooling for. Talking and doing are two different things and to not often coincide.

One thing about perfection. It is a state of mind, not a destination. It cannot be achieved but it can be sought after.
Alright, first of all, I thought this thread was about cheating, not breaking up. There is nothing morally wrong about breaking up with someone for any reason. If the chemistry isn't there, then it just isn't. I think it is worse to stay in a relationship that you know isn't going to workout. My brother once dated a girl for nine months. Two of those months went great, but after that he wanted to break-up with her. My brother, being the retard he is, didn't want to 'hurt her', so he spend the next 7 months trying to find ways to get her to break-up with him. Trust me, it would have been better had he just dumped her.
Back to cheating...
Studies do not show women cheating more often. Passed studies have shown men cheating more often, but recently women have been catching up. Researchers have speculated that women now have more opportunities to cheat by working outside the home. As I said in another thread, men are more prone to cheat in the beginning of a relationship, and women are more prone to cheat later into the relationship. Personally I do not think either men or women cheat more often. I do think men have used 'sex drive' as an excuse for way to long. I think that excuse is just as fictitious as women claiming PMS for their mood swings. Both sexes have sex drive and both have been given this other trait called self-control. Come on Outlaw, we
Sorry about that. Didn't mean to go off topic. But my decision still stands on the women cheating more later in life.
ToriAllen said:
Alright, first of all, I thought this thread was about cheating, not breaking up. There is nothing morally wrong about breaking up with someone for any reason. If the chemistry isn't there, then it just isn't. I think it is worse to stay in a relationship that you know isn't going to workout. My brother once dated a girl for nine months. Two of those months went great, but after that he wanted to break-up with her. My brother, being the retard he is, didn't want to 'hurt her', so he spend the next 7 months trying to find ways to get her to break-up with him. Trust me, it would have been better had he just dumped her.
Back to cheating...
Studies do not show women cheating more often. Passed studies have shown men cheating more often, but recently women have been catching up. Researchers have speculated that women now have more opportunities to cheat by working outside the home. As I said in another thread, men are more prone to cheat in the beginning of a relationship, and women are more prone to cheat later into the relationship. Personally I do not think either men or women cheat more often. I do think men have used 'sex drive' as an excuse for way to long. I think that excuse is just as fictitious as women claiming PMS for their mood swings. Both sexes have sex drive and both have been given this other trait called self-control. Come on Outlaw, we
Gray~Gal said:
Actually studies have been showing women have caught up with men and some studies show women do cheat more often.


yes its only one site to defend what i said previously and i still stand by MEN cheat more but in society its being noticed that women have been cheating more and more...
? What are you saying? You think men cheat more but you are showing evidence of an article, in Cosmo no less, that states women may cheat more according to their study. I can't be sure, but I don't think presenting contradictory evidence is typically how people support their views. Keep in mind that Cosmo is targeted toward females so any poll that they release will be read and answered by more females than males. There is also the question of what kind of males vs. females read Cosmo. In short, there are far too many variables for any poll released by a 'fashion' magazine, or any magazine to be taken as serious evidence of anything. I would guess that the same poll released by Popular Science would show different result due to a different target population. They also know this which is why they did not give a definitive answer as to whether women cheat more.
Anyway, I believe I did say that in recent studies women have been cheating more. Let me see...
ToriAllen said:
Studies do not show women cheating more often. Passed studies have shown men cheating more often, but recently women have been catching up. Researchers have speculated that women now have more opportunities to cheat by working outside the home. As I said in another thread, men are more prone to cheat in the beginning of a relationship, and women are more prone to cheat later into the relationship.
Yep, that's what I said. My information comes from studies done by PhD
well thank you for pointing out that ur want to be a person who screws with ones heads. (no offense) Anyways...ALL i was saying is all i can find in studies are that WOMEN cheat more often the MEN but in my personal experience its the OTHER WAY AROUND. I am sorry if i confused you on what i was saying and yes i use "COSMO" as a reference because it does view more toward women but it usually shows the foolish side of men. So showing a female magazine also embraces that women do cheat more i simple are not basing my reasoning on "polls". It was just an example.
Gray~Gal said:
well thank you for pointing out that ur want to be a person who screws with ones heads.
How could I possibly be offended? I have no idea what the hell you just said.

I do enjoy showing that there is more than one side to arguments. I also think people should understand what/who they are debating, and what the 'evidence' they are offering up actually means in relation to the debate at hand.
I realize that it is a bit unrealistic for me to want everyone to understand the weaknesses inherent in the arguments they offer up, or to actually research the topics they choose to discuss, or to form coherent sentences (JK), but it would be nice.
if i didnt make sense i have a problem with NOT going back and checkin what i put down. I am running after 4 little ones and trying to show my opinion on this. I do know a little on this subject because i have been in the situation and around it and i dont need statistics to back up my argument. I was just simply stating what i thought and new...i usually dont need "back up" when it comes to an arguement/debate.
Gray~Gal said:
if i didnt make sense i have a problem with NOT going back and checkin what i put down. I am running after 4 little ones and trying to show my opinion on this. I do know a little on this subject because i have been in the situation and around it and i dont need statistics to back up my argument. I was just simply stating what i thought and new...i usually dont need "back up" when it comes to an arguement/debate.
I'm sorry. I guess I just figured it was a bit narrow minded and egotistical to apply your personal experiences to everyone. It would be more appropriate for you to say that the men that you know cheat more than the women that you know despite contradictory evidence from a magazine article you found. In that case you would need no evidence, but if you are going to generalize it to the population you should know more about the topic than what you observe in your life.
This is a tough question because in cheating, I think both men and women would look for different things. I can see men cheating, and getting a quick ****, or a one night stand type thing. I see a woman falling for another man, and committing herself physically and emotionally.

Personally, I think a woman cheating is a lot more of a slap in the face because she's not just committing her body, but her mind, to another person. It's alot nastier when a woman does it.
you know, from what i know... this is what i know.

Men, they'll do small wrong things. Like see a girl, flurt with her, mess around, etc.
They'll do all those small things but never a big thing...

Women, they're scary. They'll wait around until they can't wait anymore and commit the biggest possible scandal ever!

Like cheat on you with your brother, or cheat on you with like 4 guys.

Or even cheat on you with someone with aids, and give you the aids...(little too far)

but most importantly, how they act when they find out you were cheating.

Guys will get angry, yell, get drunk.

Girls, they'll cut your dick off when you're sleeping.

My dear you seem to be taking this from a perspective of one who is rather sheltered to such occurences. I will give you that women doing as you said and commiting themselves wholly to another happens more often then it does in men but still the general trend of just getting some quick action for whatever reason is stil the most prevalent for both males and females.

It has been my personal experience that its the ladies that cheat WAY WAY more then the gents. Although i know of lads who have cheated, i know only 1 personally who has ever been unfaithful (Major asshole too, dated a good friend of mine) But i do see many females cheating on their partners (male or female) almost regularly, i don't agree with it at all...
TheJenn88 said:
This is a tough question because in cheating, I think both men and women would look for different things. I can see men cheating, and getting a quick ****, or a one night stand type thing. I see a woman falling for another man, and committing herself physically and emotionally.

Personally, I think a woman cheating is a lot more of a slap in the face because she's not just committing her body, but her mind, to another person. It's alot nastier when a woman does it.

I have seen more than one man do more than the "One night stand"
Long term, "committed" relationship while having one with their longtime partner one of these men had been married to his wife for 12 years
I've actually seen more WOMEN do the one night stand thing. Weird huh?
I agree with Silver. I think men cheat because they get horny and actually have the option to have sex. It is as meaningful as masturbation, which is to say not very.

When women cheat it is out of spite or to intentionally hurt the other party. They do it as a statement.

I still think men cheat more often. . . not me though.
I moved this thread to the Debate Room forum, because it is clearly nothing to be pissed over. Just a bunch of folks trading and debating their opinions.
angie said:
I have seen more than one man do more than the "One night stand"
Long term, "committed" relationship while having one with their longtime partner one of these men had been married to his wife for 12 years
I've actually seen more WOMEN do the one night stand thing. Weird huh?
Oh, I'm not saying it doesn't happen. Obviously, if a woman goes into another committed, but cheating relationship, then it takes a cheating, but committed male to participate as well. And of course women do one night stands. I know I would..

If I weren't in a relationship, that is.