Men VS women


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2005
OK here is a quick senerio. Very quickly, first give your response yes or no, then explain why you answered and how you came to that conclusion

A man is attempting to get critical medication for his wife (for this argument I will pick diabetis med) His wife needs them or she can go into shock. They have NO insurance (and for this argument there is no assistance available) When he goes to the pharmacy he is turned down because he does not have enough money. His wife only has one insulin shot left and will need more for the mornign or risk shock. The man waits till the store closes, breaks in gets the meds and leaves what money he did have.

(assume he is caught)

Should he go to jail for B&E or be let off the hook

Yes or no and why and how did you draw your conclusion?
Yes he should go to jail, he broke the law. If I was on the jury, would I convict him? Can't say for sure. is this a man versus women topic? Would a wife not do the same?
Sorry, I don't see the true relevancy of the man vs woman stipulation. Is this supposed to create tension between the two sexes or is this something about morality?
It is not to cause tension, just ot pose as an example of teh dichotomy between teh sexes. It's classic eithics. The male/female perspective

Though the results often do spur a fun argument :D
I'd have to say convict, they could have gotten health insurance (hypothetically), or they could have gotten some kind of govm't help (we all know that we pay enough taxes). If he was unable to pay for it, or that there was the possibilty of such, he should have attempted to establish some other way to pay for the meds.

We feel bad for convicting someone like this because of human intrests, but we have to treat every criminal the same, because they have all committed crimes.
But you have to account for teh fact that in this senerio I took away govt help and health insurance ;)
If I was a member of the jury I would convict. If I was ajudge I would give the minimum sentence with deferred ajudication.
Let'em go free. If someone broke into my house when I wasn't home because they needed a phone, or some water, or medicine, I'd hope they at least took their shoes off. Other than that, I have no problem with it. His wife needed it. If she can't be taken care of, she'll kick the bucket. I value human life over any petty law written down to protect the greater of man.
The old lady should have gone to the Px herself. If she was caught and incarcerated then the responsibility would fall onto the jail to provide her with her needed med's.
I think it's fair to make him put in man hours at the pharmacy for the damage he caused and the difference in price of the medicine, however long it took. But that's just me if I was the judge, also depending on the specific circumstances. I would also remind the man that there are organizations/govt agencies out there set up to help, without having to resort to doing that. But I certainly wouldn't let him just walk away scot-free, he isn't above the law, we all have problems, necessities, etc. etc. But this did remind me of something very interesting I read before, regarding men and women's different way of thinking, let me go find it.......
How many times do I have to say that I purposely left OUT the possiblity of ANY govt help. NO money NO insurance NO goct help!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't ask questions, it is MY senerio and what I say goes to poo poo on you!
tizz said:
How many times do I have to say that I purposely left OUT the possiblity of ANY govt help. NO money NO insurance NO goct help!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't ask questions, it is MY senerio and what I say goes to poo poo on you!
Tizz, my answer stands. I would still vote to convict regardless if he was able to seek outside support or not, because it is wrong! I would also seek the least possible penalty.
hmmmmmmmmm. I guess one could always be of the opinion that he should just let nature take it's course and start looking for a new wife that is not prone to illness.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Tizz, my answer stands. I would still vote to convict regardless if he was able to seek outside support or not, because it is wrong! I would also seek the least possible penalty.

Okies, sounds good to me bnut then I am withholding my own answer
OmegaManiac said:
hmmmmmmmmm. I guess one could always be of the opinion that he should just let nature take it's course and start looking for a new wife that is not prone to illness.
LOL, now that is REAL MAN's answer!